NED Doll
I made this suggestion a while ago, but I think someone should create a NED (no evidence of disease) doll. I think that would be neat. Too bad I'm not creative. Maybe one of you out there can take this idea and run with it. Marilynn
Breast Sensitivity
I had a lumpectomy followed by 33 radiation treatments. I developed some really huge burns, which have healed. However, now I'm left with an extreme sensitivity of the skin on my breast as well as the nipple. It's very annoying and makes me irritable and miserable all day and all night long. The slightest touch of any kind…
Confused with the report
I'm done with the chemo, and this friday they're going to remove the port. Monday was my first day back to work after 4 months of diagnosis and treatments. I have this feeling of "not knowing what now". It's so weird, but I cannot feel happy now that things start to get back to kind of "normal". Talking with another…
Xeloda PPE HFS hand-foot syndrome
A study in Turkey found that henna can help to ease the side effects of Xeloda. I'm posting my experience with it here: www.xelodasideeffects.blogspot.com
Life Interruption to the Left Please
Hi and hugs to all that are experiencing what I call my Life's Interruption. & I will apologize now for the length of this, however if it prevents one person going through what I did... then I've done my job. On May 10th, 2008 I found a Life Interruption in my left breast, regardless to say , Mother's Day , and the first…
Back to work Wednesday 7/30/08. Had a Herceptin infusion this morning asked nurse to relay message to onc. that one way or the other I needed an answer today and wasn't going home with out a decission.(remember he took a weeks vacation last week). Already cleared by my surgeon a week ago. Drove to my job and handed my…
I had a biopsy for my breast mass. Several days later, the doctor called me saying the result came back as "pre-cancerous". He asked me to make an appointment with him and then schedule another biopsy to get more information. I thought it would be either "binign" or "cancer". Is there a stage of "pre-cancerous"? When I…
Job lost today
I knew it was coming, but oh Lord, didn't want it to be now - I will lose my insurance for sure - I am the only one besides the family who is on the policy and they are cutting overhead. I'm telling you - this cancer thing is just one challenge after another. Will have to start exploring my options to see how I will…
Zometa trial
I am invasive intraductal, Stage I, ER positive, did not spread to lymph nodes. I am into being proactive, even though it appears my cancer did not spread. I am considering being in a clinical trial for Zometa, a drug that looks promising in terms of preventing recurrence for early stage survivors. Has anyone heard of this…
I Really Hate All Of This!!!
First let me say that I don't know what I would have done without all of you and your upbeat attitudes. I just would like to know how do you do it? I was to have my last Taxol chemo last week, but my body was in pain from my head to my toes, and I could not move. So this Wednesday, I hopefully, will be having my last chemo…
better late than never
Hey, y'all, Sorry I have not responded to emails...very slow to catch on to anything related to email. I've been coming to this discussion board for over a year and only today figured out that I had email messages and should be checking and responding. I did not respond to those sent before this week...I figure it's a bit…
just diagnosed
I just found out I had breast cancer. I am 29 and married. I really dont know what to say except I am scared and on an emotional rollercoaster ride. I will be getting a port soon and then chemo. I have to wait to have surgery and they are talking a double mastectomy. I am just really freaked out and would like to meet some…
Microcalcification Question
Hello. I had a mammogram last week and the radiologist told me that I have microcalcifications that my doctor will need to watch closely. He also told me to come back in six months for another mammogram. I've been told that I probably shouldn't wait six months because microcalcifications are sometimes a precursor to…
From reading the recent postings, I began to realize that there is a huge group of us who have just finished or are just finishinig up with our chemo and/or radiation. GOOD FOR US! We are an amazing group of people, males and females alike. Let's keep our positive attitudes and always remembers where to turn when we need…
Share your hot flash tips!
This morning promised to be a hot one and my son the runner wanted me to take him to the park so I could walk while he could got his 60 minute run in. The problem was heat. I heat up on my own about every 20 minutes and that on top of the day's heat and humidity seemed a bit much. I decided to try using a microfiber cloth…
living with a port
I am on my 6th week of Taxol & Herceptin and was asked if I would like to have a port installed instead of IV through my veins. So far my veins have held up, so that was not a problem. I have read that removing a port can be a problem as skin tissue can become attached. What is your opinion?
