I have more questions!!!!!! HELP!!!
Well, i had my last chemo treatment friday, started back at work on the 28th after 7 months and the Dr.say's i'll have to do 5weeks of rads just as extra protection because i had lymph node involvement. So....my blood work is GREAT!! Markers at 16..Horray. Anyway, the Dr.wants to do a CT scan just to make sure all is good…
just have to say...
i remember half way through chemo thinking,,all i want is to wake up in the morning (as i used to) feeling full of energy, leaping out of bed , brain full of things to do...well , today it happened and boy am i grateful for this one small thing, i feel like im back being me again (finished chemo 2 weeks ago). its so good…
New Dx
Hi everyone! I am new here, just found this website by total accident. I have been dxed with invasive ductal carcinoma, I go back to the surgeon tomorrow for the results of the MRI and what kind of surgery I will have to get rid of the lump (or lumps) the radiologist said he saw three satallite lumps along with the main…
Stand up comedy
At least we are all here for the same reason, and it ain't cancer. We are here to help each other get through this garbage. I'd rather get my laughs laying down than standing up------- actually I don't think that I have tried that position.............. want to teach me ??????????? Feeling a little bit better today. Worked…
My dearest family...
Well, one of the lessons cancer teaches us is that we need to live each day to it's fullest, because we never know. My beau's mother passed away last night. She was almost 86, and doing remarkably well. She was a holocaust survivor. And lost a son to an anyurism when he was 15. She was a grand lady, and I will miss her…
update on hair
I've been writing about how obsessed and worried I am that my hair will not grow back, so here is an update: this past Friday was 7 weeks since my last Taxotere/Cytoxan infusion. I now have noticed little white hairs growing and can feel some stubble with my hand. Did other people have their hair grow back white? What is…
Hi everyone
I just want to let you know that I have been thinking of all of you even though I have not been posting I still read this site. I went back to work on the first and to those of you who worked during chemo...How did you do it??!! I really admire you. I started working 2 weeks after chemo and I come home and go straight to…
I need to know if I am Stage 1 or Stage 4
I am so scared. I don't know who to trust. I want to know what is going to happen to me. My biopsy found invasive ductal carcinoma in my left breast, I had a left mastectomy. No lymph node activity detected. Everything looked good. Onc set me up for 6 rounds of precautionary chemo. Before chemo, he ordered baseline bone…
perseverating again....
Hello all, well in my last update I mentioned that the doc said I have a thickened uterine lining(hyperplasia) most likely caused by the tamoxifen. I see my gyn. a week from wed. for another ultrasound and the surgeon had told me that I would need a D&C/biopsy. So ofcourse I have been perseverating on this ever since…
Looking for success stories
I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in February. I am doing well, but struggling with some fear. I am looking for success stories - those women who have beaten the odds and are going strong years after diagnosis. It really provides me and others with hope. It could be you or someone you know. Thanks!
Bad couple of days
Had TCH chemo monday, worked Tuesday,off Wed. slept a lot, Thurs only worked 5 hours and went home early- tired/exhausted. Took long nap and slept from 10pm-6am. Going to try the work thing again today 9-6. Sorry no jokes today. Luv to yall Bill S
Goodbye A/C
Finally finished the last of the A/C!!! Of course now I'm looking at 4 rounds of Taxol---but I was told a few times that it's not as bad as the A/C. I'm not sure how much credence I can put into the fact that those opinions came from people who GIVE it rather than GET it ( a true case of "it's better to give than receive).…
Need info please
Has anybody heard of anyone with breast cancer that had a mastectomy and reconstruction of breast using tissue from the abdomen and then chemo. Being in a lot of pain from chemo and having the ovaries removed to help discomfort from the chemo? Is this a regular procedure? Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thank…
zometa clinical trial
I am early stage breast cancer and am going to be given Zometa as part of a clinical trial, starting on Monday. This drug has received a lot of publicity that it may prevent recurrence in early stage bc, and I wondered if anyone has any knowledge about the drug or has read about it? Ohilly
You are going to love this
I have been concacted by the public relations department of the ACS asking me to be interviewed by a major men's health magazine who is doing an artical on breast cancer in men. What an honour to be picked for this priveledge. They will call between 11 and 12 tomorrow for the phone interview. I'm going to ask them for 5…
My Update
Hello Ladies and the nice Gentleman.....Had my appointment at the cancer center today. ALL IS WELL!!! Everything showed as benign with nothing of the beast there. Now I will go back in November. But I'll tell you, that mammogram on Monday was HARD! Being still sore from the lumpectectomy and radiation, I thought it would…
incredible shrinking cyst.....
