"Paraesthesia" and chest pain
I had a double mastectomy on May 6, 2008. I have developed something my doctor called "Paraesthesia". Basically what it is is nerve "interruption" on my chest. It hurts to the touch. When I sleep at night I wear a pajama top that must be unbuttoned. My doctors have told me that this should be temporary or maybe not. I'm…
Hair Loss
On day 14 hair started to fall out. Seems to be falling out from the bottom and not so much from the top. My hair dresser said it usually takes 24 to 72 hours to lose most hair. I have a wig and hat, but I'm not ready to shave head. What is your experience with timing of hair loss?
I feel so alone.I found this site and after reading thought this could help me.I was Dx in Nov.2007 & had a lumpectomy on Dec. 12th 2007 the nodes and margins were clear, I had stage 1 BC and am ER(+) after surgery I did 34 rounds of radiation therapy, my last round was April fools day 2008. I am now currently taking…
Dream Interpretation
I wanted to share with you all this dream I had a couple of weeks ago. It still with me. I can't seem to shake it -- it affected me so. To give you some background, things have been a bit difficult lately . . . just the normal life ups and downs and I've been feeling overwhelmed. So, with that in mind, here is the dream .…
is this possible?
I've only had two rounds of radiation so far, and oh my God, does my body hurt. I feel as though somebody beat me up and feel burning under my arm. Do you think this can be from the radiation already? If so, what's the next 6 weeks going to be like? Thank You All For Always Being Here.................this site is the…
why hair white
Those of you who have followed my obsession with my hair coming back will be happy to hear it is growing in (YEA!). So far I have peach fuzz, but I can tell there is more covering my head. My question to you is: why is the hair white, and does it stay this way? A few little hairs on one temple are dark, but the rest of it…
Surgical Pathology Report
Hi everyone! As many of you already know, I had a mastectomy almost two weeks ago with lymph node dissection. I have my pathology report and wanted to share: 1 positive Lymph node Stage II (not sure if A or B) They took 16 nodes in all with the one being positive. I am a 'triple negative' meaning I do not test positive for…
Is the beast back?
Each time there is an ache or a pain, as everyone knows - you always think to yourself "is it back"? I've been struggling with a few things since my original diagnosis in Feb, 06 My most recent is pain & numbness in my previously unaffected side - Feels like there is a hot poker in my armpit area, very sensitive skin and…
Starting Tamoxifen*****
Hi sisters, it's been a long time since i've posted anything but once again i have questions. I'm doing my rads now for the next 5 weeks and the oncologist gave me my RX for the white pill for the next 5 yrs. Okay, so i know it causes hot flashes something wicked and i've read about the crazy weight gain, (like i need more…
Hello all! Im new to this web site. Glad to have found it, seems like a great way to share all. Since we have to bare all. The whole privacy and modisty days are over for me. After being dinosed with DCIS in my right breast and after recoverying.....LCIS in my left breast.Tamox for a month then off of it due to side…
sensation of warmth/breast
I want to know if anyone has ever experienced a sensation of warmth in their breast and what it turned out to be? In February I had a mastectomy after being diagnosed with invasive intraductal cancer. The tumor was only 1.1. cm and did not spread to the nodes. I had immediate lat flap reconstruction which was done in a 1…
Where do I begin?
I was recently diagnoised with breast cancer and had a lumpectomy on July 24th. My lymph nodes are normal and I am on the road to recovery. I am still sore and feel like I am not healing fast enough. I will be seeing the doctor on Thursday and I'm sure he will say I can return to work. Next week I will see the oncologist…
Radiation treatments!!!!
Well this time is nearing for me to begin radiation for 6 weeks, m-f. Oh my god!!!! Overwhelming sensation approaches me yet again. I went today for my care plan and markers were placed where they would target. They said they will be calling me in about a week to get me started on the treatments. What will this be like?…
venting time
Well, this is my first time writing but the thoughts in my head could fill a book. I had my double mastectomy in June with expanders at the time of surgery. Initially it did not seem as if any other treatment would be necessary but the final pathology ruled otherwise. I got through the drainage tubes, the weekly fills, one…
Life that goes on
Well Ladies and gents~ I am back. I got my daughter married off and get back into the swing of things as coming to this board. I see that chat is back but can't seem to see where to chime in...I'll figure it out. Crazy when our comfy ways get scrambled... hugs to all, welcome to the newbies you have found a wonderful site…
Am I the Only One?
