second hand smoke
I know that people shouldnt be around second hand smoke, but does this bad habit effect chemo from doing its job in anyway ? my sister is a non smoker but is around people who do.I think she should tell her onc dr.and nurse because its in her home,or am I being way over protective? I dont smoke and hate the habit...
I'm around this evening for private messaging, if anyone needs support
Since we're having trouble communicating on the site right now, and since I know that Saturday nights can be difficult to deal with sometimes, I just wanted to throw out there that I'm around and available for private messaging if anyone needs support tonight. I'll be up until about 8:30, Pacific time (yeah, 2 weeks…
Hi,i am having trouble posting a reply .I wanted to say Laurissa you go girl.i am so proud of you.i thought your buzz day was getting close.your glad you did it hu.The worrying about it gets pretty hard.take care.love and Prayers.(Pat)
I think I hear an echo in here
I hope CSN fixes the site soon. I'll check back later. Hugs to all. Never give up. Never serender. Never say never.
Since I can't reply I am starting new. I just wanted to say you are a strong and brave mom! I hope you have some help at the birthday party and I hope you all have a great time !
The Goblins of CSN are Running Wild!!!!
So, my Kindred Spirits~it seems we are having a Cyber-Glitch, huh? Early Halloween Goblins, perhaps??? LOL I just want to say hello to everyone! I welcome the new ones ( sigh) and just want to give a shout out top my Sisters in Pink here on the Boards! And, I am also going on record as saying I have responded to all 10,000…
It will not let me reply to post.
Iv never had this trouble before.When I hit submit,i am not seeing the post reply?I see others are having this trouble to.(Pat).
Can't reply too
I'm having the same problem. I tried to post a response, but couldnt. It lets me make new topics, though.
starting to feel a little better.
Thanks for your replys and Prayers.I acually got about 5hrs. sleep last night without the horrible itching from the Chemo side effects.Its been 2 days of hives,swelling and no sleep.The Dr. says it is going thru my body now.it started at my head worked down .the break out is in my legs now.It has not been a easy…
Can't post either Pat I wrote you a post, but it didn't post. Sorry to read about the hive set back. I prayed you find a peace and calm that allow you to think and feel beyond this physical attack while your body and the doc figure it out. I hope the peace and rest come quickly. Any possiblity a cool oatmeal bath would…
Getting ready for chemo
What do you usually do the day you receive your chemo treatment? My Mom is getting her second dose today and she is EXTREMELY wind up, how can I help her calm down? She says it's not because she is getting chemo she just "didn't sleep last night"...
benadryl or claritan
I was told by my nurse to take benadryl for the leunasta shot pain and some of you ladies take claritan. Is claritan better?
Finished Chemo #2
So yesterday went well. My doctor changed my nausea pre-cocktail medicine so that I wouldn't have such severe headaches. That helped a lot. They told me that they will not use the same vein next time because there was a minor problem this time...nothing crazy...just need to switch veins so we will. I go in today for the…
Cancer response
I was just thinking that when people say those cancer faux pax, we should just say, Thank you for the (fill in the blank) I couldn't do this without it. Be a little sarcastic so they get it. Yeh, and this works for the kind help, Thank you for (fill in the blank) I truly couldn't do this without out. Be very sincere when…
I did it I finished Rad's taday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I finally finished rad's! No walk in the park but as with everything else "doable" Had to play hooky from work this week, but I'm sure I'll be up and running by Monday. I just wanted to thank everybody for all the support and information I've gotton here, I wouldn't of been able to do it without you ladies! God Bless…
Gabapentin for hot flashes
My hot flashes after chemo number 4 of adriamycin and cytoxan were really bad! They happened all day long and kept me up most the night. My doc prescribed GABAPENTIN. The hot flashes are GONE, I can't believe it, it's almost too good to be true. Has anyone else ever taken this drug?? Looking for any troublesome side…
Vitamin D results
Because of all the great information I've read here, I thought it was important to have my vitamin D levels checked and just as I suspect mine were low. I encourge everyone to have there's checked as my doctor said new research it proving that there is a huge corrilation (sp?) between low vitamin D levels and breast…
Roll Call: October weekend plans?!!
