Some tips from CSN
Welcome to the CSN! Below are some tips to help you get started following and posting on the boards. You can follow your preferred discussion board to get notifications of new topics and comments. To follow a board, navigate to your preferred board and then select the bell at the top, followed by your notification…
See a newborn baby
I am a 67-year-old male who was diagnosed with T1AHG bladder cancer last March. I have had eight sessions of Docetaxel\Gemcitabine with four tumor resections and the cancer is still there. I recently started BCG and have had 3 of the six sessions. My daughter is having my first grandchild 2-23-25 and my sixth BCG session…
Early Bladder Cancer Diagnosis & Feel Great
My 84 year old dad had not been feeling well, sickies, weak, coughing. Then, went to the hospital with lots of bleeding/clots and terrible pain almost two month ago. Had a cyso and TURBT in hospital and stayed about a week and a half to recover. Diagnosis of bladder cancer, high grade T2N1. Two urologists have explained as…
Recently diagnosed of bladder cancer
Hello everyone. I am 46 and was recently diagnosed of bladder cancer of low grade when I found a voided cauliflower looking tissue in my urine and submitted it for histological appraisal. Following TURBT the second histology shows non-invasive high grade but could provide staging due to absence of muscle tissue in the…
Bladder Cancer T1G3. (TURBT+Chemo) or (Cystectomy)?
I am 51 year old male and was recently diagnosed with Bladder Cancer. After TURBT, pathologyindicates Superficially invasive urothelial carcinoma with extensive background high-grade papillaryurothelial carcinoma. Tumor superficially invades lamina propria. Muscularis propria is present without tumor involvement in sampled…
Dendritic Cell Therapy
Hi. My father has stage 4 high grade urothelial carcinoma with lung metastasis. He had a radical cystectomy in 2013. He also has only 1 functioning kidney. In 2016 we detected a tumor in his lung along with a few small nodes with SUV uptake. He underwent 6 cycles of chemotherapy, which he completed in end of August. The…
How to walk 62 miles
how should I go about getting my 62 miles in in a month. Can I add the walking? I do at work usually walks back-and-forth from store. Does it have to be done in certain increments or can I just keep track of all my steps during the day and add them up?
Nephrostomy tube
has anyone had a nephrostomy tube placed for the instillation of Jelmyto to treat urothelial cancer in the renal pelvis. If so, how was it ?
Bladder cancer treatment
My friend diagnosed with stage 2 bladder cancer, doctor say that they need to remove bladder in order to treat cancer. but, my friend worred about bladder removal, is any other effective way to treat stage 2 bladder cancer.
For those recently diagnosed....
There is hope. I was diagnosed last February, had surgeries in March and October, and am currently on the path to recovery. One thing I learned: Cancer is not a "ME" disease, but a "WE" proposition. WE CAN ALL HELP EACH OTHER. I detailed my journey in this 10 minute read. I hope this helps YOU, whether you are a patient or…
funeral exspences
My mother passed away yesterday morning at 840 am est. the funeral is very exspensive. She had stage 4 cancer. does anyone know who i could possibly go thru to get help with the expenses
Bladder / Ureter Cancer
I am posting this under Bladder Cancer but I have Ureter Cancer. Diagnosed 5/29/2024 with Ureter Cancer. 70 yrs male—mass found in left ureter—Had Kidney and Ureter robotically removed (but had to be switch to open surgery lasting almost 7 hrs.) 6/13/24. Had complications and in ICU for the day after surgery. Hospital for…
My husband was recently diagnosed with Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer. He just started a new job less than two months before he got sick so no health insurance. He is 60 years old and is not able to do his job anymore. We did self pay for everything up to the TURBT and now he needs chemo and surgery. We have applied for…
Bladder Cancer
Having a hard time excepting the fact that I have stage 4 bladder cancer!!
