Up all night

sopranosgal Member Posts: 2 Member
edited September 2023 in Ovarian Cancer #1

Hello. I am a mess! I am 64 and am scheduled for a cardiac ablation on the 18th for svt. Went to the hospital today for pre admission testing ...blood work and ekg. Tonight I get a. Email stating my test results were ready. When I went online, all tests were there Nd looked good. However, one tedt for cbc with automated differential stated the dr hadn't reviewed it yet. I thought that was strange because the other tests weren't reviewed either but the results were there.

I then went into my after visit summary and it stated the "items addressed was an elevated ca125. Well that sent me into a tailspin and felt like I was going ro pass out. I have been up all night googling and I am sure I have cancer. All I caN think about is my family ...a new granddaughter, new grandson on the way, my grown kids and my loving husband having to take care of me.

From whaT I've read, at 64 and postmenopausal, there is only one diagnosis aNd that's cancer..idk whT my number is as the dr hasn't been in touch with me and hasn't read the results yet. I am so petrified. I haven't been to gyno in 6 years . Also I went for. Mammo for fist time in 6 years and I have a Nodule I have to get more pictures of. I M sure I hVe cancer in my whole body. CNt stop crying, please help...even though it's 230 a.m.


  • sopranosgal
    sopranosgal Member Posts: 2 Member

    So here I am 2 days later, haven't heard anything yet and I cry all day and all night. I M paralyzed with fear.

  • suz_boston
    suz_boston Member Posts: 5 Member

    I’m hoping you’ve received some answers and will get a treatment plan soon. Believe it or not, things will get better. Information will give you some relief.

    wishing you well..

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,546 Member

    sopranosgal, as suz_boston said, I too am hoping my now you have gotten some answers.