side effects from TAMOXIFEN
hello all, has anyone out there had any of the following side effects from tamoxifen: muscle and joint pain, neuropathy and fatigue? i have been on tamoxifen for 2 years and over the course of treatment have been developing these symptoms. the pain eventually became agonizing. none of my doctors related my symptoms to…
tips for last chemo?
hi everyone, its me again looking for your advice. my last chemo next week and you would think i'd be ready for it, but this one i am really dreading. My poor right arm is very sore and stiff and i'm sure my veins have gone on holiday! After 5 treatments i still can't get out of bed for the first 3 days, what is the secret…
bilateral mastectomy
I had a double mastectomy in November of 07 and was fortunate enough to not have to do chemo. I'm on Arimidex. I'm in my 60's and I am still working. My problem is that I tire so easily. Seems all that I can do after work is collapse on the couch until bedtime and then do it all over again. People tell me it will just take…
2nd Mastectomy
When I was going through the diagnosis phase of my cancer over 10 years ago there was a thought out there that maybe having double mastectomies was too traumatic for the body, so dealing with cancer side first was the best advice given to me. I was stage 3 though with 11 out of 21 positive nodes and never have found out…
neuropathy and high blood pressure
Hi everyone. I went to doctor today for my post chemo check up and he told me I have stage 2 to 3 neuropathy from taxotere. He gave me a script for vitamin B6 which is supposed to help but he is worried about long term effects. Just what I need something else to worry about if cancer isn't enough. Then he tells me my blood…
anxiety over 2nd mastectomy
I am just feeling extremely anxious and want to vent and hopefully get some support (this discussion board has been a lifesaver for me). In Feb. of this year I had a mastectomy on my left breast (I had invasive intraductal cancer with a 1.1 cm tumor, no lymph node involvement, and estrogen receptor positive). AFTER I went…
Chemo interaction
Because of the cytoxin I got a bladder infection from my last infusion. If I drink cran/grape juice will this interfere with the chemo? I am drinking water like crazy but it didn't stop the infection this last time, so would appreciate any input on that. What types of thing interfere with the chemo?
white blood count
I had my 1st A/C treatment a week ago today. Went for blood work today and my white count is 2100. ONC said to avoid crowds, runny nose kids and it should go back up by next treatment on 7/28. Whats weird is I feel ok. Is this normal? Got some answers in chat but thought I'd post. Is there anything i can do to boost? I…
what happens next?
Hi all just about to have last chemo, no radio needed, all i know is i am to take tamoxifen. Can anyone fill me in on what exactly happens after last treatment, is it straight to 3 monthly checks, if so what do they check?? i do have a september appointment with plastic surgeon regarding breast reconstruction but thats it.…
Question on chat
Hello all, It has been months since I have been on because I was so frustrated with the chat being broken. Just checked and it is up and running. Is there a night or time for breast chat? I have been in such a funk for several months that I have hidden within myself. Take care,
man w/B.C. Web Site
if you are so inclined you can check out my web site. WWW.CaringBridge.org/visit/abelincoln
Anyone familiar with Herceptin?
My moom has stage I breast cancer and stage I lung cancer. She is fixing to start chemo. One of my friends is a survivor of stage IV breast cancer. They gave her 6-12 months to live because it was so aggressive. That was 2 years ago and she is in remission now. She said that they gave her Herceptin towards the end of her…
Hi everyone, I had my 1st chemo treatment on Monday and as of last night and today I am exhausted. I slept 11 hours last night and I am still so tired. I am normally like the energize bunny and to be feeling so tired is frustrating. Can anyone offer advise on how long this tiredness lasts? Thanks for your help. Kit
Please help....
I am 54 and I was diagnosed with breast cancer less than a week ago. That is all I know. I was having intense itching for a long time and was told that it was just dry skin...use lotion. Eventually, the itching turned to pain. I have always had annual mammograms and I have had two breast exams in the past seven months, but…
Question re treatments
I have noticed in several posts that the person has had their last few treatments bunched into one - what would be the purpose for that? Wouldn't that throw the side effects into a tizzy? I am just wondering - maybe I'm chicken, but one at a time is enough for me.
