Thought for the Day
Hi Ladies, I was flipping through a magazine today and came upon a quote that I liked and made me think of each of you: "She didn't just survive --- she became." Just wanted to share. Hugs, Kim
darn drain
surgery almost a week ago and this darn drain gets clogged with clots (hate to be gross). I am tempted to cut the drain line so that the drain bulb sits next to my bra and not my waistband so it is easier to push the clots through. Would cutting the line cause any great side effect?
why hair white
Those of you who have followed my obsession with my hair coming back will be happy to hear it is growing in (YEA!). So far I have peach fuzz, but I can tell there is more covering my head. My question to you is: why is the hair white, and does it stay this way? A few little hairs on one temple are dark, but the rest of it…
Does Anyone Else Hate their Surgeon???
I know "hate" is a strong word, but I have good reason. First, she was recommended by my gyn doc, so I went with her. From the very first, she has been like an Army Sargeant with little compassion or regard for me as a person. At first I thought she was just being professional, but I now think she has done SO MANY…
Femara side effects
I am a two time breast cancer survivor and after 5 years on Tamoxifen my oncologist switched me to Femara. I could only take it for more than a year since I started getting horrible bone/joint pain. Has anyone experienced these symptoms? I'd love to hear from you. Thanks. God Bless.
New here with some bitterness and resentment
Hello all, I'm new here and I just wanted to say how inspiring everyone is for those who are going through any form of cancer. I'm 34 and I lost my mother to breast cancer 3 years ago, something I've managed to deal with over the course of the past 3 years as she was my only true best friend. I thought I was over it, but…
Breast Pain-New Here
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone would know when the pain in your breast goes away after having well 2 lumpectomies. The last one I had was July 3rd, 2008, and i'm still feeling like a burning, stabbing pain. I start radiation Sept. 3rd, and i'm really nervous about that. They say you get fatigue, I'm always so tired as…
HER2 Positive
Surgeon told my husband following surgery last week that I'm HER2 positive (6% or something like that). Have a post-op visit with the surgeon on Friday to discuss further. Anyone have this problem? Any experience with Herceptin treatment?
5 year survivor date
Aug. 5 2008 was my 5 year survivor date. I posted on another cancer site and forgot to post here. Sorry. I feel we should broadcast every good thing that happens. I hope this gives all going through treatment faith that they can make it too. I was diagnosed as stage 3a. Blessings to all!
Sentinel Node Biopsy and a question
Is it possible to have negative sentinel nodes but positive lymph nodes? Also if you have positive sentinel nodes and they say they took two layers of lymph nodes does anyone know what that means? I have gotten two different pieces of communication one from the surgeon through my mom and a co worker (I didn't talk to him…
Been a while
Hi everyone, It's been a while since I posted - but I always recommend the Cancer Survivors Network to anyone I think can benefit from it. It was great support for me when I was going through treatment. I finished treatment in 2005 and just had another minor surgery in July of this year. Everything turned out ok. A friend…
First chemo started
Saw the Oncologist on Tuesday and started first chemo on Friday. Because I'm triple neg nd possibily basal like (more aggressive) due to other markers, my options were to do nothing or chemo. He offered to Oncotype DX but he felt I was too near the 12 week rule of thumb to get treatment started and sending specimen for…
slow hair regrowth/worried
Okay, I have written on this many times, so I'm sure you all think I am crazy. I am getting very discouraged about my hair. I had 4 treatments of Taxotere/Cytoxan, the last one was on June 20. I never shaved my head, so I still have patches of hair. For awhile I 'thought' I saw tiny white hairs, but they don't seem to be…
why hair white
Those of you who have followed my obsession with my hair coming back will be happy to hear it is growing in (YEA!). So far I have peach fuzz, but I can tell there is more covering my head. My question to you is: why is the hair white, and does it stay this way? A few little hairs on one temple are dark, but the rest of it…
Hair Coloring
I am also Her2+. At this time, my hair has grown out a little more than one inch now after my chemo, radiation and breast mastectomy. I am on Herceptin infusion every three weeks and will be until November 2008. How have you all decided on coloring or not coloring your hair. Also, I am 53, 170 lbs, newly married. Prior to…
mastectomy bras reviews?
