...you all have been such an inspiration to me. Most of the times, I'm not logged on, just lurking (not in a creepy way) 'cause I'm at work reading the posts. I have learned so many different things and ways to cope with this "stuff" from all of you. I'm getting ready to received chemo #5, of six treatments. All six…
reconstruction after radiation
I will be under going a bilateral masectomy and am interested in reconstruction. I will have a few chemo treatments and then radiation. My surgeon mentioned having skin saving surgery and expanders. She said I will need to have the surgery where they take musle from my back. I was wondering if I could just do implants and…
Good news....
Dr just called, looks like my ovaries were benign!! I am so relieved that all I had to deal with was the unforeseen complication in getting them out! Now I just am anxious to get going! Arghhhh.....guess I will just have to be the turtle for a while longer! Thanks everyone for all your prayers and support! Lots of other…
Did anyone else have to wait 5 weeks to see oncology?
My mother (age 72 ½) had a Modified Radical Mastectomy on 09/21 with a 2nd surgery on 09/24 to stop the internal bleeding. The soonest the oncologist can see her is 10/27. The surgeon said because of the size of tumor and 5 of 22 lymph nodes as cancer, it is Stage 4. In the meantime we have had complications from the…
Aside from that, Mrs Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play??? LOL
The phone rings and the lady of the house answers, 'Hello.' 'Mrs. Sanders, please.' 'Speaking.' 'Mrs. Sanders, this is Doctor Jones at Saint Agnes Laboratory. When your husband's doctor sent his biopsy to the lab last week, a biopsy from another Mr. Sanders arrived as well. We are now uncertain which one belongs to your…
A few words to our new warriors
First of all I want to welcome all the new people to the board, I am so sorry that any of you had to seek us out. You have however found a wonderful place to be. I would also like to apologize for not chiming in sooner, I have been a bit self absorbed and then was on a vacation. There are so many of you it is a bit…
Anybody have the "tram" reconstruction surgery. How long will I be out from work.
I need some info. Anybody have the "tram" reconstructive surgery or know someone who has had it done. I only work three days a week and curious how long before I can get back to work. I work in an office so there is no standing.... I am getting different answers from everybody I ask. THX.
I had a mastectomy on april 20 2009.. I am healed and got finished with my chemo treatments.. Should I wait longer?? What to expect?? Will I have alot of pain?? I will probally be having the tummy tissue surgery. Is there anyone that can help it would really be appreciated!!! Need some help to make the right decisions..…
First round of chemo
Well I hope everyone had a good weekend an for us tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives. Love's last 2 exams gave us the results we needed as far as estrogen production and the P.E.T. Scan to measure the amount of spread and what good news it was to hear it was contained mostly to the breast with minimal…
weight gain
i went thru 4 treatments of chemo july-sept 2008. i gained some weight during chemo and had to stay the same weight during radiation.After is was all done i continued to gain weight.My oncologist insists it's because of menopause.I have always been a walker.I walk 2 miles every evening with weight gloves and ankle weights…
How did you react to the "booster" radiation to the tumor site?
I am getting close to where they stop giving radiation to the large area and start giving me 12 of what they call "booster" treatments to the tumor site. Has anyone had this? Did it burn you worse? I am not burnt yet, but, I am pink after 19 treatments. I would appreciate any answers. Thanks!
Has anyone applied for this ?
After ground pounding for the last month since my love's DX I have been looking for any assistance we can get to help with things.We are not eligible for the FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) but I was reading about the ADA (Americans Disability Act) and below is a link to it but unfortunately I'm not a good reader so some…
Financial Assistance
My treatments are over, insurance has paid what they will. But my 15% is a big chunk as I had to have treatment for a little over a year. Now I need to deal with the bills. I had to go on unemployment during most of treatment due to the travel issue I had. Then when I had a nice job, they "restructured" and I was again…
Am I panicking over nothing?
