OK, now, the wonderful things you say to /have heard as/ breast cancer survivors....
I usually open with "Well, I'm here to answer questions, give out hugs, listen to ranting, and just generally be here for whatever makes this easier for you." How about you all? Hugs, Kathi
I'm looking for information about Paget's Disease and treatment
My 32 year old daughter has been diagnosed with Paget'd Disease. Please I begging anyone out there to give me any kind of information on this disease.
Pammy, I LOVE your frog costume!!
I just saw your new avatar and had to comment. It is absolutely adorable. I'll have to say it definately goes with your cute personality.
Half way done my peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Half way done everyone. Had number 3 today...and guess what!! Blood work perfect again! Said blood looks like I never had chemo, and tumor shrank more. I am so happy right now! Im not even getting neulasta. My body is saying.....get the hell out cancer! LOL...just wanted to share news. I know you ladies would like to hear…
Tomorrow's the "Day" (10--21-09)
YUP - tomorrow morn I go in for Mod. Radical on right breast. After 4 doses of A/C both chemo Dr and surgeon say it's time. (I have IBC that was very aggressive.) As there are plans at this time for more chemo and then rads, there will be no reconstruction at this time. Surgeon says to wait at least 9 -12 months to be sure…
It's me.. Long time no see...
Hello everyone.. I'm still here... just not moving as well as I would like to lately.. energy is at a negative not just at zero... I feel terrible that I haven't been welcoming new members or participating at all lately... don't think I could catch up with everything on here if I tried... I just wanted to let you all know…
Perks Chemotherapy and Cancer
Cancer stinks and I would rather have my old body back, but these are some of the things I keep telling myself to help me through it all. First perk is I lost weight and can now, for the 1st time in about 20 yrs, eat anything and everything I want. One night I actually sat down and ate a whole gallon of chocolate chip mint…
soy products
I was told today by a friend to be sure and tell Laurissa to avoid soy because it feeds cancer.Is this true???Have any of you heard that?I haven't heard from laurissa today. Im waiting to hear what happened at the dentist.Also my friend told me a friend of hers drank some kind of herbal concocktion[all natural] from a…
Newbie-Acute treatment phase complete-still terribly fatigued
So, I went on short term disability again yesterday because I am so fatigued. I can't deal with it. I was diagnosed in January this year (IIIA), surgery in Feb., chemo started in March, radiation August. Oh, and I have been diagnosed with mild lymphedema. I've been on the breast cancer treatment freight train. I worked…
my experience
Hi Everyone, Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with cancer (few months ago). of course I went through chemotherapy, suffered terrible pain and was much tiered. At that point I was so weak so I decided to take a supplement that my friend takes for sleep disorders (an antiviral supplement) so I could be less tiered and do some…
Tomoxifen and weight gain
Hi all, yep got a question for ya. But first a little info. Two and a half yeas ago I was a fat girl, and I busted my butt to loose the weight managing to loose 100 lbs with diet and tons of exercise. Was dx a year ago and lost even more weight. 25 lbs to be exact. I started Tomoxifen in May. Since then I have done nothing…
RADS, Fatigue and feeling sad
I have finished 7 days of RADS so far. I am already so tired and the Dr says it is going to get alot worse! I can't concentrate or finish a thought or sentence half the time. I'm so tired but can't sleep because of hot flashes, painful joints, Neuropathy, the list goes on. The last couple of days I have constantly been on…
Please Say A Prayer For Me ♥ Update on Bone Scan Date
♥ ♥ Hi my friends! I haven't said anything until now because I wasn't for sure what might be going on and because I was just plain scared. I have had a lot of pain, especially in my back for several weeks now. I didn't know if I had just worked too hard in my flower gardens or what. But, in the back of my mind, after…
what is dancing with NED?
Sorry about the dumb question, I guess it is when you find out there's no more cancer, but what is NED?
