Hi Laurissa
I have been trying to reply to alot of the posts and I am just not able to for some reason. I just finished chemo about 3 weeks ago and now I am doing herceptin every 3 wks for a year. YOu will find that chemo eventually does end and that you are stronger than you think you are. Bald is kinda cool, isnt it??? The only bad…
allergic reaction to Chemo drug.
Hi everyone.I am feeling better,swelling and itching is gone.I will call my Cancer Dr, and see what we do from here,Since I can,t take the one Chemo drug.I will post when I find out.Thanks again for your replys and your prayers.(Pat).
Abdominal Pain during Chemo
I just had my first FEC(5FU, Epirubicin, Cytoxan) chemo treatment Thursday. My stomach has this steady pain in it that is making me miserable. I dare not take a pain pill because of the nausea... any ideas on what might help get rid of it?
Posting is working?
Thank God, hope it stays working.
A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their position. As they passed a barn-yard of mules, goats and pigs, the husband asked sarcastically, "Relatives of yours?" "Yep," the wife replied, "in-laws."
I haven't had trouble in posting, but, it seems lots of you have. If you really need to message someone, just private message them. That is always working. To private message (PM), just click on "CSN Email" on the CSN homepage or where it says CSN Home. It is fast and easy. ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
Laurissa is a red hot momma
hay,girl you look great!!!that red wig looks wonderful.But you looked beautiful to me this morning in my kitchen after I shaved your head...Hair are no hair you are pretty to me inside and out.I love you sis..Let me know if there is anything I can do for you after chemo monday???
Todays Joke............Sorry, first I have posted in ages!
A guy and a Gal hook up at a nightclub and go back to her place for a night of white hot passion. In the morning the Guy wakes and says he has a cigarette but no lighter, The girl tells him he can find one in the bedside drawer...... He opens the drawer and finds a picture of a big,masculine, well tanned man! He asks: "Is…
If I'm not mistaken big day for ~T
If I'm not mistaken is is a big day, after having been delayed so many times, and going through medical indecion and the doctors side treatment finaly started 6 weeks ago, which means today is the last rads day. So let us party with our sister in pink, soon she will have her energy back, and life will be the new normal the…
Help! Newbie here.
Hello. I am so encouraged to have found your discussion board. I could really use some encouragement and support. I am 46 and was dxed w/ stage 2 breast cancer in August. After a bi-lateral mastectomy (a choice I made over the offered lumpectomy) I began my adriamyocin and cytoxin chemo treatments every two weeks. I have…
Looking for financial aid while going through treatments out of town
I am hoping that my Breast Cancer Sisters can help me. My husband and 3 children reside in Upstate NY while I have had had to take an apartment in NYC a block away from Bruckner Oncology Center. I have been receiving treatments in NYC for the past six months and have been improving however, I am running out money to…
Starting to Get Chili...
A young cowboy walks into the town cafe. He sits at the counter and notices an old cowboy with his arms folded, staring blankly at a full bowl of chili. After fifteen minutes of just sitting there staring at it, the young cowboy bravely asked the old cowpoke, "If you ain't gonna eat that, mind if I do?" The older cowboy…
trying to figure this out
I have a little box that keeps popping up Looks like chat on CSN although I am not logged into chat...it is coming up on other sites also such as FB. I would love to chat but can't figure this thing out! Also I can respond to some posts and not to others. And can't edit my own misspelled messages EEEK things are getting…
Two with one try
I just posted twice and they posted with only one try!!! Maybe it's fixed! What do you think?
AMY_T Tried to post not working
Have you had regular bowel movements? I would try a stool softener, or prune juice. This is a very common side effect of chemo..happened to me. Hurt like hell....
Stupid Things People Say!
Hello Ladies, been trying to find the discussion "stupid things people say". I had mixed emotions reading the posts but found it very very supportive to know that I'm not the only one hearing outrageous comments regarding my bc. Now, I cannot find it! Help. Alessia
Can't reply
I have tried several/many times to reply to many messages and type the same message in more than twice and my replies don't stay connected to the thread. Is anyone else having this problem? Margo
Any suggestions for childcare???
