more on hair regrowth
My anxiety about this thing moves from one topic to the other, I've noticed. Most recently I was concerned about the build-up of fluid in my back after my mastectomy and lat flap surgery. For some reason, now I am back focussing on my hair. My last Taxotere/cytoxan treatment was on June 20. My hair didn't start growing in…
How do you privately message someone?
I'd like to e-mail someone on here, but can't figure out how to send a private message. I feel like an idiot! Help! Tina
Eye problems???
Has anyone else experienced eye problems during chemo? My eyes are so very dry that it is hard to keep them open at times. It makes me feel tired, even when I am not. Going to get some lubricating eye drops or artificial tears, but just wondering if this is an unusual problem, or something fairly common... CR
Positive Attitude and Faith in God Survives
Has anyone noticed the rash of recent articles re: survival rate not affected by having a positive attitude. Well I say hogwash! Actually said something else, but this was my polite word. By the time I saw the 3rd article I was outraged (by the way I didn't bother reading the first 2 figured they were just trash anyway).…
hair again hair not the same angry depressed
I looked back over these posts and realized how many posts I wrote about my hair! So I must be obsessed, or in denial that there are more important things. But still I feel the need to write: My hair now completely covers my head, but I still feel depressed. It looks horrible, at least to me. Parts of it stick straight up…
Teeth Sensitivity while taking Femara
One of many side effects I have encountered since I started taking Femara 90 days ago is problems with teeth sensitivity. I am wondering if anyone else has had problems with this, especially with your front bottom teeth. I have tried using Sensodyne toothpaste, and the dentist has given me a paste to use at night which…
bilateral mastectomy/immediate reconstruction
I am newly diagnosed with breast cancer and facing a bilateral mastectomy and considering immediate reconstruction using abdominal tissue. Would like to hear from someone who has undergone this surgery, how it felt, recovery time, healing. Any information. I am 57 years old, will also have chemotherapy and radiation. Son…
this antibiotic was only to be taken for three days . i finished yesterday. maybe i'll call the onco tomarrow i'm only seeing a cna right now. this is a small cancer center i dont know how long it would take me to see the dr at i.u. cancer in indy. i havent taken the diflucan yet. i took antibi 1st. i just hate all the…
Just another story...
I'm still waiting for the results of the MRI. Everyone is almost sure that is the scar tissue, and I pray for it. But you know how the mind can work us up. Yesterday we went to eat pizza with another couple, and this nice lady that came to the table had a Breast Cancer Awareness Pin, of course I had mine too. We looked at…
just wondering if anyone else has experienced the side effects that i have while recieving taxol. i get the most painful neuropathy(severe pain in feet) for about a week after treatment and then always lingers into a mild pain. when at its worst i can only describe it as feeling as though my feet have been severly frost…
plz give me advice
i have had pain in my left side for about 2 weeks. i seen my onco dr last. he asked me to rate the pain at that time it was about a 3 so he said dont worry. put me on iron pill called slow fe. i took it twice. then quit. he than ordered blood work and told me it would take about a week for the tests to come back. a few…
radiation emotional scars
My radiation treatments stopped in April, but I still am unable to sleep due to the emotional trauma. My center wasn't patient oriented. They are tied into a teaching facilitiy and I felt that I was treated like a lab speciman instead of like a patient. I told them I didn't want trainees involved in my treatments, but 2…
I'm looking for some advice on Effexor. I am one-year since my diagnosis with breast cancer at age 36, and still in treatment with Herceptin/Zometa/Tamoxifen. I had a bilateral mastectomy and bilateral oophorectomy (ovaries) back in April. Since that time I've just tried to push ahead and get through the days. Everyone…
I am having such a bad time with Femara. Stopped for 3 weeks because of leg pain, and went back on in late August. Now the muscle pain in my chest and back and legs is just a bit much. Sometimes I think I am having a heart attack. I stop taking the pill and the muscle pains get better. Seeing my onc later this month. These…
I am a 9 month survivor of breast cancer, and have completed chemo and radiation. I am now taking Femara to eliminate estrogen production, and will take this for five years. Unfortunately, side effects are really giving me a hard time. Has anyone taken this drug, and if so, how did it affect you? The decision to start…
Hi Ladies, How everyone is doing well-and feeling well too! I am 33 years old and I felt a lump in March of this year. My gyn sent me for a ultrasound and they saw a solid mass (catergory 4). I had it removed in Aug (because of insurance battle). I went to my surgeon to discuss my pathology report from the biopsy and he…
A bit of Turkish Delight...I'm back!