I am in my donut hole with my insurance. I am on Arimidex. Any suggestions.
anxious/hair regrowth
I had four rounds of Cytoxan and Taxotere every 3 weeks which I finished on June 20. This Friday will make 4 weeks since the last infusion. I am very anxious about my hair regrowth: I can't really tell if it is growing back or not because I never shaved my head (I just let it fall out naturally) and also all of my hair did…
4 years today
hello! Today is my 4 year anniversary! DX at 43 was 3-B lobular, left side, treatment: mastectomy, 12 weeks (dose dense weekly) of A/C, followed by 6 weeks (dose dense weekly)of taxol, then 36 radiation treatments. Give me the works! Lost my hair (wigs for me, till I had an inch of white, curly hair)Lost a couple of…
Frozen shoulder???
Hello Everybody, Does anyone experiencing stiffness and aches on the shoulder where the surgery is done? My left shoulder is having this problem. I can only reach up to a certain height. In the morning when I wake up, I feel like really really old and it hurts. The pain will go away thru out the day but the stiffness is…
Port placement , 2nd chemo
Ok guys, weren't you sending enough prayers my way? I got hit with Murphy's law for nurses. They accidently punctured my lung when the port was put in, I was at chemo getting the premed's when I suddenly couldn't breathe and extreme pain when I did. ended up being admitted after ER visit with a pneumothorax (collapsed…
period during taxol
Hey everyone I have a question. I am on my second round of taxol after 4 rounds of a/c. I have not had a period since the week after starting a/c. Yesterday I started spotting called oncologist and he told me its normal but call if it gets heavier. And guess what it got heavier so I called him today and I am awaiting a…
Am I Winning or Is He Right
Me and my husband were talking about my cancer and I just as you know finished 8 wks of Taxol,the last dose was given in a wopper of 3x the normal doese for those weeks I didn't come in, before that 4 rounds of A/C which were complete hell, well during that my Husband was in shock...Also I must add I am in the middle of…
I need help again!!!!
Hello sisters, well i'm on my last round of taxoter the 5th of august and the dr.told me that i may be on tamoxifen for 5yrs. I'd like to know what this pill is and how can it help me. My markers are GREAT and the dr.is very pleased with my progress. All blood counts are normal and i'm going back to work finally July 28th.…
What about swimming?
I´ll take my mother to the beach who had a mastectomy recently and I would like to know if she has to wear a special protesis or she can use her silicone prothesis.
2nd chemo treatment
So far, so good. Right now it is "raining hair" at my house. I gave up pets years ago because of pet hair - now its me messing up the furniture (tee hee). Anyway have my appt to have hair off and wig on Tuesday the 15th - looking forward to it. I will have hair that looks presentable every day and the mystery of what will…
How do they happen? I have been extremely careful, chemo going well. Had chemo on Thursday - Saturday felt like I was passing draino - "on fire" and felt like the pipes were corroding - don't even know if that makes sense. Dr. prescribed 500mg Cipro twice a day for ten days. Am concerned that this is pretty early for…
Quick Annoucement I think I am done!!
Ok, 4 rounds of A/C, bilateral Masctomy, working on reconstruction, and 8 of twelve rounds or Taxol, we through 9, 10, 11, and 12 into one nasty dose last week, and now I think I am done except for finishing reconstruction and seeing other fun specialist. Yeah Me!!! I will post later, still having wrist pain from last mega…
Over 10 years survival
I am truly amazed at how far I have come to a new physical being yet it seems in a instance all those years seem like nothing as old feelings move in. I was surprised at how I was feeling going home after surviving my battle all these years to face the reality of parents aging and getting sick. How quickly all the years…
Good Days & Bad Days
I come to this site and hear all of the same things that I have felt or said in the past year. Good thoughts and bad thoughts, you are like a family that I have never met before but we have all be in this same place. July 24th, I will be a 1 year breast cancer survior. I have had mixed emotions about breast reconstruction…
physically disabled & dx with her2+
Just dx with her2+ stage 3, and physically disabled, had surgery, start chemo in 2-3 wks. Are there anyone whose gone thru chemo with above health problems?