ACS travel assistance (hope Lodge/hotel)

tealnpink Member Posts: 30 Member
edited November 2023 in Ovarian Cancer #1

I am so disappointed in the ACS decision to stop assisting cancer patients who do not need a caregiver with lodging assistance. Now not only do I have to travel out of state alone for treatment (I'm an elder orphan) I have to find a way to pay full cost of lodging. I have no relatives or friends that can travel with me. I just can't afford it. 


  • CSNSupportTeam
    CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 243

    Thank you for reaching out to your American Cancer Society's Cancer Survivors Network.

    It appears you may be referring to saying at one of our Hope Lodges. There may be other options. Please reach out to us at ACS's National Cancer Information Center. You can call our toll-free number, 1.800.227.2345, where Cancer Information Specialists are available around the clock every day of the week to speak with you. You can also utilize the Live Chat feature Monday through Friday between 7am-6:30pm CST on

    Our staff can look into all lodging options for you.

    Best regards, 


    CSN Support Team

  • tealnpink
    tealnpink Member Posts: 30 Member

    Yes, I'm referring to Houston, Texas. My Dr signed the request form verifying I didn't need a caregiver. I have stayed at the Houston Hope Lodge and at extended stay and other hotels with ACS assistance before without a caregiver. But this time the request was denied because of the new required caregiver policy. I'm checking Joe's house looking for options but it seems the free or real low rate places also require a caregiver. So it looks like the best I can hope for will be hundreds for a 4 night stay.

  • CSNSupportTeam
    CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 243

    Hi tealnpink,

    Thanks for replying. Please call our National Cancer Information Center, as the caregiver policy to my knowledge is only regarding Hope Lodge. You might be eligible for ESA. Our staff will be able to confirm for you and move forward as it's out of scope here at CSN.



    CSN Support Team