Still confused
How come I don't get two little molecule things with a plus sign by them next to my name? I don't know what it is for so I started making stuff up - are they supposed to be breasts? Should I have only one? I will get this all figured out someday soon. Love, Joyce
Back to Work
Hello Everyone, I haven't had any more complications and chemo session 3 and 4 went well. I actually have went back to work. I am working 2 days per week, wed. and fri. and on chemo week I only work mon. Chemo is on tues. It is tiring but everyone has been great, the next day I am still tired. But it feels great to be…
when do the aches and pains go away?
Hi Everyone Now i am well known for doing 50 things at a time and running before i can walk!!, i am 4 weeks after my last chemo (no rads needed), have taken up Yoga and am back to work, trying to keep active as much as possible, but am finding my body doesnt want to do what my brain does, popping plenty of Nurafen Plus to…
Our Emails, etc are NOT lost!!!!! Honestly!
I, like you, have been through so much since my dx way back in 2003. I need not mention all of the treatment, etc, as you had them too! One thing which kept me grounded was the sent and received emails from my friends here on CSN. Since 2003 I have never, ever deleted any of the mail I got~ nor those I sent. When I noticed…
Taxol joint pain
O.K., this is the 2nd time I've typed this---I agree, this site leaves A LOT to be desired. I finished A/C and just got Taxol #1. Now I have pain in my leg and hip joints. It's enough of an ache to keep me up at night. Took naproxen (Aleve) with not much relief. Tylenol was only slightly better. When I took my occasional…
Need to start taking Tamoxifen
It's been a week that I have the Tamoxifen, and I'm so scared to take it. I have a lot of varicose veins, and one of the possible side effects of the medicine are the blood clots. When I asked the oncologist he told me to take an aspirin, 81mg, daily. Also I read that Vitamin E can interfere with Tamoxifen. Does anyone…
Mild chemo side effects
Hi everybody, I'm a newby still, I had my first chemo treatment (FAC) a little more than two weeks ago, my second treatament will be in 3 days. The first four days I was jittery, sleepy, but unable to sleep... i think it was because of the steriods I took those first four days. I haven't had any nausea, but I have had…
I had immediate reconstruction and have an expander. Now its nearing time to make a decision on which implant - saline or silicone. Thought I'd ask for any experience or input? Thanks, Kit
MRI before surgery is very important
If you are going to have surgery for breast cancer make sure you ask your doctor to do a MRI to make sure there are no other tumors.A digital mamo gram may not show everything.Thats what happened to me and now I have tumors that were missed .Stay on top of your care and dont be afraid to ask a lot of questions.My…
Hello Everyone RE here. I have lymphedema to the left arm and hand and recently have had new problems. In the last eight months I have had a rash on the same side of my body and biopsy cannot determine what it is. Very recently my breast turned very red and itchy which lasted ten days. I ended up applying aloe from a plant…
I dont like this new change
This new change is to hard to focus on and read. I was used to the other screen, now this is different. Hmmmm, i hope i still visit but i dont like change, not like this.
Problem with swelling...
Hi All, I am 2 1/2 weeks post-op for mastectomy and lymph node removal. Drains came out last week and the doctor said that when the drain holes healed over, I would probably get some swelling in the area of the incision on the chest. I do not have swelling in the arm. Well, the holes have closed and I am getting swelling…
Who's heard of Lyrica
Ladies it late where I live but I wanted every one to know I am getting stronger and will start my up date and thank you's, any one heard of Lyrica for neurophty and have info to share? "I'am back the Nut Heather"
chemo and wigs
Hi everyone, i start chemo on 7/14th and was wondering if most went the wig route or hats/bandanas/scarfs? I bought hats and some bandanas in preparation and am having my hair cut very short this week. I'm not a wig kind of person or at least don't think I am. I'm scared as most of you but looking forward to a light at the…
Pre-natal Vitamins
I've heard that pre-natal vitamins help with post-treatment recuperation like hair growth, nail growth, neuropathy, etc. Has anyone else heard this or taken them as part of their recuperation? I'm really tempted except that my pharmacist might laugh at me, considering I'm 66 years old. But, he needs a laugh, too, every…
Everything is fine:o)
Hi everyone, I just realized that I don't think I did a final update on my recent ovarian cancer scare. Anyway, when I saw the surgeon, he did an exam and had trouble feeling the "mass" so he did an ultrasound. Turns out it had shrunk 8 cms in just 2 days! Definitely a cyst. He then raised concern about my thickened…
More surgery
This site has been a God send for me, I've learned more from reading all your postings then many of the questions I've had answered by the doctors. Maybe, because I can read it and don't have to try hard to listen to every word when your mind is traveling in 50 different directions. Tomorrow, I am going in for more…
Genetic testing
Hello Everyone, Please share your opinion about genetic testing (BRCA1 / BRCA2). Is there anyone that decided that they need their genes to be tested? How important is this to you. I had left breast mastectomy, my mother also had breast cancer (she passed away 8 years ago). I have 2 children, both girls. I'm currently…
Thank you and p450
Hi Everyone, first I want to apologize to each and every one of you for not being there when you needed support or questions answered. It's been quite a while since I've posted anything. I've had a problem with my eyes since last Nov/Dec and found it difficult in my last few postings to think, focus and write. I'm also…
Change in cancer type?
