
Loo2590 Member Posts: 20 Member
edited August 2023 in Ovarian Cancer #1

Starting first chemo next week. So in preparation trying to get all possible supplies so I can avoid stores as much as possible. Wondering about the constipation side effect and what everyone's trick was. I never really had an issue before so not alot of experience for what works.


  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    Good morning, Loo

    (I missed this post, so apologize that I haven’t responded before now. I’m going to respond to your first chemo post in a few minutes.)

    Doctor’s office will probably tell you the obvious stuff…stool softeners, probiotic fiber, Miralax, or Prune Lax. I bought prune juice knowing full well what I would think about it, and sure enough, spit it out immediately! 😂 The Prune Lax made for pretty awful cramping pains. I had to resort to an enema more than once and suppositories. Not all suppositories are built alike! The ones with stimulants caused terrible cramping for me, but the ones that are only glycerin are easier on you.

    My most recent and BEST discovery is popcorn! Low calorie, high fiber, and delicious! I don’t eat great amounts…just a light snack several times a week and it works like a charm!

    😎, A

  • larcon3922
    larcon3922 Member Posts: 29 Member

    Hi, I was not prepared for the awful constipation due to round the clock hydrocodone after the first 3 days post chemo. I tried just taking half the dose of pain meds but the bone pain was so terrible I succumbed to a full dose on the first two days and by the third day, half dose, fourth day no more pain meds. I was a medical/surgical nurse and used to make concoctions for my severely constipated patients and it never failed. It’s 3/4 cup prune juice and 1/4 cup milk of magnesia. I drink this myself every 3 days and it will clean you out. After drinking it, be near a bathroom.😊. Metamucil twice daily everyday to give your stool the bulk, lots of fiber, and water, water, and more water.

  • KatieBird
    KatieBird Member Posts: 4 Member

    During the days I am taking the antinausea meds and two days after I do the Miralax even though my kidneys twinge. When things are moving I switch to a good probiotic and prune juice. I would keep Miralax in the house. Colace upsets my stomach when I am off the anti nausea meds, but I keep it for emergencies. The advice from Larcon sounds good. I am not a nurse nor a doctor. I do drink a lot of water. Thank God for AntiNausea meds, but you do have to manage and balance everything. Thank God for modern medicine.

  • maryv82
    maryv82 Member Posts: 1 *

    I know all about the "bone pain". I am on neurontin AND the chemo agent Taxol/Carboplatin. Constipation has ensued. The one that worked for me is senna-s. Is rough for sure! Thank goodness for Depends & a routine.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,546 Member

    hello ladies. visitor from the Uterine board and wanted to let you know we gyn cancer warriors stick together.

    It stinks that we have all had to figure out for ourselves the best way to address the constipation, seriously we have enough going on we have worry about this? For me, and everyone should check with their doctor's office first, but I started Miralax the night before and then a few times a day for a few days. (I will never forget overhearing the one patient say, "Miralax is a miracle.") Had to be careful or it went to far the other way smh.

    This is walking a tight rope for sure. I think finding that "routine" as you said @maryv82 is the trick.

  • Steven_D_Miller
    Steven_D_Miller Member Posts: 2 *

    It is pretty normal to experience constipation during this time. I can relate to your concerns because my elder sister faced a similar situation when I was little. She then followed various dietary restrictions and increased her water intake to treat it organically. However, it wasn't wholly effective in her case, so she turned to Colace Plus for quick relief. Drinking plenty of water and eating fiber-rich foods can help temporarily relieve constipation. If these measures do not alleviate your symptoms, a doctor may advise you to use Colace or another suppository.

  • DHK0HN
    DHK0HN Member Posts: 1 *

    I'm a RN with both breast and ovarian cancer, had my first chemo a week ago. Constipation 4 days later. What helped me was lots of hydration (including half water/half Gatorade), Colace, dried fruit, & Australian black licorice. Next time I plan to take Miralax after chemo. Best wishes all.

  • Usher46
    Usher46 Member Posts: 1 *

    Thank you all for the advice. Have had 5 out of six chemos and the constipation has been terrible. Will check with my oncologist but I sure appreciate all comments/help.

  • Momschooling
    Momschooling Member Posts: 112 Member

    I was not prepared correctly for the constipation. I almost ended up in the ER from it on my third round, don't do what I did (or didn't do) lol. The pre meds they give you can cause horrible constipation issues and it's advised to start that day (and night before) with some type of laxative like miralax. I waited about 30 hrs after chemo before taking it and by that time it was too late. 3 days after chemo I became impacted to the point I couldn't empty my bladder, finally after 8 hrs of hell and Dulcolax, milk of magnesia I overcame it, but I was told to go to ER if it didn't work by that evening. Definitely take the miralax day 1 and get ahead of it. Also, try to have foods with water like soups, smoothies etc.. anything to keep up your water intake will help you overall. I found the first week to be rough, but after that it wasn't that bad. Good luck!

  • Riverguy
    Riverguy Member Posts: 1 Member

    My wife, 76, went for her first Carboplatin Cheo session two days ago. She has ovarian cancer. I'm her husband/caregiver. So, her issue, and a huge one, is constipation. She's been suffering from this, along with an acute occasional cramping that she says is in middle lower pelvic area, and has not had a real BM for a month. The discomfort almost stopped on her first day after the session, second day (today) it's back and worse than ever. She has tried every possible medication recommended by her surgeon, her dietitian, and several others on her very competent and helpful team. Try as they might, the best they can do is to keep telling her to stay on Duclolax, MIralax, etc. The only thing that ever worked for her was an aloe product that is no longer manufactured, Nature's Way Aloe & Leaf with aloe barbadensis and aloe ferrox. The newer version of this same product lists the same ingredients in an ambiguous way that does not define quantities and it does not work.

    The excruciating cramping continues each time she tries to relieve herself and she still cannot have a bowel movement beyond tiny amounts of almost liquid content. Any help here would be SO appreciated!!

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,546 Member

    Ah Riverguy, I am so sorry to hear this. Please know that none of us would make it through the journey without the love and support of our caregivers, who experience their own journey as well.

    I am a visitor from the Uterine/Endometrial page and stop over to see our other gyn cancer sisters. I think I have what I call a "lazy bowel" and it always needs help and add fiber chews every day now anyways. All I would have suggested was using Miralax (more than the bottle says and was "OK" with the gyn oncs office) multiple times a day but with all I have seen and read are they sure she does not have an intestinal blockage?

    I hope you can find something to help her.