Should I be concerned?
When I had my second Chemo Weds. I felt really bad back pain for awhile then it stopped.Then i started having chest discomfort.Well today my chest hurt all day.it don,t feel like heartburn.Just like a heaviness.I wondered if anyone of you have had this happen?You never know if you are worrying to much or not enough.Chemo…
Exhausted from Radiation?
Has anyone else gotten really tired from radiation? I had chemofirst then double masectomy with reconstruction, and now radiation and still getting herceptin.Ialso go for lymphedema and physical therapy. I also moved got my kids in new schools and am going through a divorce. I am just so tired! The chemo made me tired for…
Marcia 527 ... Did I read a posting that you - passed or have your driver's license ?
I have been waiting to hear the good news, my friend .. I thought I read - ok color my chemo brain if not, that you drove with the window down, singing to the radio ?? I truly hope so .. otherwise, I might have to commit myself to the local loony bin ... Or did I dream this all up ? VickiSam
Anticancer Power of Supermarket Mushrooms
Most people have heard by now about the healing powers of exotic medicinal mushrooms, such as reishi, shiitake and maitake. But what about the white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus), the kind that is so boringly abundant in American supermarkets? http://www.cancerdecisions.com/content/view/280/2/lang,english/…
Muga Scan Question
Does anyone know what the Ejection Fraction is suppose to be? When I saw mine it was 58%. When I asked, my Onc. said it should be between 55-60 so I thought that was pretty good.(?) I read two other posts on here and one was a 70 and the other a 60 something. Both were older women. I'm confused. I'm wondering if this is…
when will I lose my hair?
Hi, I'm on taxotere/carboplatin/herceptin (every 3 weeks). I had my first treatment 14 days ago. When will I lose my hair? I have been reading the hair posts, but haven't seen anyone on my specific treatment plan to compare. Jenn
Haircut to shaving my head after chemo #1
Tram Procedure
Hi, I am new to this site but I was wondering if anyone had the tram procedure. I have had alot of problems with mine and right now it does not even look like a breast. After my chemo, they want to use musle and skin from my back to make it look more like a "breast". They use my stomach fat and weaved it through my body, I…
Swine flu & flu vaccine
Throughout my journey I have been face with decision after decision as most of you are aware of and very familiar with. One thing that has given me relief is realizing the decisions I am making are about ME and not my children. It has given me strength and relief that I am not making these decisions for any one of my…
kids say the cutest things...
leave it to a child's innocence to put a true smile on your face.... On our local news there was a story about a dog that has cancer. My good friends, Jen's 5 year old, daughter asked her mommy what was wrong with the "puppy".. She proceeded to tell her that the dog was sick with cancer. And her daughter responded...…
Sending you all LOVE while I am out of town.....
I am in Northern California, Sacramento to be exact, and will be here for 10 days helping my sister take care of her daughter who had spine surgery. My niece doesn't have internet at her house ( ARRRGGGHHHH!!!) so I won't be posting often. So~I just want to say hello to all of my Warrior-Survivor Sisters here~ and let you…
My friend has breast cancer too
It really has come to my attention that this disease is sooooo common..a friend of mine was just diagnosed today. She is young like me...36. I am in total shock again. I feel for her. I want to be there for her. It is funny...now that I have cancer, I am finding so many people I know have had it. I guess people feel they…
For Kids! Arthur Episode about Cancer on PBS Oct.19 and Every Day That Week
I copied and pasted this information from the NEAHIN website. I hope the links work for you. ARTHUR This new two-part Arthur episode takes on an important subject that affects the lives of so many children and families: cancer. This special two-part show features a special animated appearance by Lance Armstrong, who knows…
pet scan? Can anyone tell me how long? Is it like the noisy MRI is it enclosed? I have one tomorrow at 10 am. 10 am injected with whatever and then test at 10:45. Also why do I have such a hard time entering a subject. What am I doing wrong? always, Becky
I shaved my head...