Diagnosed in December 2002 radical mastectomy on left side in December, prophylactic mastectomy of right breast in January 03, chemo from Feb 03 through July 03, reconstruction of both breasts, new reconstruction following a rupture in Nov. 05. My husband of 10 years has been very supportive but he has not been interested…
Shaving Facial Hair
Good morning ladies. I've been noticing over the past several days that when I shave, I;m not scraping off as much as I used to..... Well Saturday AM I shaved as usual and today (Sunday) my face is as smooth as a baby's butt. Is this the beginning of loosing my hair? I had my first chemo [taxotere, carboplatin & herceptin]…
yet another question?
yes i'm back to pick your brains again, i have read that a tumor grows slowly and over a number of years before you actually find it in most cases, if that is so, why do some spread into lymph nodes and some don't?
hair loss again
I have written several times about hair loss, but here I am again! I need some emotional support: it has now been 5 weeks since the end of my Taxotere/Cytoxan chemo. So many people have written in to tell me my hair will grow back and that this is a very short time, but somehow I seem unable to believe it and am convinced…
support in the flesh
Wow, today I went to a "real" support group with people in the same room. And I want all of you wonderful ladies and Bill to know how much I appreciate you for making this site my real support group. Here, whenever I read posts and responses, I am aware of how much we take care of each other and I feel you all closer than…
Sorry for being pest!!!
I have another question. Whats the ER/PR positive or negitive mean. I dont understand all that stuff and how does estrogen play a part in that stuff. And what does tamoxifen have to do with it. I'm crazy confused and cant wait to see my onc.on the 5th. Sometimes coming to this site is scary as well as helpful. WHEW!!!!!
Proper english, have or HAD ?
Hi Bill S here. lost my password and couldn't recover it so had to set up new ID. So what is the proper terminology ? I have BC or I HAD BC and the surgeon removed it.?????? Bill S 56yr old MAN with breast cancer (or HAD BC)
I have developed lymphedema in the left arm. Sleeve and glove on order. Does it ever drain? My left arm is 4 times the size of my right - is there any hope it will return to normal size? The MLD seems to be making it worse, not better. Could not afford the five day a week treatments for 4-5 weeks so am doing what I can on…
breast cancer that has metastasized
does anyone have any information on stage breast cancer that has metastasized..............drugs, chemo, radiation, etc... thanks for any information
pregnancy after breast cancer
Hi. I'm a hormone positive breast cancer survivor and it is has been 5 years since diagnosis. I was on tamoxifen and stopped a month ago. I have been getting much negativity from drs since I told them I want to have a baby. I'm 40 and was told before I could from original oncologist (now I'm on 3rd one and he said I'm a…
Happy to say I had my last round of chemo July 11, I'm finally on good days, since the last 2 rounds where butt kickers. Next is radiation which will start on Aug. 13th.
Why does my cancer team have varying opinions?
Diagnosed last month with invasive, early stage 1, grade 2 breast cancer. I'm waiting for pathology from last week's re-excisional lumpectomy. Lymph node biopsy was negative. 5% positive receptors. Breast Surgeon and Oncology Radiology recommended lumpectomy and radiation. Medical Oncologist recommended mastectomy and…
Last chemo treatment Aug 5th!!!!!
Hi sisters, my last drip is aug 5th! I never thought the day would ever get here. It's been a long year, long! My dr.says that after this last treatment she'll be starting me on tamoxifen. I wont see her until the 5th but my question is how soon do they start you on the pill after your last treatment? What happens after…
side effects from TAMOXIFEN
hello all, has anyone out there had any of the following side effects from tamoxifen: muscle and joint pain, neuropathy and fatigue? i have been on tamoxifen for 2 years and over the course of treatment have been developing these symptoms. the pain eventually became agonizing. none of my doctors related my symptoms to…