Hi, I am new here. Just dx in June. Having 2nd surgery next Monday because a margain came back negative. I have had a biospy which said I had high grade invasion ductual carsomia but after my lumectomy it came back being inflatrating lobular carsomia. This is weird to me. Has this happened to anyone else. I have confidence…
Latest update....
Hi everyone, Well the doc called today with tumor marker result. It is in normal range(17.6). I immediately started crying with relief. I think the stress and worry of the last 2 weeks has really taken a toll. Anyway, I asked if this means that there is no way that there could be any ovarian cancer. He said that the marker…
My Thanks
Monday is my last chemo and my oncologist told me I do not need taxol (had negative lymph nodes) and no radiation (had mastectomy). I will take tamoxifan, of course. This has been quite a journey for me since I sent my first post back in early May (I think) which asked for help as I was newly diagnosed and so, so scared. I…
What have you been doing while the site was down ?
Here in SW Florida we tried to have a hurricane but it ran to the east coast. I was SO pissed off that on Monday I decided to let my platelet count crash to 35. On Tuesday, I had a small bleeding problem - that wouldn't stop bleeding so I called Dr ONC and he sent me to hospital for a platelet transfusion. Pre transfusion…
So Scared
I need to find a support group[Arizona}. I have been told that I have breast cancer. I am not sure what stage it is. I will have more answers next week. I had thymus cancer 22 years ago and now it looks like the radiation I had to cure me has come back to haunt me. I am 58. Is there anyone that can help me through this? I…
3rd time is the charm
Hello Sisters, It has been many months since I have been on due to both the chat being down and myself being down. Last week I had my 3rd reconstruction due to complications with the other 2. They ended up taking both breast reconstructions out, fixing where I was producing fluid and replacing all. I'm more sore this time…
Postop visit tomorrow
Looking forward to good news tomorrow after lumpectomy and 2 surgeries to get clean margins. Thought I would never say that I'm ready to get on with chemo and radiation, but I am. It's been 8 weeks since the original lumpectomy and I'm getting worried about timing. If margins are positive for cancer cells, mastectomy will…
Another Strange Side Effect?
Hello Friends! I hope you all are doing well, or as well as can possibly be expected. I have a strange question. Another one about side effects, that seem to be different for everyone. Since my last session of Taxol was given every week for 12 weeks at lower doses, it seems as though some side effects started towards the…
Hi, Could someone please decipher my path. report for me? Tumor size 4 x 3 x 2.5 pathologic stage: pT2 pN2 pMX I admit, I'm lost....just looking for stage, as that is what everyone keeps asking me. CR
Does anyone seem to have depression
As cancer survivors does any one seem to have depression or is it in my mind . And is being tired all the time in my mind also . I work at Wal_Mart as a people greeter and I'm tired all the time I take vitamins but still stay tired all the time and is it important to see a counselor for depression . Marilyn
I'm Worried.....
I read the postings about blood work, markers, CT scans, PET scans, etc. I've had none of that. I had a lumpectomy, done chemo (4 rounds of T/C) had 33 rad treatments (no node involvement). I go back on the 18th to see my surgeon and have a mammogram, but that's it. Should I be asking for some kind of test/s? Now I'm very…