when is it okay to dye your hair
My hair is growing back now, and the last time I saw my oncologist, I asked him about dying it because it is all gray (I don't think it was like this before it fell out, but oh well). My oncologist said he wouldn't recommend dying it now because the new hair is very weak, but I didn't press him with more questions about…
Radiation Therapy
Went for my second appointment today - more pictures, more drawings on my chest (I personally think they were playing tic tac toe) and the tattoos for the positioning. Start my daily rads tomorrow for 33 treatments. I feel blessed - the techs are kind, I like the PA and the doctor (a first, usually its one or the other)…
ohilly is back
To everyone who supported me during my preventive mastectomy: it went fine. I had a concern that I would not be able to urinate after the surgery, but the meds my urologist gave me pre-empted the problem. I was also worried that the reconstruction would require two surgeries, but this also went well and it was accomplished…
Taxol Sucks, Not having good day.
This will be short, just got my 5th round of taxol yesterday went out during chemo woke up this morning 4am pool of sweat, lots of pain today, thanks for finding out the difference, I have a friend that is getting ready to do Taxotere and she is scarded to death, she just came off or finished I should say her last round of…
I'm back...WHEW!
So, just got back from Holland last night...with a raging case of stomach flu (NOT a good thing to have on a 10-hour plus, nonstop flight...lol!). The house in Holland is now secure, and ready for us to put our 6 months here/6 months there plan into place...don't know if or when, I still have my mother here, and she is not…
Heat Waves
I'm 49 and just finished my chemotherapy and radiation treatments. The chemo brought on menopause and hot flashes. I have probably 1 an hour. My doctor says I should avoid soy and black cohosh and other things like that. I'm taking vitamin C and E, but still wake up several times a night. Any suggestions? Any insight as to…
male breast cancer
Has anyone had experience dealing with breast cancer in males? Treatment?
I was diagnosed with stage 3B Inflammatory Breast Cancer in May 2008. I've gone through 4 rounds of chemo and just had a mastectomy and two nodes removed. I went to the Dr on 9/15 for him to see how I was healing and they noticed redness which they beleive to be an infection and gave me anitbiotics. I am so afraid that…
Man looking for other men
56 yr old man with breast cancer looking for support from other men. Had surgery 5/22/08,started chemo last week. Live in SW Florida and would really love to find a local support group but will be happy to have internet friends too. Bill.S
Last chemo tomorrow, what should I ask the Onc.
I had a total Mastectomy on 5-6-08 and will be having my last chemo this Wed.. Should there be things I'll want to ask my Onc.? I feel that after my last chemo, I'm going to be deserted. I know that there are some few mo. follow-ups but what else.
Diagnosis... Stage Four Breast Cancer into the Bones
I am a survivor of Breast Cancer with one positive lymph node affected. Was diagnosed end of 2005 and had double mastectomy, chemo, and radiation throughout 2006. Now my best friend has just been diagnosed yesterday with Stage Four Breast Cancer and it's in the bones already. Not sure how this will be treated or if it can…
newly diagnosed and completely overwhelmed
On 9/3/08 I was diagnosed with stage II gradeI invasive ductal carcinoma. Tumor was 2.1cm. Yesterday I had a lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy. I have a folllowup appt with the surgeon on 9/22 to find out if the margins were clear and whether nodes were positive or negative. When the surgeon first told me it was cancer,…
First chemo today...
Hello wonderful people! I had my first chemo session this morning. Everyone was just so wonderful and did everything in their power to make things as comfortable as possible. I have been so happy with the doctors that I have chosen! And their staff! Anyway, the actual infusion itself was not nearly as bad as I had…
surgery tomorrow
I am going to have a preventive surgery on my right breast (mastectomy) tomorrow because I am BRCA 1. I found out I was BRCA 1 after having a mastectomy on my left breast for cancer, going thru chemo, etc. I am writing for your prayers that I'll get thru the surgery okay, and to express a new anxiety that maybe some of you…
Having 2nd chemo
I lost hair on my head and legs following the first round of chemo (T/C), but I kept eyebrows and eyelashes. Will I continue to lose hair with each subsequent chemo? Also will 2nd chemo side effects be worse than the first?
