Pain from Radiation Treatments
I completed 33 radiation treatments on my breast two weeks ago. In addition to some burns and itching, I am having internal pinging pains - I think its from the nerves inside the breast tissue. I take one to two hydrocodone a day to take the edge off. My question is how long does it take to fully heal from radiation…
breast cancer that has spread to the spine
does anyone know anything about breast cancer that has spread in the bones/spinal cord. thanks.
Back to work and Tamoxifen
Hello Everybody, I went back to work June 30th and it went OK. My boss already talk to my co-workers about my condition and they didn't ask me anything about it. But there are other people too in our area. Because I have a work related injury, they thought that this is my reason of being out. They welcome me by saying "oh,…
Medical Menopause
I know that chemo can throw a person into medical menopause - during my chemo of A&C, Taxol & Herceptin for 1-1/2 years, I continued getting my period monthly without any interruptions and I continued to take the birth control pill and my Onc was okay with that becuase I was ER/PR Neg. It's been a year since any meds and I…
Hi Everyone. I had my second year Mammogram today, and after a bit of a scare and having a sonogram, the result was . CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN.
losing safety net?
After taking Arimidex for 5 years, doctor said I won't be taking it anymore. I feel like I am losing my safety net? Is anyone taking anything after the 5 years? Thanks to all of u who respond. Sue
first chemo infusion
Well after almost 5 years started chemo yesterday. Seems like dejuv. I am on Abraxane has anyone been on this drug. So far it doesn't seem to be given me much side effects. Have to go weekly to get infusion. Does anyone know will I lose my hair? The onc nurse thinks maybe just thinning. Well will let you know how treatment…
Hello All, This morning Today Show featured a BBC story, which I discovered was old news after a little research, about a couple who utilized genetic testing of embryos to avoid giving birth to a child with the BRAC 1 and BRAC 2 gene mutation (predisposition for breast cancer, similar to HNPCC or FAP). Apparently the…
invasive ductal carcinoma without chemo
have anyone with invasive ductal carcinoma which has spread to lymph node been treated without having to go through chemotherapy?
Newly diagnosed
Good morning, My wife of 45 years was just diagnosed with BC. The growth is described as being in the lower left quadrant and very minute, grade 1 ductal carcinoma. We feel the surgeon will recommend a lumpectomy with radiation therapy as a follow-up. My wife is extemely afraid of the side-effects of radiation. Will…
I have been writing on this board for awhile (stage I invasive intraductal,did not spread to lymph nodes, BRCA 1, had a mastectomy and soon to have a preventive mastectomy on the other breast because BRCA). Anyway, I am now soon to start taking Femara, and wondered what others' experiences are with the drug? How long after…
I had tram flap surgery and am sore
Does anyone out there know how long it takes for the abdomen to heal from tram flap surgery? I had the reconstruction surgery done at the same time as my mastectomy on March 2008. My stomach is very tight and I need some ideas as to how much longer I will feel this way. I walk and try to stretch out my abdomen everyday and…
newly diagnosed
Help I am falling apart at the seams, I am still trying to deal with the news. I am looking for reason not to have chemo. I am scared of the chemotheraphy and the side affects that comes from it.
post mastectomy, I'm so unsure of everything
I'm still new here, I posted a couple weeks ago about help to make a decision. I'm 47, newly married for the first time, and diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma a month ago. And I did make the decision to have a mastectomy. Results have since shown that it has not spread to my lymph nodes, so I think my stage is T1 N0…
Port placement and 2nd chemo
Ok Ladies send me some prayers tomorrow, I'm getting a port placed at 0730 and 2nd chemo at 1200. My pink mohawk is gone, my hair totally fell out this weekend except for a few stragglers, a little depressing but it will come back, I have to admit it is very strange to me. I guess I can start wearing some bandanas and hats…
Mysterious pain in rib area!