Hi everyone, well I saw the surgeon today and he did an exam and ultrasound and was surprised to discover that my cyst has gone from almost 10 cms down to 3cm in just a couple of days!!!!!! May not have to remove it---they will just watch it. Docs feel it was NOT the estring that raised the estrogen but perhaps that…
Update on Rib Pain
First of all I want to thank all of you fro the cyber hugs and the big bear hug(Thanks Bill). I saw dr yesterday while I was at chemo and he is sending me for a bilateral chest xray and left rib xray. He sadi there is only a 10% chance of it being the cancer but he wants to check just to be sure (and I think to ease my…
I have decided
Thanks again for your input on what to say. I asked the Dr. directly, "what answer would you give to someone who asked you if I am done, or cancer-free?" He said, "you are in remission, you do not have cancer." I was pleasantly surprised that he gave me such a plain answer. He is very knowledgeable, but normally very…
i did it.
its me again, and ive done it, finished my last chemo last thursday. No Radio as they got it all with the mastectomy,hooray. This being the worst year of my life, i also now look at it as perhaps one of the best as in i get to start over again, with a new outlook on everything, can't be a bad thing. I want to thank all of…
great news on the rib pain
Dr called and my bones look good if pain continues he will send me for a pet scan but so far so good. I was so worried after the tech said "where did the cancer start" I was so sure it had spread but good news no signs of it. YEAH!!! Thanks everyone for the support, prayers, and hugs Stephanie
Soooooo was it as bad as you thought it was going to be ???
Those were the first words out of my oncologists mouth today.......I had my 2nd TCH cocktail today after visiting with Dr ONC. I paused for a min. asked him to rephrase the ? and answered 'NO IT WAS NOT NEARLY AS BAD AS I HAD IMAGINED' I was expecting the worst of the worst 3 weeks ago when I started chemo. I had memorized…
Second opinions
I've read about getting second opinions to be sure treatment is right. Did anyone do that, which doctor and what was the outcome?
Going crazy with worry
Ok everyone will probably think I am crazy and I will not disagree. I have had 4 rounds ac and 2 rounds taxotere 2 more to go. In the last week I have had this ache in my ribs on the same side as cancer it feels like I have a huge bruise there but there is nothing, I haven't bumped it or anything that could of hurt it. So…
How much time before treatment?
Lumpecomy done June 20 with diagnosis of stage 1, less than 1 cm cancer. Re-excision on July 18 and lymph node biopsy were negative. Another re-excision is planned on August 8. It's an issue with clear margins. Breast Surgeon and Radiologist feel this is appropriate because cancer cells are in one small area. Appointment…
Cancer Killing Marrage???
I temporary left my husband, my treatment is over unless something comes back on blood work Aug 14th Then get expander's out in dec. implants put in and now my marriage is falling apart, nothing legal me and daughter staying with mom and going to try and work it out through church minister. the is the one year aniversery…
Thank you all for responding to my question about how to answer folks who ask if I am cancer free. It is good to know that my mixed feelings are common. I like the comparison with losing a child. Our first child was stillborn. While I consider myself to the the parent of 3, when folks ask about my family, or when we…
Join me and ACS! (LOL)
I have been working with the great people at ACS, most notably our own Dana and Brian from ACS/CAN (Cancer Action Network). There is a new page at http://action.acscan.org/site/PageServer?pagename=cancer_survivors_network Check it out when you have a moment! Hugs, Kathi
Thank you all for responding to my question about how to answer folks who ask if I am cancer free. It is good to know that my mixed feelings are common. I like the comparison with losing a child. Our first child was stillborn. While I consider myself to the the parent of 3, when folks ask about my family, or when we…
What to say?
Bill's posting the other day started me thinking, and I still have not come up with an answer for myself. What should I say to those who ask things like, "did they get it all" or "are you in remission now". My Drs. have not used those terms (Knowing the Oncologist, he may never, because he can't guarantee it). After my…