Stage 1 Ovarian Cancer Clear Cell
I am trying to research ... In November 09 I had surgery and they removed both ovaries ..the left ovary had Stage 1 Cancer ..clear cell. Nothing in the right ovary or pelvic wash. they recommended I stage the cancer. So in Dec 09 complete hysterectomy...no cancer was found anywhere....lymph nodes clean. Said they cancer…
Avastin/docile side effects
Hi Everyone, Im new to this site. I was diagnosed last year with advanced ovarian cancer and have had continuous chemotherapy for the past year and a half. Currently on avastin and doxil. Having terrible breakdown of skin on feet. Anyone else have problems with avastin ? If so, how did you treat ? thank you
Ovarian Cancer
I have to do a project on ovarian cancer for Bryan School Of Nursing and present it to my class. I first need to find someone who has experienced ovarian cancer and interview them. This is really important because i want to be able to give them as much information on this silent cancer so they understand why people may get…
Mental Health Support
Hello, I’m new here and seeking help. I’m a 28 yr old in remission now from Stage 3C Ovarian Cancer. I was diagnosed November of 2020 @ 26 years old. Is anyone from the Massachusetts area who have or recommends a psychiatrist or therapist who specializes with working with cancer patients/survivors? Any help would be…
Up all night
Hello. I am a mess! I am 64 and am scheduled for a cardiac ablation on the 18th for svt. Went to the hospital today for pre admission testing ...blood work and ekg. Tonight I get a. Email stating my test results were ready. When I went online, all tests were there Nd looked good. However, one tedt for cbc with automated…
Any local support groups?
Hello, I’m looking to understand if there are any local community support groups for a caregiver. I am struggling with lack of anyone to talk to about what its like to watch someone you love in so much pain. I’m the daughter of a mother with ovarian cancer. Welcome any advice on where to go or resources I can reach out to.…
hair loss with Avastin?
My mother (3c/4 Feb 09) received two infusions of carbo for recurrence, which made her hair thin a little but didn't make it fall out. Last week Avastin was added -- she got her first infusion of it, along with carbo #3 and a neulasta shot on Friday. Today she read that hair loss is on the list of side effects experienced…
Financial Assistance
Does anyone have any referral for resources for financial assistance?
Skin problems during/after chemo
Just wondering if anyone else had this experience and could offer some tips. Once chemo began and I lost my hair I discovered a few pimples along the hair line in the back of my neck. A couple of days later my entire head was full of pimples. Not only was I a bald woman, I was a pimply bald woman. grrrr !!! Anyway, once…
Recurrent Ovarian Cancer
Hello, here are some studies I came across and experience with recurrence. I would like to share them with you: Recurrence of Ovarian cancer— according to many studies has the highest recurrence rate and very aggressive. If you have a recurrence—stay with chemo if you had success with it. Daily maintenance— I was in PARF…
2-year Update
Hello everyone. It’s been a long while since my last post. This is because (I’ll cut to the chase) I had a recurrence on my 13th month after pronounced in remission. To recap, I had my first diagnosis of ovarian cancer stage IIA on 8/27/21. I had surgery and 6 rounds of chemo then was placed on Zejula. On my last blood…
Recurrent Ovarian Diagnoses
If someone could give me their thoughts I would really appreciate it very much. I am so worried and hoping to hear from others. In 2020 I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and had a full hysterectomy and six rounds of chemotherapy. My CA 125 score was reduced to 18 and for two and a half years I was in remission. In April…
Diagnosed with endometrial cancer---18 years post hysterectomy
Would be helpful to hear from others who have experienced with type of cancer, and especially from those who have had a full hysterectomy years before the diagnosis.....
Starting first chemo next week. So in preparation trying to get all possible supplies so I can avoid stores as much as possible. Wondering about the constipation side effect and what everyone's trick was. I never really had an issue before so not alot of experience for what works.
