Alternative Doctors or Medical doctors who use natural medicine too

Jinaki Member Posts: 4 Member
edited March 2023 in Ovarian Cancer #1

Hi, I just had a radical hysterectomy and now need to decide on the next course of action. My latest CAE showed 0.5 and my CA-125 showed 19. However, it is still recommend that the “standard of treatment” is 6rounds of Chemo. Taxol and Carbo? I was diagnosed with Stage3 Ovarian Cancer-clear Cell

I would like a second opinion. Do anyone know medicine doctors who also practice natural treatment or utilize more than one “standard of treatment method”?



  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    Hi, jinaki

    This board is pretty quiet and so sometimes it’s hard to get a reply to a post. I’m a visitor from the Uterine board. I was diagnosed in 2020 with Stage II Fallopian tube cancer with secondary peritoneal.

    I don’t know much about clear cell, or what particular drugs are used to treat it, but it seems that the 6 infusions of taxol and carboplatin combo is very standard for GYN cancers. I know I’d have done just about anything to avoid chemo. I asked my doctor……”You got it all, so can’t we just wait a few months and do a CT and then do chemo if it’s necessary?” He said, “No. In 6 months you’ll be in here with every symptom you can name. You’re fixable. This is your best chance for that to happen.”

    The more I read…the more research articles I was able to get through…..I was convinced he was right. I hated every minute of chemo and desperately wish none of this had happened to me, but it’s been 2 1/2 years since my diagnosis and I’m still here, with no recurrences.

    Maybe you can find someone who can/will incorporate natural remedies into your treatment plan, but ….and it’s just my opinion….your best chance for recovery and long-term survival is to have chemo.

    I wish you the best.

    😎, A

  • Jinaki
    Jinaki Member Posts: 4 Member


  • Tethys41
    Tethys41 Member Posts: 1,382 Member

    What you're looking for is an oncology naturopath. I highly recommend this approach. I was diagnosed with stage 3c high grade ovarian cancer in 2009. The alternative doctors I talked to recommended a combination of conventional and integrative treatment. I did everything I could find. Once I was NED in 2010, my oncology naturopath worked with me for a few years, correcting the imbalances in my body that were promoting cancer. I continue to live an anti-cancer lifestyle and eat an anti-cancer diet and so far, so good.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,546 Member

    Tethys41 - so good to hear from you!!!! So glad to hear you are still going strong!

  • Amonu
    Amonu Member Posts: 2 *
    edited March 2023 #7

    [Content removed by CSN Support Team] I had stage IV which had spread all over . I was introduced to Dr Donato and by the grace of with Chemo, RGCC blood analysis and holistic treatment, protocol and gerson therapy . CA125 is 5 . Kidneys and liver are working better than before. I will highly recommend him.

  • Momschooling
    Momschooling Member Posts: 112 Member

    I had debulking surgery and my CA 125 is now 12 (prior to chemo), I also questioned at my first chemo session as to why I needed it. It seems in order to get those microscopic cells it's the only way sadly :( Nutrition of course is very important, especially helpful in getting through chemo and keeping up blood levels. I am trying to make everything I eat count well (extra protein, vitamin K, vitamin C) and take vitamins B6 and B 12 to help limit neuropathy.