Well, I had to do it. My hair started coming out when I ran my hands through it. I had a facial scheduled today at my breast cancer center anyway, so they went ahead and shaved me. Then they used a lovely shampoo with a mild anesthetic in it because my scalp has been very tender. It works great! I bought some special…
Call out to Taleena
Taleena, how are you doing with Rads? Haven't seen you post lately and been thinking of you. I know how tired you can get and just posting can feel draining. Hoping you are hanging in there and getting your much needed rest. I am still keeping you in my prayers. Lets us know where you are at, so we can look forward to…
Happy Birthday
Hi All, I've been reading your posts and finally had time to register so I could post something. I can't sleep and it's 1:53a.m. Yesterday 10/12 was my 41st b-day. What a far cry from my surprise 40th b-day. My whole face,neck,and chest broke out in an acne rash. It's only been 10 days since my first chemo treatment and I…
new to group
I'm new to the group. I had a lumpectomy in August with 2 nodes removed and more surgery in Sept. to clean margins and insert port. Stage 1 cancer. Start Chemo next week with Taxotere and Cytoxan. Anyone had this cocktail? Results?
I spent the last few days trying to gear up for my meeting with the Oncologist. I knew we ran tests since my last appt and the test results would help determine or confirm the next step. Up to this point I have been scared, but positive and I have been able to hold it together relatively well. I was not prepared to hear…
ROLL CALL: Cold and rainy weekend plans?!
Well, it's here again. The end of the workweek, and a cold and rainy day here in Washington DC. I am picturing hearty chilis and stews, snuggling under a fluffy down comforter, and thick cordouroys with boots. All things I love! Sooo, this is what I have planned so far: Tonight, we might cool it with the going-out and eat…
Can my body do this?
1'st chemo 10/6 with adriamycin/cytoxan. Need 11 more chemo treatments,then rads. Diagnosed stage 2 ER+ (13%). Got neulasta shot,took claritin,it worked fine. My white count is very low and I have no energy. Muga scan came back 70, strong heart. Taking 6 antibiotics a day to treat infection at surgical site. I've had minor…
do you get mouth sores with taxol
hi everyone, i have 1 more of the chemo i am on now. then 1/2 way thru. then i start taxol,, these mouth sores are hard on you, just wondering if you still get them on taxol. god bless everyone
Picture Change
Has anyone had a difficult time changing their picture? I have deleted my old one and uploaded a new one and when I view it, it always goes back to my old one! No big deal really... I just would like to change it.
Inflammatory BC/Lanie
There is an article on this at aolhealth.com. The young ladies name is Amanda Nixon.(27) Lanie-I don't remember who it was that you told to watch that Discovery segment, but I think this is that girl that they featured. Cathy
If I could find just one person on this site that is in my predicament it would be a MIRACLE!!..... OK, April 5, 2005, I received a Kidney/Pancreas Transplant which was a miracle in itself... And Long Story Short...My kidneys went bad due to Diabetes since the age of 14, I am now 48. I received a kidney....yes..../and the…
Met with Genetic Counselor
Hi everyone. I met with my genetic counselor yesterday. I go to the Breast Cancer Center near me and genetics counseling is one of the services they offer free of charge. I learned some interesting things. Since I am under 40, this BC diagnosis carries some interesting implications for me and my family. Here they are in a…
Tamoxifen/Stroke/Blood Clots
(My picture doesn't fit my state of mind today.) Has anyone who is or has taken Tamoxifen had problems with blood clots and /or stroke? My body cannot tolerate AI's, so my oncologist wants to try me on tamoxifen. But first, I will see a hematologist to assess whether I would be at risk for blood clots, heart attack or…
Anyone not get a port?
I opted to not get a port. So far had one chemo, all went well. My mom had a port, and I didn't want one. I might have to get one after surgery, but right now I have 2 good arms to work with.
Re 22 yrs and now metastasis--a big thank you
Just wanted to thank everyone who wrote. It means so much to me to hear the encouraging words. I am hoping to go at least another 22 years as I want to be around for any grandchildren.
to Jeanne
I tried to post on your post that my thoughts were with you, but i guess its just too long it wouldnt let me. I wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers and i hope things are going ok with you. Please try to keep positive thoughts in your head. I know it must be so hard to do that. You have been such an…