Tamoxifen + Lupron?

TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I'm about to start on Tamoxifen (pending the results of the blood test to make sure I metabolize it), and my doctor is considering also giving me Lupron shots concurrently with the Tamixofen, to shut down my ovaries.

I'm 40, so a long way from menopause, and even after 5 years on Tamoxifen, still won't be close to menopause, so that's why he's considering this.

Wondering if anyone else has done Lupron with Tamoxifen, and what your experiences have been?

Thanks for any input,



  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    Don't know, but curious to know what you find out.
    Hi Tracey,

    I'm 39 and currently taking Tamoxifen. I've never heard of Lupron ... is your doctor wanting you to take it so that your body produces less estrogen? I'm wondering because maybe it is something I should consider too ...

    take care,
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Lots of younger women do this
    Traci, this is something pretty common to do, I think, for younger women who still have lots of estrogen in their systems. You might want to go on the discussion board at www.youngsurvival.org as there are lots of threads on this topic, or you could start your own. Good luck.