So, here we are, facing another Friday afternoon and I am already itching to start my weekend. I have a nice one planned. Tonight, Simon and I are headed to a little neighborhood Greek restaurant. Middle Eastern food is a favorite of mine, so I can't wait. Plus, I had a great, healthy eating week so I won't feel guilty…
Irritated with Comcast Pink Ribbon "Specials"
As i have been searching and searching for some sort of guidance of what type of diet would give me the best chance of non-reoccurance (btw...what i seem to find is what NOT to eat, not WHAT to eat), i saw that Comcast cable television has an entire section devoted to Pink Ribbon, breast cancer awareness with stories, and…
prayers for my daughter
I am undergoing chemo (taxol) after bilateral masectomies in June and just found out my seven year old daughter has precocious puberty (early puberty). She is to undergo a mri to rule out a brain tumor soon. I am a single mom working full time. I feel like I have made so many mistakes! I brought her to the dr's last year…
Just some hair left
This evening my hair is like the pouring rain we're having. Finally, I'll get this stage over with. I think the thought of losing your hair is worse than actually losing it. I'm really not that upset about it. My brush looks like a hamster and it's all over the bedding. But I'm still not ready to shave it, probably the…
3 Time Breast Cancer Survivor
Hello Ladies, I am always in the ovarian cancer discussion board, but today I was reading your posts. I have had breast cancer 3 times. I was 28 years old the first time. I got a 17 year break and then it grew back in the same hole they took it out of in 2007. Breast cancer in the other breast in 2008. Then in 2009, I got…
First chemo
I had my first chemo today and it went fine. I was a wreck before I went. I think the anticipation was worse than the chemo itself. I hope I don't have to eat those words tomorrow if side effects kick in. Thanks to all of you who said it would be OK.
Starting Chemo
Hi all! I'm sorry I haven't come to the board in quite some time. You are ALL such wonderful, courageous, brave & extremely helpful survivors! I've been extremely overburdened with making decisions and making headway on fighting this very scary beast! I had my single mastectomy on Aug. 27th @ Fox Chase Cancer Center in…
Wish me luck...
I see my oncologist today - my 8 week check since my last chemo. I'm hoping to talk him into a tumor marker test - he already said "no" to a cat/pet scan. Does anyone else have Kaiser insurance and have a hard time getting some of the tests that seem obvious to get? Thanks! -Jenny
What would you do?
I read my local paper (Yeah, all 2 pages of it) every week... I take in everything. This week the lead story was how "Wonderfully the Walk to find a Cure went LAST SUNDAY!" It was the first I had heard of it! Would these nice ladies who organised it appreciate hearing this? Advice please. I am really quite upset about…
The Post Panic Stage
I have entered a new phase....the "after chemo is done, hair is growing back nice and curly, am looking almost like "nothing has happened", getting my boobs put back on...and now a building panic deep in my gut" phase. I know that this is normal....i know that it will get better as time goes on....i know that in some form…
I've been bitten...by the travel bug!!!!
So, after purchasing tix for my '3 month switch' to Holland, and planning a big Christmas get-together with my friends here in the states, I decided that wasn't enough excitement. So, the Sunday after Thanksgiving, my beau and I are headed for a week cruising the Mexican Riviera! I am SO stoked!!!! I got a 'last minute…
Last night my 29 year old daughter posed a question I did not see coming. She is considering having the gene testing done to see if she is carrying the cancer gene. If she is then she is seriously considering have both breasts removed and reconstructed. For those of you who are not familiar with me I have had breast cancer…
Anyone awake? I need advice on taxol vs taxetere for 11 am today
I have stage 2 breast cancer. 2.4 cm, lymph nodes clean. I'm just about to finish A/C (adriamycin and cytoxan). Was going to follow it with taxol. My doctor is asking if I want to get it every week for 12 weeks or every 2-3 weeks for another period of time. He also said taxetere was as option. Anyone had any of these…