Some tips from CSN
Welcome to the CSN! Below are some tips to help you get started following and posting on the boards. You can follow your preferred discussion board to get notifications of new topics and comments. To follow a board, navigate to your preferred board and then select the bell at the top, followed by your notification…
Radiation side effects
I just finished this week 30 treatments of esophagus radiation, about 4 inches above my stomach junction. I also went through 30 radiation treatments for neck cancer and 6 weeks of chemo. My question is I have acid reflux bad and the dry heaves that are really misserable, how long before this all goes away. Thanks for any…
17 year survivor
may 2024 be a better year for you all. It’s been a long time since I last checked out this site. I wanted to offer hope to any and all that visit. I am an unusual 17 year survivor and you might be too! Please feel free to reach out
Seeking Long-term Survivors of Esophageal Cancer
Hello everyone, My name is Anna, and I am reaching out to this community for support and information. My husband has been diagnosed with stage 2 adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. After undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy, he is now scheduled to have an esophagectomy. I am very anxious about the surgery and what…
Esophageal cancer spouse
my husband has had 2 chemo treatment rotations and I’m looking for live/in person emotional support groups for spouse or family members trying to provide support and care for patient in San Diego, CA
Is esophageal cancer genetic?
My mother's mom died of esophageal cancer, and now my mother also has esophageal cancer. Is esophageal cancer genetic? What do you think? Do you have relative also has EC?
Update from France after esophagectomy July 8
I did reach out for support here after a cancer was detected in my lower esophagus in January. Time for an update. Eating became so difficult a J-tube was fitted in my stomach to keep my weight up. I underwent 5 weeks of Radiation and chemotherapy during April/May, which shank the tumour so much I was almost eating normal…
“Positive” Esoguard Test
After six months of swallowing becoming more difficult, I had an Esoguard test done January 31, 2024. On February 13, I got the call it came back positive for Barrett’s Disease and/or adenocarcinoma esophageal cancer. It doesn’t specify which one. My PCP gave me a referral to a GI doctor, but most are booked out until…
Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer, Age 40, Australian
Are there any other Australians out there with Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer? This is my husbands story about how he was diagnosed https://mctas.wordpress.com/2015/08/20/diagnosed-with-stage-4-esophageal-adenocarcinoma-esophageal-cancer/
Recurrent esophageal cancer
Hello to you all. My husband was initially dx w/stage IV EC in April 2018, at age 55. After 2-1/2 years of aggressive chemo, he's been in remission since mid-2020. He was declared NED and we were elated!! Other than neuropathy in his feet which is quite bad, no swallowing problems or other symptoms. He had a routine…
Agent Orange esophageal cancer
My husband had stage 4 esophageal cancer. He was a Vietnam veteran confirmed to be in agent orange spray zones. He also was VA disabled 70%. When he claimed the esophageal cancer he was turned down by the VA. I feel they let our Vietnam veterans down by denying this as an agent orange disability. He was physically sprayed…
Intermittent dysphagia
tongue cancer survivor here. Last two weeks on a few occasions I have experienced fairly intense discomfort/ aching pain behind my breast bone when swallowed food. Food feels like it has been stuck or is passing slowly in that area. I have not coughed up food. Most meals I eat fine without these problems, however. I’m…
Biopsy today
I am a 55 year old female. I had a EGD done today. They biopsied a spot that they said looked suspicious for squamous cell esophageal cancer. I’m scared to death. Can anyone offer me any information please?
Brain radiation side effects
As I posted back in November, it was discovered that the cancer had metastisized to the left frontal lobe of Rickie's brain. Radiation was done for 10 days the end of Oct. This helped greatly with the movement in his right leg and arm. We were told some of the side effects would be hair loss (that happened)Slower cognitive…
New Guy
I was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer last Monday. I'm a mess. Nightmare of care co-ordination with providers and insurance. How do I see the entire post of people who post? I see things like, "The most important thing you can do to survive is....." And then gets cut off. Tips, suggestions, advice welcome. Thank you.
Post Op throat
I had my Esophagectomy on 12/19. They also did a small neck dissection and they had to do that gastro thing… forgot what it was called. I’m doing pretty well and have a great prognosis. My question is has anyone else experienced a raw throat feeling that kind of takes your breath away and makes ya cough quite a bit?
