Some tips from CSN
Welcome to the CSN! Below are some tips to help you get started following and posting on the boards. You can follow your preferred discussion board to get notifications of new topics and comments. To follow a board, navigate to your preferred board and then select the bell at the top, followed by your notification…
I'm new here, this is my story
Hello everyone! I have had right flank pain for many years, like 15 or so. every scan and diag test has been normal. I also have a painful inflammatory disease in my bladder called interstitial cystitis for 22 years. In the past few years I have had a few UTIs and more severe right flank pain which has led me to have more…
8 years
Hello again! I had my scans yesterday and everything (kidney-wise) came back clear. Just click on my icon to view my history. They did see a little blip in my small intestine and will follow up with GI. I'm glad to see "Bay", "Donna", "Jazzgirl", "Lobbyist" and others still providing wisdom and support. Sorry, I've been…
robotic partial nephrectomy in my future
ct scan says i have a 3.4 mass on right kidney probably RCC. No biopsy was done. kidney function is good. they found it by accident looking for kidney stone in the ER. That pain was stupid nasty! The dr. says it's a piece of cake to take it out. I'd love to hear from you guys what i can really expect. How long will i be in…
Anyone Stage 4 and still working?
My husband has been on Short Term Disability for 4 months. We were hoping he would go back next week but we changed our minds. He is just not well enough. His main problem is fatigue. I just worry about the "what ifs" he can't go back. I don't want to be a Debbie Downer but I want to be realistic and plan for our future.…
Newbie here looking to input with my new diagnosis of PRCC Grade 3
Hello, I am newly diagnosed with PRCC grade 3 after a partial Nephrectomy. Im looking for some advice from others that have battled this fight. My main concern is the fight it took to actually get to the point on finding this cancer. My original complaint to doctors was my body was just off. I was working out twice a day…
Possible Malignancy Remaining Kidbey
Hi - I had a full Nephrectomy in Feb 2019. It was stage 3 RCC. Surveillance scans annually. I just had one done and there is a 2.0cm solid lesion on my remaining kidney. Radiology noted it as concerning for malignancy. I don’t have my follow up with Urology for 3 weeks yet. I’m formulating questions to ask and I think…
Kidney Cancer returned in my spine
I'm 56 now and had kidney cancer in 2008 and got my right kidney removed. In August 2024, I was diagnosed with stage 4 renal cancer that attached itself to my spine. The cancer was pushing on the bone and my spine was close to fracturing. I had 8 hour surgery to get screws and rods inserted to stabilize my spine. I was too…
Still confused about Creatinine and GFR
This is a quote from the National Kidney Foundation website in answer to a question from somebody whose creatinine level was 1.58: "A creatinine level of 1.58 may be normal after removal of one kidney, especially if you are over 50 years of age. Removing one kidney always results in a decrease in total kidney function and…
Ned 7 th year!
An update about our journey. Its been seven years since surgery. Did CT scan and results came clear. Ned since 7 years.Thank you all for positive vibes here.
Symptoms after radical nephrectomy
Hi All, I'm new here, so still learning the ropes. I am 36 years old and had my left kidney and adrenal gland removed in October. The margins were clear and I understand that I am very fortunate in that regard. I have had follow up appointments with the urologist, and my first follow up CT is in two weeks, but I was not…
Concerned about a 2 cm kidney mass
Hello everyone, I came across this site searching for information on the web (as Im sure everyone does) regarding the topic of Kidney cancer and I am quite impressed with the posts! I'm 48 and recently had an ultrasound done with respect to some abdominal pain. Although the abdominal pain is gone and all was fine, there…
Pain and swelling after cryoablation on left kidney
I had a cryoablation on my left kidney on March 24, 2023. A day or two after the procedure I developed a swollen bulge on my left side which was very painful to touch. I also had numbness in that area. The doctor gave me some pain medicine and ordered a CT scan. CT didn't show any bleeding or anything that would be causing…
i came here seeking help, but i feel like i'm not getting it. i've seen other people share their test results and get great feedback, yet when i tried to do the same, i was denied help. then, i tried explaining my situation and asking for guidance, but i still didn't get the support i needed. it feels unfair, man!
keytruda and renal cancer, has anyone started on kektruda after surgery and if so how are you reacting to it?