Loosing weight
I finished with chemo on June 24. It put me on menopause. One month after, I've started taking the Tamoxifen for two years, then it will be changed to another one. When I got the diagnosis on March 13, my weight was 138 lbs. I lost 2 or 3 lbs during the chemo. Now my weight is 127 lbs. Last week I called the oncologist to…
Neutropenic fever
Started chemo on 8/29/08. On Day 10 I had a temperature of 100.3 and white blood cell count of 200 (less than 500 puts one at moderate risk during chemo). Patients with neutropenia - abnormally low number of WBC (neutrophils) - are suspectible to infections so I was hospitalized for 3 days for high doses of antibiotics by…
Hair falling out again!!!!
Hi Everyone I finished 4 rounds of A/C and 4 rounds Taxotere on August 25th. My hair fell out during A/C but started growing back during Taxotere. This morning while taking a shower my hair started falling out again. I can pull the hair out in clumps like before. Is this normal? Stephanie
mastectomy forms
I am looking to purchase some forms and would like information on the type/brand name. Am looking for advice. Any feedback would be helpful.
"Paraesthesia" and chest pain
I had a double mastectomy on May 6, 2008. I have developed something my doctor called "Paraesthesia". Basically what it is is nerve "interruption" on my chest. It hurts to the touch. When I sleep at night I wear a pajama top that must be unbuttoned. My doctors have told me that this should be temporary or maybe not. I'm…
Hair Loss
On day 14 hair started to fall out. Seems to be falling out from the bottom and not so much from the top. My hair dresser said it usually takes 24 to 72 hours to lose most hair. I have a wig and hat, but I'm not ready to shave head. What is your experience with timing of hair loss?
I feel so alone.I found this site and after reading thought this could help me.I was Dx in Nov.2007 & had a lumpectomy on Dec. 12th 2007 the nodes and margins were clear, I had stage 1 BC and am ER(+) after surgery I did 34 rounds of radiation therapy, my last round was April fools day 2008. I am now currently taking…
Dream Interpretation
I wanted to share with you all this dream I had a couple of weeks ago. It still with me. I can't seem to shake it -- it affected me so. To give you some background, things have been a bit difficult lately . . . just the normal life ups and downs and I've been feeling overwhelmed. So, with that in mind, here is the dream .…
is this possible?
I've only had two rounds of radiation so far, and oh my God, does my body hurt. I feel as though somebody beat me up and feel burning under my arm. Do you think this can be from the radiation already? If so, what's the next 6 weeks going to be like? Thank You All For Always Being Here.................this site is the…
why hair white
Those of you who have followed my obsession with my hair coming back will be happy to hear it is growing in (YEA!). So far I have peach fuzz, but I can tell there is more covering my head. My question to you is: why is the hair white, and does it stay this way? A few little hairs on one temple are dark, but the rest of it…
Surgical Pathology Report
Hi everyone! As many of you already know, I had a mastectomy almost two weeks ago with lymph node dissection. I have my pathology report and wanted to share: 1 positive Lymph node Stage II (not sure if A or B) They took 16 nodes in all with the one being positive. I am a 'triple negative' meaning I do not test positive for…
Is the beast back?
Each time there is an ache or a pain, as everyone knows - you always think to yourself "is it back"? I've been struggling with a few things since my original diagnosis in Feb, 06 My most recent is pain & numbness in my previously unaffected side - Feels like there is a hot poker in my armpit area, very sensitive skin and…
Starting Tamoxifen*****
Hi sisters, it's been a long time since i've posted anything but once again i have questions. I'm doing my rads now for the next 5 weeks and the oncologist gave me my RX for the white pill for the next 5 yrs. Okay, so i know it causes hot flashes something wicked and i've read about the crazy weight gain, (like i need more…
Hello all! Im new to this web site. Glad to have found it, seems like a great way to share all. Since we have to bare all. The whole privacy and modisty days are over for me. After being dinosed with DCIS in my right breast and after recoverying.....LCIS in my left breast.Tamox for a month then off of it due to side…
sensation of warmth/breast
I want to know if anyone has ever experienced a sensation of warmth in their breast and what it turned out to be? In February I had a mastectomy after being diagnosed with invasive intraductal cancer. The tumor was only 1.1. cm and did not spread to the nodes. I had immediate lat flap reconstruction which was done in a 1…