New here and so afraid
Hello. New to this group. Have not been diagnosed yet but fear the worst. I am 60, post-menopausal. Saw a doctor a month ago after two bouts of sharp pain on my right side while running. CT shows 9.4 cm “soft tissue mass.” No other symptoms but today I got blood work back - CA 125 of 287 though CEA and CA 19-9 were at…
Apricot seeds
Have any of you ever taken apricot seeds? I am curious to hear your comments. I know of one young man at our church who had brain cancer stage III seven years or so ago and he said the seeds attributed to his health now. Then another lady I know just was told her dad was done with treatments so she is going to start him on…
I am 68. I had a hysterectomy seven years ago...ovarian cancer was not found!!! My CA 125 was between 125 and 145. I have continued to get this blood test every year. Usually ranges around 125. It went down to 109 last year but it is now at 131. I can't understand why my numbers are so high? When I Google CA 125, I don't…
Ok...so this weird and a bit light hearted, but we all need to think of something weird and wacky from time to time! I have found that since my diagnosis, I have experienced a range of cravings...have you experienced the same thing? Initially, after diagnosis, I really wanted wine and chocolate..lots and lots of wine and…
Normal CA125
Quick background: I’m 30 yrs old, 5’8 and 140lbs i noticed chronic bloating back in August and scheduled an appointment with my gynecologist. I had a 14cm cyst but radiology and CA125 were normal. It was a suspected dermoid cyst. I had the cyst removed and pathology came back stating it was 15% malignant (germ cell). i’m…
Hair loss/re-growth
Hello! I just joined CSN for ovarian cancer. I’m preparing for a total hysterectomy in a few weeks. That hopefully will be the last big hurdle. My question is about hair loss & re-growth. I realize everyone’s different but how long did it take for your hair to really grow back? I have peach fuzz & some stronger hairs…
Alternative Doctors or Medical doctors who use natural medicine too
Hi, I just had a radical hysterectomy and now need to decide on the next course of action. My latest CAE showed 0.5 and my CA-125 showed 19. However, it is still recommend that the “standard of treatment” is 6rounds of Chemo. Taxol and Carbo? I was diagnosed with Stage3 Ovarian Cancer-clear Cell I would like a second…
Radiation for recurring endometriol ovarian cancer
In Dec 2018 I had a complete hysterectomy for endometriol ovarian cancer, and 6 rounds of chemo in 2019. Happily I was in complete remission. Unfortunately in 2022, a small tumor was found in my groin in front of my colon. I just finished 6 rounds of chemo, doxil was really hard on my body. Surgery is not an option, and…
Blood Draw Results
To those who are new to the maintenance after chemo, here are some tips to watch out for that I have experienced: Subscribe to your lab website so you can monitor and compare your lab results from time to time and see how your trending, are the markers improving, needs close monitoring? Or heading towards a catastrophe? My…
Maintenance Drug After 6 Chemo Treatments
I am about to get my fifth out of six chemo treatments for ovarian cancer and am told I will be put on a maintenance drug for 18 months following my last treatment. Can anyone who has had maintenance drugs tell me how soon they were put on it after their last treatment, what side effects they had, etc.? Also, did your hair…
Clear Cell
Has anyone been diagnosed with Stage 3A1 Clear Cell Carcinoma of the ovary. If so, what was your treatment, how long ago and did it work. Also has there been any reoccurrence? Thanks and experience with clear cell would help.
Falling through the cracks
Not sure what board to post this question… but I’m really worried I may have something serious- my periods have been very regular but in the last year they abruptly stop after 2 days- never any clots anymore and I feel super bloated- with nausea. I never finish meals anymore. We’ll it’s humiliating to explain this again…
Waiting for diagnostic ovarian
Hi I am just trying to get myself together. I had a ct scan done 2 weeks ago due to left side lower back pain. Had the ultrasound yesterday waiting for dr to see results but I have a 9 cm tumor on left ovary. I am 58 with 2 adult children. Have FAP hereditary condition. Had my colon removed due to high risk of cancer. The…
What type of dr for ovarian surgery
Hi I see a lot of confusing stories . I am waiting on my ultrasound reading from my dr did the test on Friday morning results and imaging is in imaging website. Images show highlights in blue and red areas in some of the images. Again like most of you my brain is not letting me relax. My left ovary has a 9 cm complex…
Possible ovarian cancer, prior endometrial cancer
I had endometrial cancer last year, low grade and stage, only hysterectomy needed, and my ovaries looked great, so they left those in and took the tubes (pre menopause). Since then, I have had a lot of discomfort and even tried PPT which didn't help all that much, but overall, I felt pretty good by early fall except for…
Ovarian Cancer
Hi all, new member here. A summary of what I have been through so far. My doctor sent me to get a ct scan after complaining of a slight discomfort in my tummy. Scan confirmed a 5cm cyst. From there my gp referred me to a gynaecologist who recommended removal of ovaries and Fallopian tubes. Firstly she sent me for a blood…