Last night, I watched "Stand Up To Cancer." I cried for everyone on that program and I cried for myself. In fact, I'm still bummed out today. I know that all of those celebraties were doing a wonderful thing - but I was overwhelmed and saddened by the entire show. Even though they kept saying that a cure was in sight, I…
Tamoxifen and fatigue
Hi Everyone I haven't been on in awhile but I finished chemo at the end of August and started Tamoxifen. I have been on Tamoxifen for 1 week and started to feel extreme tiredness since. I am not sure if it is the Tamoxifen or not but to make it through the day I have to take a nap. Which is fine and dandy for now because…
new life, new boob !
Just letting you lovely ladies know i'm off to see the plastic surgeon tomorrow, see about getting myself a new boob, hooray, looking forward to having a cleavage again. i remember being diagnosed in February and thinking, "just take the thing off, its let me down", breasts have become my enemy, when i see them i think of…
chest popping
This may sound crazy but I had a mascetomy 2yrs ago and just recently I have had this popping sensation on the side where I had surgery. Sometimes it is so strong it wakes me up. It happens at nite and is very active when I lay on my back. Anybody ever heard of this. The doctors are scrathing their heads.
I was browsing the internet and ran across this quote: Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. Mother Teresa I Immediately thought of all of you and the kind words you pen here daily and how they are so helpful and full of hope. There have been many times when I have read someones…
Breast cancer twice
I have finished chemo for the second time in 2years and started the first of 35 rads. Are there any others who have had it twice? What do I need to expect in regards to it coming back again.
The next step
Well I met with the oncologist and she agreed that the reaction was so severe (13 days after I still was unable to walk due to pain in the feet) that we would halt the chemo and go on to radiation. I met with the radiologist and his staff today - am hopeful it will go well and I will soon be on the other side. Will meet…
The BC Blues
I have been reading so many posts, my own included, that speak of depression - usually after treatment. Lets put our heads together, our hearts together, and think of some ways we can beat this. I think post treatment depression is a little different than the biological blues that attack other seemingly fine people. Their…
lumpy bits ?
Does anyone else have lumpy bits under their arm where they had mastectomy and lymph nodes out?, im only 4 weeks out of my last chemo so im pretty confident its nothing nasty, but your input will hopefully ease my mind. Tan x
Questions about shaving head
My mom is fixing top start chemo and I was telling her about some posts I have read in here about shaving your head before the hair falls out from chemo. She is wondering what you shaved your head with because she was told not to use a regular razor because it could nick you and cause an infection. Any info on this would…
Scare with every new pain or symptom
I finished with the chemo treatments at the end of June, and went back to work at the end of July. Instead of working 5 days, I made arragements to work only 4, and take Wednesdays off to do things for me. But, as I read that happened to many others, my body is feeling good, but my mind is playing games with me. I need to…
Chat Room
I have tried so many times to enter the chat room. I have no place to write my messages on the bottom of the screen. Does anyone else have this problem. I would love to chat, but everytime I go there, the screen doesn't offer me a place to type. Any suggestions?
arm numbness
I had my surgery one week ago. I had 4 lymph nodes removed I don't have all the tests back yet but I know the sentinel node had cancer cells and I am in stage 2. I am awaiting the tests of the other three nodes and of course my post op therapy has yet to begin. My upper right arm in thye tricep area is numb down to my…
Tamoxifen Side Effects
My constant complaint ... I gained weight first with the Taxotere Chemo then with the Tamoxifen. I am trying very hard to lose it and cannot seem to get the metabolism moving yet. My MOTHER doesn't understand why I gained weight ... she knows a couple women who had the same treatments and they are thin as a rail ... blah…
Facing 4th surgery for breast reconstruction. Had expander at masectemy,then silicon gel implant, then a revision, and next the nipple? My plastic surgeon suggested using the areola tissue of the good breast. I am nervous about tampering with a good breast. Can anyone comment?