Some tips from CSN
Welcome to the CSN! Below are some tips to help you get started following and posting on the boards. You can follow your preferred discussion board to get notifications of new topics and comments. To follow a board, navigate to your preferred board and then select the bell at the top, followed by your notification…
Living with stage IV CRC
Very interested in hearing from those who are living with stage 4 CRC as a "chronic condition". My wife is currently in this situation - receiving FOLFOX and Avastin on an ongoing basis, tweaking the Oxaliplatin concentration and sometimes backing it of entirely when the side effects become too severe. She is currently NED…
Stories of Beating Stage 4 Cancer???
Hello all. I’m wondering if any of you would be able to share any documented accounts of someone beating stage 4 cancer (either no evidence of disease or long term remission) Preferably colon cancer but any cancer story would be appreciated. I would like to know what that person did to beat it and maybe I can do the same…
rectal cancer survivors
I am 38 y/o mom of two diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer. I went through chemo and radiation. Just had a colonoscopy today. Surgeon says he sees no cancer only scar tissue. That I have had a "good clinical response" to the treatment. The tumor 5-6cm tumor is gone. He is still talking about surgery to remove rectum and…
Work - Blacklisted
I'm was diagnosed in June 2024. Completed first round of Chemo. I'm a Private Equity Lawyer (20 yrs) - M&A and Securities. Now, I can't find a position at any law firm. I don't offer why I took such a long hiatus from practicing, but also can't lie when pressed. My career has been a huge part of my life and now I am…
colon cancer met to sacrum
Hi I had a resection 2.5 years ago after dr. found a 5cm tumor with no lymph node involvement. everything was going ok until 5 months ago when i started having a nagging sacral/coccyx pain. I thought i just pulled a muscle or strained it. my doctor just told me it might be mets?! I am getting an MRI soon. I just can't find…
Stage 2 T3B questions.
Diagnosed with stage 2 T3B last week and has not entered my lymphs. Will start the chemo pill with radiation in a week for 33 sessions then full chemo only every 2 weeks for 8 weeks. The Cancer Center said the outlook is very good for shrinking and killing the 5cm tumor near my rectum. Received a call from a surgeon the…
Hi everyone! Most of you are not going to know me as I haven't been active on these boards for about 12+ years. For some reason I felt compelled to come on here today and check in and see if there were any names I remember from back in the days of our Colonpaloozas and such. I was dx'ed Stage 3 adenocarcinoma of the…
so my question is.. there anyone that beat stage 4 colon cancer that went to the abdominal lining?
Clinical Trials
Wondering what the experience of others has been with finding clinical trials. My wife was diagnosed with Stage III CRC and has resection and 12 rounds of chemo. She was clear for 2 1/2 years then cancer showed up in some lymph nodes. 12 more rounds of treatment and she again had clear scans, but a positive DTDNA test.…
Have had the hardest couple of months, my father unfortunately lost his battle on September 2024. He was a strong man, who fought till the end. My heart is aching and broken. Currently battling with sadness, grief, anger, and guilt . I miss him everyday! Rip daddy!
Father starting chemo soon, any advice?
My father is 67 and recently diagnosed with colon cancer after finding a partial obstruction due to a tumor. He already had the resection but 4 lymph nodes showed some cancer so now he will be getting a port next week and starting folfox soon every other week for 6 months. Any advice on what to do to keep side effects to a…
Chemo treatment experience /help
Hi - I am currently diagnosed with colon cancer. I have just had my surgery and now moving on to Chemo treatment. I had a choice of CAPEOX or FOLFOX. I am wondering if anyone can share their experience? I understand that for FOLFOX, a port needs to be implanted for the infusion. For CAPEOX, a port is not needed. But I am…
Cea rise and covid just last week
CEA now 5.9 normal has been 3.5 to 4.0. My wife just tested positive for covid 2 days ago and yesterday all ok . Also had some stomach issues . Do we have update that recent covid infection cause a uptick in CEA Levels …Thanks for anyones update knowledge
Port removal
the doctor surprised me at my last visit. In April of last year I had a tumor removed from my colon and a met just on the outside of the same area. 12 treatments later including 5fu pump Two positive lymph nodes after surgery of removing both I have not had a positive test. Two CT scans and tumor markers have all been…
Do you tell people?