Hi Everyone, I'm 10 weeks post mastectomy and am now in the process of searching for mastectomy bras. I'm hoping to find a "sexy" mastectomy bra, but I am finding that to be easier said than done. Everything seems so plain and unattractive. I've searched online for quite a bit but have not found much. Most websites don't…
finished A/C
I finished chemo one week ago tomorrow. Yipeeee. My question is how long does it take to get my energy back and not be so tired after a few small tasks? I feel so tired and I know its only been a week but I'm curious....will it be months? Thanks, Kit
Running again
Ladies, Bill, and especially Chen: I just got back from Big 5 with a bag of running shoes, socks, and shorts (everything but ponytail holders). My daughter had called me and wants me to train for distance running with her, something I haven't done in a while. I thought, "Well, shoot, Chen can do it - so can I". Chen, I…
My mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer
My mom this week was diagnosed with breast cancer this week and this has been the hardest week of my life. having never dealt with anything like this I have no idea what I am up for. I have cried the past 3 days and been mad at everything cause I just have no idea what she will be going through or I can't even imagine what…
spouse reacting strangely
my mom was diagnosed with a recurrance of her breast cancer this spring. she's in the middle of her chemo therapy, then she'll do several weeks of radiation. she's on medical leave throughout the summer and into fall. for the most part, she's reacting quite well to the situation all around, however she's become forgetful…
Da Vinci Surgery
Hi Everyone..I will be seeing the doc tomorrow to discuss my upcoming hysterectomy. One of the things his nurse mentioned to me was that he wants to discuss this type of surgery. I looked on the internet and everything I have read sounds like this would be a wonderful alternative to the usual "stab and poke". Have any of…
Support outside the Circle of Family & Friends
Hey "Club Members" this is one CLUB I certainly do NOT want to be PRESIDENT of! *Smiles* I am just wondering if anyone has tried the support groups from the ACS, I am seriously thinking of exploring this option. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks Hugs and High Fives! Trish
Real or my imagination?
Since I finished chemo (1 1/2 month ago!!!) and started taking the Tamoxife, I went to the family doctor and new gynecologist to see what baseline check ups or what I need to do, besides going to the oncologist... And they both gave me the same impression of: Ok, here is your diagnosis of breast cancer, now we cannot do…
going thru mastectomy again/need support
I had invasive intraductal cancer on my left breast and had a mastectomy in January (I chose to have a mastectomy even though the tumor was very small and had not spread to my lymph nodes). After I went thru the surgery, I found out I am BRCA 1 and am choosing to have a preventive mastectomy with immediate reconstruction…
In the pits!!!
I should be happy. My breast cancer was stage 1, I'm finished with chemo and radiation. I'm healed and my energy is back. Great! WRONG! For some reason, all of a sudden, I'm crying. When I try to figure out why I'm crying, I can't. All I know is that I'm miserable and the tears just keep coming. I saw my surgeon and my…
Implants and Tissue Expanders
I am 10 years post reconstruction. I had a mastectomy with a tram and lat flap (and have had radiation). I also had a horrible infection after surgery so my reconstructed breast is in need of some work. I'm probably going to do a prophylactic mastectomy for my other breast. No more flaps for me. I would elect a tissue…
question about taking a five year drug
Hello Everyone...I was on Evista because I am estrogen receptive and it would also be good for my bones. But it gave me terrible leg cramps and spasms. So I am off it for a month or so per the doctor. Since I will be having a hysterectomy with the ovaries removed at the end of this month, I guess my question is...without…
Arimidex or Aromasin
I need some advice on these 2 estrogen blockers. I have been taking arimidex for 1 1/2 years and am having problems with muscle and joint pain.I have grained weight and at times am so tired. Went for my checkup today and my Dr.suggested trying Aromasin for a couple weeks. she gave me a sample pack to try and see if it made…
not a tomoxofin candidate/finished chemo/radiation
in early august..prior to that i had a partial mastectomy..now i'm going to see my oncologist tomorrow for my follow up to the future...i don't want to miss any important questions i should be asking other than the obvious..is there a site that could guide me to or send some questions to ask that you might not have asked…
IBC update
Hi Girls, Just wanted to let you know I had my check up today and chemo treatment. I was really happy to hear the ibc is starting to disappear in left side of breast and in right side it is softening up and not as red. My onc. is really happy with the progress this abraxene is doing for me. Will let you know as I have…