Normal CA125

crimson22 Member Posts: 1 Member
edited May 2023 in Ovarian Cancer #1

Quick background: I’m 30 yrs old, 5’8 and 140lbs

i noticed chronic bloating back in August and scheduled an appointment with my gynecologist. I had a 14cm cyst but radiology and CA125 were normal. It was a suspected dermoid cyst.

I had the cyst removed and pathology came back stating it was 15% malignant (germ cell).

i’m so shocked and broken about this. I felt very blindsided since I was reassured it was likely not malignant since the results came back normal. I have surgery again in a few days to remove my ovary and biopsies.

Is this common? Normal CA125 and ultrasound and still leading to cancer?

Wish me luck… i don’t know staging yet and having to wait is ruining me.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member

    dear crimson, I am so sorry to hear this for you. I don't know if cancer follows any really prescribed path. The CA125 is better for some than others. Please let us know how it goes after the next surgery. I am sorry to hear you have to go through another one. Are you working with a gynecologic oncologist? Now that they know it is malignant, it is worth asking in to. Hugs dear one.

  • tealnpink
    tealnpink Member Posts: 30 Member

    My ca125 is always in the normal range. Ca 125 is not a good marker for everyone. For me they use the HE4 as a marker. Your HE4 should be less than 140. My HE4 is 164. You can ask for the HE4 blood test.

  • Jinaki
    Jinaki Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thanks, I will look into this. I had 19-9 and CEA.

  • Momschooling
    Momschooling Member Posts: 112 Member

    My ca 125 was elevated but not like many are, mine was 165 or 167 I believe vs those in the hundreds and thousands, but I also had an elevated ca 19 and HE4. Not all types of OC have high ca 125 and an elevated ca 125 doesn't always mean cancer either. Unfortunately, there's no for sure way to know if it's cancer until after the biopsy. I was a nervous wreck not knowing what I had, the oncologist said it could be benign but of course once I woke up from surgery, I knew it was cancer.