Cool day at school
When I walked in to school today after radiation I noticed a lot of the faculty had on pink....then I noticed that they all had on pink!!! For me!!! It was BC support for Dee day! I also got daisys and a cute necklace....What a nice surprise, for no specific occasion....The only bad part was since they didn't tell me , I…
Any bad vein tric
Any bad vein tricks? My veins blow the minute they start to pull out blood, or flush to inject any contrast materials. Seriously, I look worse than any street junkie. They try and try one test after another. Then they do the test without contrast and it isn't what the oncologist needs. I have to get some contrast in my…
Stupid BC commercials #2 another rant (you'll like this one)
Ok so this Doctor comes on and says "the best way to fight breast cancer is prevention" so my ears perk up....Prevention? Please do tell us how to prevent it..... "and the best prevention," he goes on to say " is mamograms and self exams" Huh? I can "prevent" a recurrence through mamograms and self exams?...gee I'll have…
just found out I have breast cancer
Anyone in Fort Wayne, IN...that has input on doctors, surgeons, etc? Much appreciated...
Ok, this may sound ridiculous, but being that I have never been bald before....how do we care for our heads? Is there something we should be putting on it? My scalp is really dry. Baby oil? I'm thinking it will be too shiny or it may dry it out more. Lotion? What do you use? I've always been sensitive to products with…
help please.I have hives broke out on my body
Has anyone had this happen?I had chemo 8 days ago.Today me and my daughter went for a drive and ate at a resterant.On the way home my head got to itching.I thought well I had worn my wig to long today.I have wig liners but it usually feels ok without one.So about 4hrs. later when taking my shower I have itchy hives on the…
Could it already be Monday again? -- GOAL MONDAY, ladies!
OK, so after the wild weekend, we now have to settle down and set some goals for the week. I've already started the week off right by having a healthy breakfast at home and packing a good lunch. I didn't pack my workout clothes, however, so that's not so good. Here are some of the things I want to accomplish this week: 1)…
Radiation Exhaustion
Okay I have 13 more radiation treatments to go. It is making me so tired and cranky! anyone else experience this? After surgery they said cancer free but should get the radiation,but now I want to quit the radiation. I was so tired today I feel asleep on the table during the few minutes of the treatment! I've had the chemo…
has anyone else wbc still dropped after chemo was done
alright ladies.. has anyone else had this happened!!! that their wbc cont. to drop after chemo was complete.... I am 8 weeks from my last chemo treatment and my blood cell count is STILL dropping. I was 2.6 after my last treatment and now I am 1.9.... My mind is racing as to why... any help.. I feel great other than that...
Since I have prostate cancer, I generally post at that forum, however, today, my 91 year old mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She lives in northern new jersey, just outside new york city. She has used Englewood, New Jersey Hospital in the past and is happy with the , I believe regional hospital. Today, she…
Gene Test and Treatment Options ... I need some advice!
I'm confused and I need some advice. I just got off the phone with my onocologist and she told me that mom's gene test was negative. And because hers is negative, mine would be too. I was surprised by that. Mom was tested because I don't have insurance. My understanding was that if mom was positive, I could have the test…
Did You Know You Were in a Church Hall with Me Last Night?
I was invited to talk with a women's group at a little local church last night. The room where the talk was to be held was decorated in pink. At one end of the room two tables were set up. One was sagging with all kinds of pink desserts including plates of double round sugar cookies with a perky pink sugar dot in the…
Sorry i didn't say thanks sooner but I was out of town for a few days. Chemo starts tomorrow and I'm very nerveous. I took my steroids so far today, but I'm shaking inside. Did anyone take someone with them the first time? My husband has to work so a neighbor is taking me, but I keep thinking I'd rather go alone incase I…
This Site Was Down Last Night?
Or, was it truly just me? I read where Greta posted to Tasha stating that they were working on the chatroom. Maybe they had to take the whole site down to do that. Has anyone tried the chatroom yet? Think I will and see! Follow me! Sue :)
First Appt with Onc tomorrow ~ Help needed
I know this probably a late post. But... 1st meeting with onc tomorrow. Diagnosed with IDC on left, right is clear, bilateral mastectomy schedule for Oct 30th with chemo port placement and immediate reconstruction. Checking Sentinal node at time of mastectomy. Just wondering....will my onc be able to tell me what kind of…
My 1st walk in Baltimore, MD.
When I finally got my date for surgery (Oct 30th) I was kind of upset about the waiting. I have turned that emotion around and now I'm very thankful. My work, family, & friends are now involved in the "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" walk that will be held in Baltimore, MD on Oct 25th. If my surgery date had been…