
HeatherAL Member Posts: 8 Member
edited December 2023 in Ovarian Cancer #1

Does anyone know of any one who has only had Ovarian cancer one time? I have met many who have had it more than once. I don't want to scare any one in this group and it has been a long time since I have been here and that is not my intention. I have my next CA125 in 4 weeks and my sister just died of Non-Hodgkins and I am scared that if it comes back it would devastate my family. I am 4 years NED. I guess I just need to know that there are women who have only had to go through it once or that it took a long time to come back.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,476 Member
    Heather, first I am so sorry

    Heather, first I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your sister.  I know someone who has battled OC several times and is thriving.  I don't know your entire dx and tx, but you are a statistic of one.  It has been over 4 weeks since you originally posted, so I hope you stop back and let us know how it went. 

  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member

  • Radioactive34
    Radioactive34 Member Posts: 391 Member
    edited January 2022 #6

    I am a 10 year survivor. I have been NED with no reoccurrence.

  • HeatherAL
    HeatherAL Member Posts: 8 Member

    So sorry for the late reply. My CA125 at my last appointment was 5, just like it has been since I finished chemo. What a relief. My mom has already lost 2 children and she should never have to lose another one while she is still alive. Thanks so much for you response and kind words.

  • HeatherAL
    HeatherAL Member Posts: 8 Member

    Sorry for late reply. Thank you for replying. So glad you have been doing well with no recurrence!

  • HeatherAL
    HeatherAL Member Posts: 8 Member

    Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for replying and giving me the great news of your 12 year NED!

    My last CA125 came back at 5 which has been the norm since chemo ended.

  • Priyanka88
    Priyanka88 Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hello mam.

    My mother diagonosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer.

    On which stage you have diaganosed with ovarian cancer?

  • HeatherAL
    HeatherAL Member Posts: 8 Member

    Stage 3c. Praying for your mother and family.

  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member

    Hi Heather,

    I’m so very sorry for the loss of your beloved sister. I’m an 11+ years survivor who has had no reoccurrences. As I write this in April 2022, I hope that you’re doing well. Sending you good thoughts and best wishes.


  • larcon3922
    larcon3922 Member Posts: 29 Member

    Hi Kelly, do you have some tips you can share with us how you have been successful? What stage were you in staging? How did you do your maintenance? What meds did you take for maintenance and supplements? Much appreciate.


  • larcon3922
    larcon3922 Member Posts: 29 Member

    Thanks for the encouraging remarks, this is very hopeful!

  • larcon3922
    larcon3922 Member Posts: 29 Member

    Hi azgrandma! This is very encouraging news to us all. Would you be so kind enough to share with us your journey of your success? What were your treatments after surgery? Maintenance daily meds? Exercise? And diet? Much appreciative for any nuggets of wisdom you can share. God bless!

  • aeoluse
    aeoluse Member Posts: 1 *

    I am very happy that there are some real survivors out there.

    I have a question and hope I don't bother you.

    It is 6 month that I have finished my chemo and my CA125 has raised from 4.2 to 5.8 and came back to 4 again I just wanted to know if any fluctuations happened for you after treatment ,or after chemo, CA125 remained constant?

    Thanks for your time .


  • Marymarg
    Marymarg Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hello all,

    Thank you for your posts. I will be 80 years old in 2 1/2 months. Approximately every 10 years I've had a catastrophic illness. In 2002, it was Colon Cancer, Stage I or II, and had chemo thru Sept of 2003. In Dec 2011 it was Acute Pancreatitis, probable cause was an antidepressant which my doctor should have been monitoring with blood work to determine levels of something - I can't remember what - but, he didn't. I was hospitalized for 19 days, in intensive care twice. No food or water, had a PIK in my arm which I was fed through. But, by mid-January I was in dire pain for what was thought to be sciatica. I was barely able to walk, was hospitalized, an infection, oleomelitis (probably not the full, correct name) discovered in my tailbone. This possibly was due to my feeding tube not being capped by the person who came to my home daily to feed me through the PIK. I was hospitalized 'til 02/28/2012 while the doctors searched for the cause of the pain, then treated me for it. Then off to rehab for a month to have antibiotics by IV daily for the infection and for physical therapy to learn to walk again.

    In July 2022, during Covid I was diagnosed with Ovarian/Fallopian Cancer Stage IV. I had felt physically and mentally off as far back as July 2021, but we were in the Pandemic which caused a lot of mental confusion. I went to 3 different doctors, but couldn't really pinpoint anything to tell them, I think one missed something. (I was just a 'crazy old lady'.) I began Chemo (Carbo/Plaxen) in August 2022. October surgery rescheduled for December until a blood clot discovered when I was hospitalized 12/7/22 for a very bad case of the Flu (not Covid) combined with recovering from Chemo 5 days earlier. 12/16/22 surgery put off, put on blood thinner to dissolve clot. March 17, 2023 had complete hysterectomy & 2 Chemos, ending May 12. Unable to take Zejula, bad reaction. CA125 was 5 in July; 15 in Oct. I suffer from anxiety and am terribly frightened and worry about a recurrence. Don't see beginning of this, hope it's there🙄

  • rdubins
    rdubins Member Posts: 26 Member

    MaryMarg - you've been through the wringer!!!!! Dear god. And you keep bouncing back. That says volumes about your will to survive, your fighting spirit and your ability to bounce back YET AGAIN. No wonder you have anxiety--I would hope that someone could prescribe something just to take the edge off. I'm sending good mojo your way. I'm right now just recovering from major debulking surgery... hoping I get a nice long remission.

  • Marymarg
    Marymarg Member Posts: 6 Member

    rdubins - Thank you for your encouraging words and understanding. And thanks for the good mojo you sent. I was on antidepressants for 25 years and am trying to avoid them for the time being. All the best to you in your journey of recovery and may you experience nothing but good health.

  • Marymarg
    Marymarg Member Posts: 6 Member