Hoarse voice and running out of air.
hi! I’m almost 5 yrs in remission from esophageal cancer with heavy doses of chemo and radiation. The radiation left my neck scarred red. That doesn’t matter because I’m here! But…..lately I’ve had a hoarse voice and seem to run out of air when I’m saying something. Has anyone had this happen? I don’t mean long sentences…
Oncologist and Thoracic Surgeon Seem to Disagree
I was diagnosed with a cancerous nodule in my esophagus in January 2024. It was removed via EMR in April. The pathology report indicated that the cancer cells were moderately to poorly differentiated and there had been lymphatic vascular invasion. I met first with my thoracic surgeon who said given my condition, data…
Way Post Surgery
Hello, I am a 74 YO, seven year survivor of esophageal cancer. I had an esophagectomy in October of 2017. Now I am experiencing some serious lower back pain. My surgeon is suggesting a spinal cord stimulator. He wants to schedule an MRI but I am wary of lying flat for up to an hour. Further, if I decide to proceed, the…
Concerned about possible esophageal cancer
Hi All, I'm concerned about esophageal cancer and I have an endoscopy scheduled for next month. My history: I've had GERD since I was 12 years old (I'm 30 now) and took PPI's from 12 yrs old up until a year ago when I switched to the max dose of famotidine because I was dx'd with osteopenia. I have gastroparesis which…
Hello there. My husband has been diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer (with metastases near his pelvic bone and some spots on his lung as well). He had 10 chemo sessions since August 2023, unfortunately nothing seems to work at this point. His doctor had suggested for him to take Lonsurf as a "last resort", and they…
Post Esophagectomy
My husband was diagnosed in February with early stage 1 esophageal cancer. He underwent a transhiatal esophagectomy on May 17th. Lymph nodes and tissue surrounding his esophagus were biopsied and all came back negative and he has been deemed cancer free. What I am dealing with now as his caregiver is his mental state. He…
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Esophagus
63 male former drunk and sober since July 23, 1998, since smoking went hand in hand with drinking I also smoke ciggs, you know the little warning that says it causes cancer? they ain't lying, says right there on the box. now I will say that life has been the experience of a life time, learned tons and will never stop…
Lung issues 10 years after Ivor Lewis surgery
My husband is a 10 year survivor, with minimal negative quality of life issues. He had the Ivor Lewis full removal of his esophagus. However, apparently after intermittent reflux through the years, last year he developed a lung absess (infection) which made him very sick. (They thought it could be lung cancer at first view…
Proton Therapy Insurance challenges
Has anyone in the group faced challenges with insurnace denying proton therapy? I am with Unitsd Healthcare and they have denied stating its efficacy is not proven. How do I overcome this challenge - my doctor at MD Anderson is appealing second time
Treatment options
am 53 years old and got diagnosed with Esophageal cancer in the lower esophagus Stage 3. Non-smoker and no family history. Would like to speak to someone who has had proton therapy I m discussing treatment options with MDA
Post surgery late acid reflux
Hello to all, This board helped a lot early on in my husband's esophageal cancer journey. He is 6 years out from chemo, radiation and Ivor Lewis surgery at Mayo Clinic and has "graduated" out of the cancer department. The past year, he has started to get bad acid reflux in the middle of the night, even almost wake up…
Option on Stent vs J Tube
Hi All, My dad has Esophegal Cancer which he was diagnosed with in 2021, to date he has had 2 rounds of chemo and 2 rounds of radiation, as a family we decided we did not want to go the surgery route. The second time was because there were signs that the cancer had moved into a small section of the liver. He finished last…
Young Esophageal Cancer Patient
Hi everyone, my name is Emily, and I was diagnosed with Stage 3A Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagus at the age of 26. I wanted to share my story with those who might find it helpful, or just insightful in the journey of someone going through this cancer treatment at this age. In May of 2021, I ended up in the ER with upper…
Esophageal Cancer Treatment/doctor recommendation
We are still waiting for the pathology results post-endoscopy, but the Dr. found a 5 cm tumor which he said is highly likely cancer. I understand that the best treatment depends on many factors (e.g., stage, type of tumor, etc. ). We live in North California (but we can move if needed). Do you have any recommendations for…
Late term side effects of radiation
Long story short, I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx. Went through radiation and chemo. About three months out. I was given the amazing news that I am in remission. However shorty after about three weeks I started having trouble breathing. It got worse and worse. I then went to the ER I was…