I went to my doctor today to get repeats etc... and I have a horrible 7 headed cauliflower growing on my eyelid.....I asked my Mum about this, as she used to have lots of styes when she was run-down........her answer: (Rub your gold wedding ring over it) I had to remind her................. I DON'T HAVE A WEDDING RING ,…
New Diagnostic Test--Benefit?
http://citybizlist.com/yourcitybiznews/detail.aspx?id=56768 I was browsing online for new diagnostic tests for breast cancer, and came across this. Has anyone heard of this company, and what they're supposed to be testing for? If they're for real, does this mean that there's now a test that can determine if a drug will…
Chemo Chicks - Treatment #2
Hi girls! Just wondering what the status is on this group that is currently in treatment for chemo? I'm going in this week for my second chemo treatment. My head is completely bald...and white!!! Holy cow! I'm putting baby oil on my nails every day so they won't get brittle. And I feel okay, tired but okay. How's everyone…
Scared, nervous, hopeful
Hello everybody! Ahh Today is my second surgery after my first lumpectomy. I am super scared but hoping for the best. I hope this is the last surgery. (sorry, just had to put it out there). I hope everyone has a great day today!! :)
Having a hard time with rads/ only 4 more to go
Hi all, I haven't been on for awhile but thought I'd come here to get my spirts up. I've had 22 of 26 rad treatments done and am not doing so well. I mostly just work and sleep as soon as I get home. My skin is a deep red and under my arm it started peeling yesterday. The doctor has been keeping a close eye on it, for the…
I feel blessed
I have not posted much for awhile up until today and you know what? It felt so good to be back. I felt like i could have gone on and on to some of you, but decided i had to stop the post at some point or another. I want to welcome all the new ones who i know have so much fear and pain right now. Just know that you all have…
did my first walk for breast cancer today...
What an awesome and powerful experience today was... My local Woman's 5K for breast cancer... pouring down rain and only 40 degrees and over 3000 woman showed up.. , 450 survivors walk in parade. Such a moving experience.. and they raised over $200.000 for local programs..
Vitamin D defency and hair loss
Hi everyone. I too have been out of the loop as of lately. Hello to all the newbies. The Goodhousekeeping magazine that Lili brought up a couple of weeks ago ( September issue) also had an article on Vitamin D deffency and Iron deffency. The article hinted that there might be a link to hair loss and suggested that you get…
Taleena??? You OK???
Last post you were about 1/2 way through rads... I hope your doing ok!!! Missing your comments and updates!!! Please let us know how your doing!!! HUGGGZZZZ Calleen
reconstruction after Radiation
I am having a bilateral mastectomy I will be doing chemo and radiation afterwards. I would like to do reconstruction. I would like to do expanders at the time of the mastectomy and then do implants after radiation with out doing any other proceedures. Has anyone else done implants after radiation without anything else?
It never ends,does it?
I hate to bring this up,and I know that beyond getting tested,giving self exams,and trying to take care of ourselves-and praying(and I'm not using that lightly-believe me)-our hands are kind of tied-but sometimes I get a little frustrated every time I hear about a new cancer that we are susceptible to since getting…
jaw necrosis
I have metastatic breast cancer with mets through out the skeleton and my dr is treating it with Zomeda I have developed jaw necrosis from some surgery that was needed on the gum and it never healed. Now the jaw bone is exposed and three dental specialists have turned down my oncologists referals saying they couldn't do…
I Finished Chemo Yesterday - Yipee!!!!!!
I am so happy to report that I finished my last round of chemo yesterday. Now on to the rads within the next 3-4 weeks. In the beginning, I never thought I'd get to this day. It went by quicker than I thought it would. I have been very lucky and haven't had a lot of side effects from the chemo. The good news to all the…
2 months ago today I was diagnosed
Is it just me, I'm still not accepting this, it's been two months since I got the awful news, four adriamycin/cytoxan treatments down, (12 taxol, bilateral mastectomy/lymph nodes, radiation, and reconstruction to go). I just don't think it's all sunk in, anybody else get this?? My world has been turned upside down and I…
How to send a private message?
I've looked all over this site and can't figure out how to write and send a PM, I know how to reply to one. Help, please.
Had stage "0" breast cancer on my right side in June 2008. Had to have a mastectomy. Then decide for reconstruction in March 2009. Had left breast removed for this. First tried the tram flap, this failed during the surgery, so expanders were put in. Then 3 weeks later left one taken out due to infection. Then after months…