I’ve never been one to share a lot about my personal life with friends or family. I’m the one that asks questions and get others to talk about themselves. I have only known for a week that I have stage 3 colon cancer. I’ve told my husband, my mother, my mother-in-law, and a good friend. I’m guessing that at some point I…
Xifaxan experience
Hello again everyone! Quick background... 10cm stage 3 found two years ago. 8 rounds of chemo, 25 sessions of radiation, surgery (with bag) and then reversal surgery. I'm a year past the last surgery and was NED (yay!) at my last oncology appointment I had been complaining to my oncologist about my bowel functioning for…
Life after TME surgery?
Hi, I am 58. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer. A colonoscopy removed a small polyp using electric cauterization, but was not thought to be worrisome until the lab came back. Lab came back as cancerous to the edge. Originally, due to a follow up sigmoidoscopy, where ink was used to identify the spot, but caused swelling…
APR and recovery
I am moving into the next phase of treatment for reoccurrence which is APR surgery. I am interested in hearing about recovery times and side effects and the quality of life after recovery. My surgery will be around March 1, 2025. I will have a permanent c-bag afterwards. I am/was a very active and healthy 67 yo (more like…
Questions for a friend recently diagnosed
I have been on this site for over three years (Lymphoma Board) and am thankful for the good and caring folks here and all the support we give each other. I am writing here for a friend who was recently diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer. Evidently the tumor is outside the rectum near the anus and not attached to any…
Hi all. Just popping in to say hello. 12 years NED. I never adapted to the new format so I don't come on much. It used to he user friendly. It's really hard to follow on my phone. I have a lot of post cancer issues, deal with a lot of pain from the botched surgery but I bet a lot of us can sat that. I just keep on trucking…
18 years out after Stage 4 Dx
Hello all, This disease is so unfair and unpredictable but I did want to throw a chance of hope out there. It is now 18 years out from the initial diagnosis. Stage 4, mets to liver and lungs. Took long time but I'm still here and doing fine. I know the long term people who I first followed meant a lot. I have no magic…
FOLFOX -- Symptoms seem to get worse
Hello! I hope everyone is doing wonderful today. My Dad is having a really difficult time with his chemo treatments. As time goes on, it seems that each treatment effects him worse than the one before. Luckily, he only has four more to go. What has your experience been? Any encouragement is appreciated. Hugs and Prayers to…
Caregiver support needed
My name is Christy and my husband is Javier. Javier was diagnosed with adenosquamous carcinoma of the colon . The tumor grew outside his colon and was the size of a melon when it was removed. It was Stage IV. It is rare and aggressive. 3 weeks after surgery,the cancer has returned. We underwent radiation to the tumor on…
I'm a "survivor"?
Was diagnosed with rectal cancer in Feb '21. Felt like I died that day and I still haven't recovered. Trying to figure out how to be a survivor after everything that's happened in the last (almost) 3 years. At this point I've lost literally everything but my life, car, and a few possessions. I can't do this alone anymore.…
Stage 3 Rectal cancer Recurrence
Hi I am male with 37 years old I was diagnosed with stage 3 rectum cancer Aug 2023 about 6 cm tumor in my rectum and 8 cm distance to anal verge .I did first CT for checking metastas and it was clear. My oncologist decided 6 rounds of chemotherapy with folfox. After it was ended, I did my second CT and shows that tumor…
moms diagnosis process and peritoneal mets
hi there, my mom (53) is currently in the process of receiving a stage 4 crc diagnosis. its a little confusing and very scary right now but i want to share the story up until today, looking for advice. she went in for a ct scan about 3 weeks ago for abdominal pain, they located a 4.3cm mass on her colon and "extensive…
Metastasis to Peritoneum
Has anyone had colon cancer that has metastasized to the peritoneum that can share some positive recovery experience with me? I started immunotherapy yesterday and know it can be effective but feeling a little down and could use to hear some stories of recovery.
Brocolli Sprouts.
Are they really all they're cracked up to be? So as I mentioned I haven't slept in 3 days and so as not to wake up my family, I've been taking random midnight/1 AM walks. Well to my surprise day one, one of my neighbors was out speedwalking at 12:30 in the morning. Who does that? My neighbor apparently. Oh yeah and me. So…
Would you?
I am 81 years old. I tested positive for slight blood in my stools. I hate having a colonoscopy because of the prep. I know that the efficiency of screening declines at the age of 75 and is not even recommended at the age of 85. I will not get radiation, nor chemo therapy. Is there even a need to pursue it?
Tubulovillous adenoma question
All, in 2019, my gastroenterologist removed a 2cm flat polyp from rectum that was classified as a Tubulovillous adenoma. I know this is a benign polyp but does have a 20% -40% chance of becoming malignant (different % depending on sources). Due to the pandemic and life issues, I did not have another colonoscopy until last…