I am preparing to have a mastectomy and immediate reconstruction. However, I am more stressed about what to do with my kids than anything else right now. Their Dad (my ex)will not take them for the time I will be away - I will be traveling about 3 hours away to a plastic surgeon for a DIEP free flap reconstruction. I will…
Casey Is Home
My great-grandson, Casey, and his Mom went hom on Wednesday, and so far he is doing okay. He is hooked up to two monitors, and those go off several times a day. I am sure that is frightening, but he seems to be settling down. The final prognosis was that his stomach is slow to empty, and they are saying that meds will help…
There appears to be discord at the top of the American Cancer Society (ACS) over the promotion of breast cancer screening. According to a front-page article in the New York Times, the ACS intends to abandon its rigid advocacy of mammography screening of the age 40+ female population.... http://tinyurl.com/ylhvk55
Back from Week at Mammas
Well some of you knew that I was off to my Mammas and Popas for the week via facebook, but I thought that I would let everyone know. I had a blast while I was gone, but went thruough horrible computer withdraw, my folks have yet to move into the 21st centry, lol I am not even sure they are in the 20th century. Anyway I was…
Aches and Pains calvert
I cant reply either, but I can do this. I had aches and pains from the taxol. 800mg of ibuprofen 2 times per day only helped for about 5 hours and then it was back again. My doctor orderred allegra daily for a week. Margo used claritin which helped her. Ask about it. It helped my alot Hang in there Linda T
October Weekend Plans (continued)
Since I can't reply to messages, I'm creating a new thread to Mimi's October Weekend Plans... So apparently, "chemo brain" is very real because only on "chemo brain" would I have scheduled my daughter's 8th birthday party two days after my chemo treatment!!! That's right. I'm experiencing those horrible chest pains from…
I'm BUZZED (clipper buzzed that is)
I got so tired of clumping I went to sister's and had it buzzed off. No picture yet. My "computer Einstein daughter" is working and not here to post pix. And my wig looks pretty good too, without all the hair. Kathy Scissorhands became Kathy Clipperhands. No tears at all, I was ready. It was gross falling out like that.…
Aches and Pains...........Calvert
I tried a reply but it didn't work so here goes, fingers crossed. Bone and Muscle pain is a major side effect of the taxol. The first time is the worst, then it gets lesser and shorter in duration. I was in terrible pain for 5 days after the first treatment.... Mild pain after the second for 3 days.... very minor…
I am a two timer Breast CANCER SURVIVOR. On my 10th year anniversary of the second cancer my oncologist found a lump in my tramflap reconstructed breast. I followed through and had a fine needle biopsy which turned out negative for malignancy. Even though it is negative, the oncology surgeon wants to do another fine needle…
has anyone had alergic reaction to taxole/Chemo
Hi everyone.Well I am getting over the allergic reaction to my Chemo meds.now I have to talk to the dr. again about what to do from here.I had 2 chemo done and had 2 yet to go.By me being alergic to the one med.I don,t know what she will advice next.I hope i don,t have to start over.Has any of you had this happen?I am…
UUUUGGGHHH! Getting Frustrated
I have replied to quite a few posts, twice to yours Laurissa for buzzing your hair GOOD JOB. My replies are not posting! Anyone know what's going on?? I re-type and "re-reply" and nothing is working. Thanks Kari
Members of the BC Sisterhood
I had not forgotten and I do have the images I scanned of the map of "where we are". I did not intend that we show as east/west of the Mississippi but my scanner didn't want to cooperate. Now I'm struggling with uploading the 2 photos. I've tried to place them on my "About Me" page but the system isn't letting me "browse"…
Home Abused Women X Breast Cancer - any correlation?
Does exist any correlation about women that sofer some kind of abuse in home, From husband, and breast cancer? I Just left my home and husbando and two kids (21 and 18) because he is pretty violent men... Now, I have no maney for treatment, and I live in Brazil, where doesn´t exist a strong support for those diagnosed with…