Well, I'm not quite sure what time it is...between a 10-hour time difference, and a 14-hour flight, I figure that it's 3 weeks from last Tuesday now...rofl! The trip was fabulous! We had some adjustment to living our lives based on 37 people, with time schedules...but for the rest...well, 'squattie potties', MAJOR amounts…
Not the sharpest tool
Okay, I give up. This is regarding editing the preferences for this site on my personal info page. I have tried every different configuration of settings and I am still getting email notifications of every post on the site. I check the site daily and would rather not also have, say, 25 messages a day about new posts in my…
Flu Shot WOW
Monday I went for a check-up. And it was time for my flu shot. Who have gotten their shot?
went to dr today
well i went to my oncology dr today, he says my white might have went from chemo still. i dont understand that i finished chemo june 30th. i hope these people know what theyre donig. i just started taking betaglucan. its a vit for immune system. says its help build white cells. last month 3.5 this month 2.8 plz pray for me…
Working and Chemo
2 weeks ago, on a Monday, got a job offer that I've been wanting for six months. The very next day, Tuesday, went to doctor and found out I have IBC (Inflammatory Breast Cancer). Had my first Chemo on the next Wed. (things are moving very fast). I start my new job (State position) tomorrow (Monday) and would welcome any…
noo-noo, noo-noo, noo-noo, noo-noo
Well, it's Sunday and the chat room is down again....I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone....LOL
how to know if recur after bilateral
Okay, I am now settling into my post-treatment life. My hair is growing back (although still very fine and short) and I feel good. I am even starting to get back to my old activities, book clubs and such. I had bilateral mastectomies and am BRCA 1, so now my worry is: how would they know if it comes back? I have asked…
When is safe to color the hair?
My hair is growing back slowly but strong. I colored it for so many years, that I'm really not sure if all the white hair I have now is new, after the chemo, or if it was that way before I lost it. I'm still using the wig, when going out, but I think in a couple of weeks I will decide to go out without it. Does anyone know…
Restrictions after treatment
I finished chemo on 10/31 and getting ready to start radiation. A vacation (cruise) is in the plan for early 2009 and wondered what are restrictions following treatment. I forgot to ask the oncologist about this, but will do so next month. Any advice?
To all the ladies and gents who have breast cancer and come here for support I thought I would send HUGS to all of you in the spirit of Thanksgiving (since it is November) and say how thankful I am to still be alive and how blessed I feel to have found all of you. You have been so kind as to answer my questions on chest…
Time to start over.
Period. We are all in the same boat. Lets just take a look at the passenger list. Maybe you will respond by just typing your name if you want to start over. I truly love you all. Joyce
Brushing Teeth; Heart Burn
My mother always seems to get sick when it comes time to brush her teeth. Does anyone else going through chemo have this problem? She uses a soft tooth brush but we were wondering if anyone could suggest a good tooth paste. Maybe something with very little taste. Also, she is having horrible heartburn and she never had…
need info
I know where to come when I'm feeling overwhelmed and you ladies are it. I need some GOD info...that stands for Good Orderly Direction since my emotions are getting the best of me. I had a double mas June 18 with expanders put in at the time of surgery. Didn't think I needed radiation but turns out I did. Finished…
low white count
i finished chemo jjuune 30th. rad oct 3rd. last month my white count was 3.5 yesterday was 2.8. i dont under stand. whats going on. deedee