Healthy Recipes
Is there a good website where I can find healthy recipes that could be appetizing for my Mom after having her chemo?
How can we stay well while on chemo?
I'm starting my first treatment the day after tomorrow. I have two boys that live at home with me; they are 17 & 11. I also have a daughter away @ college in Boston. With the boys in school, it seems like they are always coming down with something this time of year... between a cough, the sniffles or a sore throat.…
for the moment, anyway.
Third round of chemo
Hi Everyone, I just got through my third round of AC chemo last Friday. I feel great today. I got my Neulasta shot on Saturday. I did not experience the severe pain I did from the first Neulasta shot. I still have not had any nausea or vomiting with chemo. Things are going good. I am still able to work because I work at…
Two Ladies Talking in Heaven
1st woman: Hi! Wanda. 2nd woman: Hi! Sylvia. How'd you die? 1st woman: I froze to death. 2nd woman: How horrible! 1st woman: It wasn't so bad. After I quit shaking from the cold, I began to get warm & sleepy, and finally died a peaceful death. What about you? 2nd woman: I died of a massive heart attack. I suspected that my…
Hot flashes....uuuugggghhh
My oncologist told me that the chemo would put me into early menopause, therefore I'm assuming all these hot flashes I'm having are a part of it. I'm 37 years old and in early menopause, yikes....any ancient Chinese secrets for hot flashes out there??? They warm me all day and they keep me up most the night. Hot-cold,…
Finally-hair chopped off
Today was the day to unload the mop off my head before I was tripping over it. My sister went wild with the scissors and before I knew it, it was a distant memory. She did good. My new picture in on my profile expressions. Before long, even that will be gone. Next step is the clippers. Sister has joined the site, too, for…
Tamoxifen + Lupron?
I'm about to start on Tamoxifen (pending the results of the blood test to make sure I metabolize it), and my doctor is considering also giving me Lupron shots concurrently with the Tamixofen, to shut down my ovaries. I'm 40, so a long way from menopause, and even after 5 years on Tamoxifen, still won't be close to…
Completed Round 2 of Chemo
Hi All, Am making strides! Have just completed 2nd of 6th rounds of chemo today. I feel great in knowing that I am making progress! Have to say that I had a slight reaction to Taxotere today. The nurse slowed the drip because my breathing increased, I felt my face and neck heat up and my legs started hurting slightly. Once…
Is ANYONE able to get into the Chatroom?
This is so frustrating!........ I keep getting emails telling me where to go to get in touch with certain members.........I want to get in touch with ALL OF YOU! Greta?......When are we going to be up and running here?.........Rats' are deserting the sinking ship and I don't want to join them............ I want our…
very sick sister
i am new i am trying to help my sister .first rd of chemo day one landed her in hosp for 4 days.day ten she is there again side effects are kicking her but taxotere/cytoxin what to do
Sliding down the banister of Life with Maxine
As You Slide Down the Banister of Life, Remember 1. Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggert have written An impressive new book. It's called ......... 'Ministers Do More Than Lay People' 2. Transvestite: A guy who likes to eat, drink And be Mary. 3. The difference between the Pope and Your boss, the Pope only expects you To kiss his…
from a daughter please read for me
My name is megan. My mom is laura or lolad. My mom told me i could talk to you for a min. My mom told me about everyone here because she is on the computer alot. I want to tell you thank you for helping my mom. She is my hero and i love her. She is a survivor and you helped her. thank you for listning to me and i love my…
to all my chat friends
Just wanted to let you know been trying to get on chat having problems here and it want let me on.. I went through another transfusion of platelets my counts have been just crazzzzy.. The dr said it takes time after chemo to some people and whats in there not given me time for my bones to make it. I go this thursday for…
BC Commercials...Ranting!