New here and scared
Hello, my name is Kim and I was very recently diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer. I have a 12cm mass on my right kidney. I donated my left kidney to my sister back in 2003 (she’s still doing great!). They also found nodules on both lungs but they didn’t light up on the PET scan. I will be going for an educational class…
I Have A Kidney Lesion
hello every-1. about 6 years ago this feb. i was diagnosed wit prostate cancer. due to a cyst seen on my right kidney i had an MRI on yesterday. i need to some help and guidance and my nerves calmed. would some1 please help me Indeterminate 2.7 cm lesion in the right lower pole of the kidney with peripheral rim enhancement…
Kidney Cancer - possible nodules in lungs.
Hello All, My father had kidney removed due to a renal mass of size 11cm × 8.2cm, and waiting for biopsy report. Also found multiple lung nodules with small one being 3mm and bigger one to be 7mm. We have a query metastasis, but worrying about the report outcome. As if now doctor have prescribed for immunosuprresant, and…
Great news
I went for my appointment and have some really good news to share all my scans and X-Ray came back clear. Doc said see you next year. Thank you to all those for your response and support. Best wishes to all And a very Happy Holidays
Scans stress me out
Do any of you get scanziety. I get very anxious for days before. To make it worse I got one recently with one small thing on it. My doc got another radiologist to read it and he came back with a few areas of concern. To of the tests came out fine for me but Monday I have a triple MRI checking for possible diffused bone…
I’m new here & so scared!!!
My name is Stephanie, I am a 44 year old wife & mother of 3 AMAZING boys…men, they are 25, 22 & 19. I have been married to my husband for 25 years, January 2, 2025 we will celebrate 26 years of marriage!!! My husband Bob, 46 years old was diagnosed in May of 2021 with stage VI renal cell carcinoma. They immediately removed…
New to the group
Hi Everyone, I was dx back in 2021 with stage 4 RCC. Had my right kidney removed. 4 days before going in to have a lung removed they found a small spread in my shoulder. My doc didn't want to put me threw another major surgery if it was spreading so we started Nibovia (sp?) Immunotherapy. Within 6 months the tumor in my…
Massive cramping in the incision area
Hello, Last Feb 2023, I had a nephrectomy (right kidney), cholecystectomy, and a colectomy, all in one go... right after the operation, it was excruciating to put weight on my right foot. I thought it was normal since the nephrectomy incision was on the right side. So many months after, I get camps (muscle knotting) on the…
Been awhile
I was diagnose with stage 3 in 2020 here in a couple of months I’ve been clear for five years th only bad news I got and it’s not so bad is I got to have scans for ten years but I’ve been lucky it’s have never come back I kinda just went on with my life didn’t change much but became closer to god he’s watch over me
Hypoechoic Kidney Lesion
Hi everyone, A little background info about myself, I’m 31 years old. I started having upper and mid right abdominal pain last October so I’ve been seeing a gastro fairly regularly to find a cause to my pain. A month ago, I went for ovary pain and my gyno requested an ultrasound. Lo and behold they found this lesion on my…
My experience after having a Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy
I had my surgery 2weeks ago. This is what i experienced, Remember we are all different. On day one was stay was in hospital day 2 went home. Wow pain for the first few days was pretty ripe no laughing deep breathing coughing sneezing or yawning. My Shoulders hurt. Did not really eat the first few day slowly started to eat…
Cancer has touched my life in many ways. In 1980, I lost my mother to ovarian cancer when she was just 28 years old. Her death left a profound impact on me, and I’ve carried her memory with me throughout my life. This year, cancer struck closer to home than I ever imagined—this time, within my own body. On October 2, 2024,…
Feeling fortunate
I had been feeling extremely fatigued for the last year and my primary started doing lots of blood tests. Eventually it was noted that I had slightly elevated liver enzymes so a liver ultrasound was ordered. Turns out that mg liver was fine, but a large mass was seen on my right kidney. A CT scan the following week…
Complex Renal Cyst
Hello All, I found this board a couple months ago when my dad was suddenly diagnosed with a mass on his kidney the size of a baseball. He had a nephrectomy and has been doing well since (pathology was RCC). I have been working to take care of my own body to ensure that if he ever needed a kidney, I would have one to spare.…
Kidney scan
Hi All, It has been a while since i have been on the site, I am going for my 1 year scan/check up at the end of the month. I know it will be fine. I have healed welled no problems since my surgery.. Amazing how i haven't thought or had any fear until now the thought just eats at me was wondering if anyone goes through this…
Diet confusion
I am having my kidney and adrenal gland-removed Dec. 5th because of 9cm cancerous mass. My estimated GFR is 37 Dr said not great but ok. But could go up after the one kidney is removed. My good kidney is smaller. My question is: what is the best reference for a diet. The internet is all over the spectrum I don’t trust it.…