more on hair regrowth

ohilly Member Posts: 441 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My anxiety about this thing moves from one topic to the other, I've noticed. Most recently I was concerned about the build-up of fluid in my back after my mastectomy and lat flap surgery. For some reason, now I am back focussing on my hair. My last Taxotere/cytoxan treatment was on June 20. My hair didn't start growing in at all until the beginning of Sept. Now it does completely cover my head, but I am a little discouraged because it seems so thin on top (I used to have very thick hair that grew so quickly I was constantly getting haircuts). The regrowth also seems to be going very slowly. Has anyone else experienced this: thin and slow regrowth after having very thick, fast-growing hair? Did the texture go back to thick and how long did it take for this to happen, and how long did it take for your hair to grow 'faster' or to a more normal length? My hair is all grey (which it wasn't before), but this doesn't concern me as much because you can always dye it. It's the thinness I find discouraging (it's only thin on the top, not so much on the sides or back). I should mention I'm on Femara which I have heard causes hair thinning in less than 5% of patients. Any thoughts? Ohilly


  • MIMS
    MIMS Member Posts: 1
    hair regrowth
    finished my chemo four weeks ago, was so happy, I too am waiting to see some hair growth, not much, had to see the skin doctor as had a few lupms on my head, he said it was called folliculitus, gave me some anti biodics in pill form and cream for the head, the skin around the lumps looked smooth, after they start to heal can feel a little hair, the skin doctor told me its ok to use minoxidol, and a product called nioxin, scalp conditioner and folical booster, so bought it all. so far cant see any changes, the oncologist said not nessasarry to use anything , but am anywayh.

    Hopeing to see some growth by the end of the year, I just pray it comes back in , this is my secound bout with breast cancer, this time a double mastcetomy, had a problem with fluid since they took out the drains, have had to go to get it asperated at least one or two time's a week since June, now have developed a seroma as big as a golf ball in the chest, sticking out like a tumor. the surgeon is finally going to take it out next friday and find out where the leak is comming from, I"m tired of all this, now I have to put off the reconstruction..until all this new surgery heals,l maybe until Feb or March. sure they will also put in draians again. for a while. its ok, can handle it. just want this all over.

    Interested in any comments any of you have, ...
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Hi Ohilly,

    I had exactly that problem. My hair has always been extremely thick and when it started coming in it was super thin which really worried me. Well it has been 15 months since my last chemo and I am happy to tell you my very thick hair is back! I now get my hair cut every 4th week. Wishing you the best!

  • Chellebug
    Chellebug Member Posts: 133 Member
    MIMS said:

    hair regrowth
    finished my chemo four weeks ago, was so happy, I too am waiting to see some hair growth, not much, had to see the skin doctor as had a few lupms on my head, he said it was called folliculitus, gave me some anti biodics in pill form and cream for the head, the skin around the lumps looked smooth, after they start to heal can feel a little hair, the skin doctor told me its ok to use minoxidol, and a product called nioxin, scalp conditioner and folical booster, so bought it all. so far cant see any changes, the oncologist said not nessasarry to use anything , but am anywayh.

    Hopeing to see some growth by the end of the year, I just pray it comes back in , this is my secound bout with breast cancer, this time a double mastcetomy, had a problem with fluid since they took out the drains, have had to go to get it asperated at least one or two time's a week since June, now have developed a seroma as big as a golf ball in the chest, sticking out like a tumor. the surgeon is finally going to take it out next friday and find out where the leak is comming from, I"m tired of all this, now I have to put off the reconstruction..until all this new surgery heals,l maybe until Feb or March. sure they will also put in draians again. for a while. its ok, can handle it. just want this all over.

    Interested in any comments any of you have, ...

    Have you had your surgery MIMS?
    I'm so sorry to hear about your complications from your double mastectomy. I had a seroma develop after my first lumpectomy with sentinel node dissection. It was right in my armpit. I couldn't believe how painful it was. I've since had a double mastectomy. Though my seroma is gone, I do have some residual pain on the side that received radiation. Let us know how things work out with your seroma.

    As far as the hair folliculitis....I had a few lumps afer my hair came out, but my good friend had the same problem that you mentioned. It looked like bad acne all over her head. She was given an antibiotic and some cream, too. Over time, it resolved. I think some of it was from the hair falling out and coming back in....and some of it was a reaction to her chemo.