So far, so good
My lumpectomy this past Monday went even better than I'd hoped for. 1.3 cm mass removed with clear margins and sentinel node final pathology report was clear! Next step will be to meet with the medical oncologist who will order the. Oncotype test and we can discuss the rest of treatment. I know I'll be getting rads and…
onco test (sp?)
Hi, I just posted this question on the Newbie post, but wanted to be sure it wasn't lost, so I'm typing it here. I had a mastectomy,and ER/PR positive and Her2nu positive. My onc. told me I have a 70% chance of cancer returning if I don't do chemo. He only entered it into a computer data base though. I did not have an onco…
Finished my adriamycin/cytoxan cocktail now comes taxol
Hi pink ladies, I just did my fourth and final adriamycin/cytoxan cocktail today. In two weeks I start 12 weekly rounds of taxol. Any word on this one?? After the taxol I will undergo a bilateral mastectomy, lymph nodes, radiation, then reconstruction. The adriamycin/cytoxan has shrunk the tumor some (5.5 to start) the pet…
Heavenly Hats
I didn't know if the newbies knew about this site. It is heavenlyhats.com and if you go there and register, you will receive some new hats absolutely free in a few days. It is an organization that was started by a 10 year old kid. The story is on the site. It truly is a wonderful thing. Hope someone here can use it. Hugs,…
WOLFI? Are you going to be ok?
Wolfi, I saw your post and just wanted you to know that we are all here for you. So, post anytime and vent, or cry, or laugh or just write whatever you want. We understand, trust me, we do. Hugs to you!
looking for someone who can tell me about pain and mastectomy
Dcis surgery number 2! Looking for someone who can tell me about the pain and side effects of having a double d removed with an mastectomy.
question about expanders
Hello I'm looking for someone who has gone through a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction with expanders? I am having trouble with one side and want to know if anyone else has had the same problem? My doctor can not get the saline to go into the expanders. I might have to go through another surgery. Please if anyone has…
For my pink sisters - from my son ("Joggin' for Jenny")
Everyone, I must share this with you. I have 3 kids - they all took it so hard when they learned of my BC. My son decided to put together a relay for the Denver marathon and earn some $ for us! You must visit the web site - you can see me with hair! (what a plus!!) :O) He and three others will run on Sunday, Oct 18. So far…
Hi Hi Hi, it's Babe
Hello sisters, i know its been a long time since i've been on line ans thats only because my bones have been kinda painful. Today i started my chemo again. This time they have me on taxol & carboplatin. 1x a week for 3 weeks and then a week off and start cycle again, until further notice. The dr is trying to clear my liver…
Does your hair start growing back after Chemo when you are doing radiation?
Hi,i forgot to ask my Dr. if my hair would start growing back during Radiation.Or is it after tads.I know it will be after chemo.Thank you.(Pat).
How do you get doctors to listen to you and give you an answer?
I had a recurrent cancer and one of the tumors had wrapped around a nerve. I had my surgery over two months ago and still have bouts of stinging pain that I think is nerve damage. When I tell the doctors--I have a team--I am experiencing bouts of this, which can be severe, they shrug me off. I have yet to get an answer or…
Triple negative ?? 4 or 12 chemo treatments??
I just found out my Mom's cancer was classified as triple negative. She got 21 nodes removed and thank God all of them were negative. Anyways, the Dr. explained that the triple negative type of cancer is "sneaky" and needs to be treated as if it was one of the most aggressive ones. My Mom will get 4 rounds of chemo (she…
is there hope?
Just had double mast and had micro invasive and dcis and 3 mm tumor in left breast (yes thats mm not cm?) Nothing in right breast. Even though cancer is micro Doc says it still diagnosed as Stage 3-B - is there still hope for survival and is there anybody else out there in this stage? Please help I'm scared to death.
My appointment with my radiation oncologist today -- insulin may be the answer
My meeting with my doctor today went pretty well. She does want me to get a sonogram along with my annual mammogram in November becase my breasts felt like "a bag of marbles" -- so she isn't confident that a physical exam and mammogram alone will be enough. This scares me a bit, but she says it's normal to have dense…
Jackie - How are you doing?