Ok, so the local hospitals are posting BC commercials to promote their various facilites during BC awareness month..and I find so many of them downright offensive! In order to promote their wonderful care...they have women saying " some people say cancer is a "bad thing, but for meeeeeee it has been a blessing"... A…
FEC side effects
Hi Everyone! My mom has stage III breast cancer and will undergo a total of 24 weekly chemo sessions prior to her masectomy. She is now in the 9th week of Herceptin and Taxol. So far only minor side effects. On week 13th she will start FEC every 3 weeks and also a weekly herceptin. Can anyone tell me what to expect with…
I am new
Last October during a regular mammogram they found calcifications. My doctor sent me for a core needle biopsy which came back that I had DCIS in the right breast. In Feb 2009 I had a partial mastectomy. They removed some tissue and sent it to the lab. It came back with the margins not clear. So in July I had a second…
The Universe Solved, Part 2
14. How many of you believe in psycho-kinesis? Raise my hand. 15. OK, so what's the speed of dark? 16. When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane. 17. Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now. 18. Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film. 19. How much deeper would the…
Anyone else going through a divorce and breast cancer at same time?
Hi, I had stage 3 advanced breast cancer. Weeks after being diagnosed my soon to be exclaimed that cancer was no big deal,people go to work when getting chemo, and I am not losing 160 dollars to stay home with you just because you don't feel good(many other cruel and mean things occurred but figured I'dgive abbreviated…
phoenixrising--AKA Jan--where are you?
Jan, Just wondering where you are and hope things are fine with you. Hugs, Margo
Can we discuss chemo brain
Well guys, I knew I was forgetful before chemo...call it menopause, or trying to do too much, I dont know, but this forgetfulness and absentmindedness is really scaring me a little. Example...I do home health and I was driving to see a patient out of town and had gone 2 miles before I realized I was taking the road to a…
Thank you for all the prayers for Casey
My great-grandson, Casey, came home from the hospital last night, and I am so relieved. Your prayers and mine were answered, although we will still have some rough spots to go through. He is one month old today, and has been diagnosed with GERD, and a possible tracial esophageal fistula. They will run an outpatient test on…
Special Episode of Arthur- When Someone you know has Cancer- with Lance Armstrong-
I thought I would post this here as well as the Uterine Cancer board. Today I went to a special screening for the Arthur series that is on Public Broadcasting. I was at the Boston Studio for a preview and after the episode was shown in the studio there was a panel of specialist ranging from guidance counselors to Doctors…
sister of Laurissa
Im new to the site,Just wanted you all to know how proud of you I am. Since Laurissa has joined your group I have been following your discussion board.It has so helped me in knowing I have a place to go to try and help me understand what she is going through.I have so many questions,and reading your replys help me so much.…
I have free Emend to give away... Does anyone need anti-nausea medication?
I hope I am not breaking any laws here, but the recent discussion on the high cost of Emend made me go through my medicine cabinet this weekend. I have a sealed packet of two Emend pills, never opened, with a clear expiration date stamped on them. I paid $90 for these two pills and would hate to see them go to waste when…
Post Tamoxifen effects
I swear I must be the total backwards person when it comes to Tamoxifen. I took it successfully for 5 years. No side effects. Felt great. One month after stopping it I had a headache for an entire month and ended up having an MRI to make sure I did not have something else going on. In the year since stopped it, I noticed…
can not sleep.
Hi ,well like every night here latley I am wide awake.i can only sleep if i take sleeping pills.I am getting dependent on them.i didn,t take any tonight and here i am still awake.I see their is 20 people on line right now.so I am not the only one awake.(Pat).
Exciting news for me today!!!
I am so excited!! I got a phone call today from the hospitial breast center that diagnosed my cancer. They have asked me to be a part of their hospitial breast cancer advisory board they are starting up!!! I'm not sure of all the details yet but I definatly accepted. From what I was told there will be about 4 patients and…
Do any of you take vitamins? I wasn't told to. If so, what do you take?
Had a big date this weekend -
I went dancing with NED!!!!!!! YIPPEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been declared cancer free- No Evidence of Disease!!!! It has been one long hard year but its over and I can get my life back to the new normal!!! Nothing will ever be the same again. I will not take anything for granted ever again. I will stay close to those who…