Well here I am again to VENT - Why is it that whenever I go to the doctor they say "we don't know what it is or what to do"? That always seems to be the case with me - What the heck! Anyway, to summarize....pain in rib area (same side as lumpectomy in Feb, 2006) Pain has been bothering off and on, sometimes worse than…
Last chemo treatment complications
This was supposed to be a time FOR CELEBRATION!!, my last chemo session last week. But so far it has been the worst, no strength for anything. Finally I was feeling better yesterday, went for the count blood check, and all the values are up to normal, but then went back to home and what started very light after lunch has…
Wedding and 1st chemo
Well, the wedding was beautiful, we were married on a sandbar/small island 8 miles from shore, The ladies wore bathing suits and cover-ups, guys wore carribean style shirts, the preacher man wore a corona carribean shirt( i should of got him a matching one, oh well) I couldn't of had a better 10 days before coming back to…
News Update
Hello Everyone...Got the results from my sonogram back today...have a complex cyst of 5.9 cm...the doctor has ordered a CA-125 test, which I will do tomorrow. If the markers are up, we will do a regular hysterectomy as soon as possible. If all seems well, we will do a laproscopy in August. The doctor wanted to do the…
back in town
Hi friends! I have been away for my daughter's wedding in L.A. and am just now getting back into the swing of things. Sorry for missing some great posts and chances to meet you all at our cyber-Starbucks. love, Joyce
just feeling good
I am a week and 4 days after my 4th chemo and feeling good, and am sitting here thinking how much i appreciate feeling like this, although 6 months ago i wouldn't have this would have been just a normal day. This is what gets me to my next chemo appointment, knowing that i will feel good again, i will jump out of bed in…
CHAT IS BACK!!!!!!!!
Just in case you hadn't noticed, our chat room is back up and running! It's been sooo long and I have missed my old friends dearly! I hope to see you and my New Discussion Board friends in chat soon! Yippee!!!! Hugs, Claudia
Had my first A/C last Tues. The anti-nausea meds rx'd for the first 3-4 days worked O.K. But now on day 5 and 6, I'm having continual nausea or just sour stomach! Never enough to hug the bucket, but really irritating because it's almost constant. Had a really bad night in the recliner last night. Needed to get up every few…
Taxol & Herceptin
Xeloda & Tykerb quit working after 6 mo. Getting weekly iv of Taxol & Herceptin with 2nd dose June 25. Will Add Tykerb tonight and see if I can tolerate. Sufferred a week of diareah last time. Any comments appreciated. Working on nutrition now. Suggestions? Very shaky, but it started when the cancer returned. Some soreness…
silly question ?????? Trash can icon
I have been on this site only one time before and I have made replies to several messages. How do you get rid of the icon that looks likes a trash can??? I have tried to delete my original message but nothing happens. I notice no one else has a trash can icon...just me. Any ideas, I know this has nothing to do with breast…
Had first chemo 1 down 7 to go
Well it wasn't as bad as I thought, which was wonderful. Bouyed by all the support out there and my daughter going with me to hold my hand (I was a little nervous). So far just mild nausea (pills took care of it) and mild headache and a little tired - hoping it stays this way. You were right - it is different for everyone.
I need to talk!
Where oh where is everyone chatting these days. I am soooo tired of CSN not being up. I need it up damn it. My friend just died and I NEED TO SCREAM AT THE WALLS WITH YOU ALL. Anyone care to give me directions???
Thanking You All As I Leave
I want to thank everyone on this site for their incredible help and support - even people like kmygil who didn't know the problem, but still they wished me well. That meant so much. I'm now 5 weeks post radical hysterectomy for cervical ca and 2 1/2 years post breast ca. I think, though, that I need to remove myself for a…
Chemo starts 6/26/08
My biggest fear is that I will be unable to work. I have scheduled my treatments for late Thursday afternoon. From what I understand, Friday I will be tired, Saturday more so. Since I live alone, my job is crucial to my survival - some of the blogs talk about taking a lot of time off from the treatment - my job won't…
insurance coverage question/breast MRI
I have already had invasive intraductal cancer in my left breast (small tumor, did not spread to lymph nodes) and in Sept. will have a preventive mastectomy on the other breast because I have the BRCA gene. I asked several doctors about getting a breast/chest wall MRI after the bilateral mastectomy because I am paranoid…