Getting harder every day
I can barely continue to watch my husband suffer. He is in constant pain, doesn't eat and rarely sleeps. I am sleep deprived because he doesn't sleep. I've been doing this every day for about 5 months with no support. I feel guilty for complaining. I feel like I'm being very selfish. Do any care givers on this forum feel…
New bladder cancer diagnosis
I just found on Tuesday that I have low grade bladder cancer. I went into the cysto thinking cancer wasn’t in the picture because an earlier urine test was negative. Only to find out it was negative only for high grade bladder cancer. Someone is supposed to call tomorrow with a surgery date. Needless to say I am very…
BCG is killing me
Aloha, I had very small tumors removed both in December and April. 4/20 i began BCG. Last treatment was 5/25. For the most part side-effects have eased up. However I still have horrible horrible weakness in my legs. It doesn't seem to be improving. It has me terrified as my mobility is becoming impaired. Has anyone else…
Hi everyone. I know I am a real anomaly here, as I’m only 39 and female and was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2021 when I was 37. It was Ta, removed with TURBT, and follow up cystoscopies were performed every three months. I am now 39 and have had two small reoccurrences the past few months I also just found out I am…
4mm Gallbladder Polyp found in Ultrasound
Hi I was just told that I have a 4mm polyp in my gallbladder today. I have done some research and learnt that they can be cancerous once reached at 1cm. I was advised to remove my gallbladder. I am 36 years old, and confused what to be done. Sould I wait and monitor it or just go for the surgery? Can anyone share their…
bladder cancer - recurrence
within the last 2 years i've had bladder tumors removed, then gemcitabine chemo into the bladder (this is still ongoing once a month). then kidney removed due to tumor. now my urologist surgeon saw 1 spot of tumor regrowth in bladder that he says is 'tiny'. his recommendation is to check it again at my 3 month checkup. he…
Urtheria/Bladder cancer-
First time posting. I went through what my doctor called urtheria cancer back in 2019. However I find it difficult to find things under that title. It is like a subtitle as it falls under the Bladder cancer category, yet I had no issue with the bladder. The type of cancer was squamous cell, which is a skin cancer but can…
Seeking treatment near Syracuse.
Hello from DeRuyter ny to anyone who is out there my 68 year old father is not very computer savvy so I’m here on his behalf. Ill skip the symptoms and jump to the case. Yesterday my mother and him got the call that he has bladder cancer and had 2 tumors, one being over and inch. We’re pretty nervous for him and they have…
Large amount of blood found on urine dipstick
Good Morning, I’m a member of the endometrial cancer board. I was diagnosed 4 1/2 years ago. I have been in remission since. I went to urgent care for the flu. Covid test came back negative along with influenza A and B. Since I had a high fever of 103.3. I asked them to run a urine dipstick to make sure I did not have a…
Helping my mom choose whether to do treatment for high-grade invasive bladder cancer, stage 3 or 4
Hi everyone, My mom was recently diagnosed with a very aggressive bladder cancer -- high grade, muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma with extensive squamous differentiation, and it has spread to at least one lymph node nearby so is stage 3 or 4. She is almost 78. She is otherwise in good health except for recently having a…
Gemcitabine treatment
Hi, I hope I am posting in the correct space. I was diagnosed with low leverl non invasive bladder cancer in May 2018. I Have had 5 turbts and in 2020 I had 6 weekw of Gemcitabine. Then we had the Covid 19 shutdown. In June of this year I started an 11 month - once a month - maintenance program of Gemcitabine. July 2, 2021…
Hello, my father has been battling bladder & kidney cancer for a few years now and at his last follow up they spotted a suspicious spot on his remaining kidney. He’s already had his bladder, prostate, & one kidney removed. The biopsy is being scheduled but in the mean time his surgeon has asked him to think about his…
Invasive urothelial carcinoma, high-grade, invasive of muscularis propria (T2)
Hi, I'm new here. I was just diagnosed with the following a couple of weeks ago after TURBT: Invasive urothelial carcinoma, high-grade (grade 3 of 3), invasive of muscularis propria (T2) I don't know yet how it will be treated. The hospital I'm going to has a tumor review board, and because of high demand, I won't be…
Leaks due to leg bag tube dislodging from urostomy bag
My significant other is having trouble with the Hollister 18423 urostomy pouch coming apart at the connection to the tube of a Hollister 5174 urinary leg bag. She prefers wearing the leg bag all the time to reduce trips to bathroom. The connectors can separate at night while turning in bed or during the day just doing…
Urothelial Carcinoma Newly Diagnosed/Post-op Reccurence???
Hello, I am new to the site and was hoping if anyone had a history of urotelial carcinoma that can shine some light on the my problems. Initially beginning of Jan 2021, I have been experiencing intermittent gross hematuria (brown/pink blood in urine) which alerted me to go see the doctor. However when they took urine…
Papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential (PUNLMP)
Hi, I am a young person who has just been diagnosed with bladder cancer. My type of cancer is Papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential (PUNLMP). It is not known if anyone has been diagnosed with this type of cancer. I am very worried and scared.
Andy starts Chemo soon on Monday
As this journey is almost with he has to go through chemo Andy's in great health and in good mood and sometimes grochy lol but we go threw cancer stuff Andy's old dr never kept Andy threw the loop and now we have a wonderful Dr in Michigan I'm always looking for people to chat since we don't have that much support The day…