Jackie - How is your back? Let us know when you can. We love you. xoxoxoxo Lynn
◘ Are We Cured Of Cancer Or Are We In Remission? ◘
My oncologist says I am cured of cancer. But, I have read where others say that we are in remission. Which are we? I always thought that being in remission meant that you still had cancer in you, but, it was more or less asleep, not active at the time. What do you think? And, what does your oncologist say about you? ♥ Noel
Making Strides Walk - Florida Photos
I have finally figured out how to post photos and have put a few on my expressions page. It was a beautiful day and an event with an even greater cause. This will now become an annual event for me and "my gang" with the goal of raising as much money as possible for the cause.
Questions about lymph nodes and lymphedema the second time around
Hi, I have infiltrating ductal carcinoma for the second time. The first time it was in my right breast. I had a mastectomy and they took 15 of my lymph nodes. As a result I have mild lymphodema in my right arm. It isn't bad, but sometimes I have to wear my sleeve and my arm aches a lot. I have just been diagonsed in my…
Postpone Femara?
Hello, what if I postpone Femara to after rads? Has anyone of you ladies done this? THNX
Metastasis after 22 years
I am 56 years old and was diagnosed when I was 33. Had ER+ breast cancer: large tumor, 4 nodes. Underwent mastectomy, chem, radiation and tamoxifen. I was diagnosed again in April this year: rib metastasis. Had a bone biopsy because I had been so long: same tumor as 1987. I am on arimidex and zometa and finished radiation.…
Over 4 hurdles - looking to the future
I was diagnosed in February with Stage IIIA, 5 tumors, 3 lymph nodes. Since then, 4 cycles of A/C, a double mastectomy and 13 lymph nodes removed (3 positive), after which my diagnosis went from HER2 to a triple positive. Then 12 weeks of Taxol and Herceptin (Herceptin to continue until next June), and Arimidex for the…
First timer
Hi everyone, Well it's my first time posting here, it's my first time being diagsnosed with breast cancer and Thursday will be my first time for Chemo. Can anyone share their first experience? I' kinda of scared but will not admit that to my family. My husband and family have been great, really trying to be supportive. But…
The Funniest Staff Meeting Ever!
The boss of a Madison Avenue advertising agency called a spontaneous staff meeting in the middle of a particularly stressful week. (This is one pretty sharp boss!) When everyone gathered, the boss, who understood the benefits of having fun, told the burnt out staff the purpose of the meeting was to have a quick contest.…
Breast Cancer to Skin Cancer there is a connection
Hi: Hi I have just been told I have a deep basal cell carcinoma on my face between my eyes. I am awaiting Mohs surgery to have it removed. I researched and found that breast cancer can make you suseptable to skin cancer, so ladies if you have not seen a dermatologist in awhile please add it to your things to do! Hugs,…
How soon after Chemo?
My first question is: When does the dry mouth stop? When do we get our taste buds back or is that also a part of the drymouth? When does the stomach cramping go away? It's been 8 days now since my first Chemo & I'm hoping for some relief soon! Thanks for your help! Hugz, Cathy
questions about radiation and reconstruction
I had a double mast 2 weeks ago and had expanders placed because we were all under the assumption that I would only have to undergo chemo and no radiation - now the Docs are talking might have to do radiation - the plastic surgeon specifically asked if I would need radiation and I had said no - has anyone out there ever…
I just got through with my chemo treatments and planning for reconstruction.. What to expect?? Can you help would really be appreciated!!!
The Universe Solved, Part 1...
1. Save the whales. Collect the whole set. 2. A day without sunshine is like... night. 3. On the other hand, you have different fingers. 4. 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot. 5. 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name. 6. Remember, half the people you know are below average. 7. He who laughs last thinks…
SO am i ok now?
hey everybody. Got a question. I finished my last chemo last week. Go back to see my onc in four weeks to start on tamoxifen. I have never had a pet scan and wonder if i should. How do i know that im cancer free? Is it just by the blood work they do or what? Any answers here? thanks laura
Day 10 of my first cycle of Chemo
I have had continuous cramping and diarreaha for 5 days now. I am so hungry. I consume my liquids so dehydration isn't an issue. Imodium isn't working. Any ideas?