The OTHER "C"-word....
Just got back my results on my CT's and chest X-ray.... Nothing notable except my 3 'friends' on my liver... I asked if we need to do anything with them..."Cysts are cysts...nothing needs to be done"!!! I told my G.P. that my oncologist was dumping me back on him...he laughed, and said "Well, I guess she feels that you are…
cancer of unknown primary
2 months ago I discovered an enlarged lymph node that was found to be adenocarcinoma..estrogen and progesterone receptor positive. I underwent a mastectomy and had a bunch of lymph nodes to level 3 removed. everything except that one lymph node has tested negative. so the docs don't know where my cancer is or was. perhaps…
My sister passed away on Dec 15, 2007 sometime between 2:00 a.m. and 4 a.m. She was fascinated with things that lit up, lite toys, eye glasses that had lights in them to read (she called these her magic eyes and she made sure we all had a pair :-)) figurines that lit up and candles, on how she loved candles. In her home…
Hello Everyone, hope you are all having a wonderful day. I was in chat today and someone requested I post here how to make the fun little smiley faces....so here goes. Enjoy! :-P = SMILEY STICKING TONGUE OUT (CAPITAL P) :-* = SMILEY WITH A KISS :-) = HAPPY FACE :-( = SAD FACE :-$ = SMILEY WITH DOLLAR SIGN EYES :-D = SMILEY…
re; Did a short change last Friday
Hello my name is Marilyn stade and I work for Wal_Mart and I did a short change last friday night I worked till 11:00 P.m. and went back to work at 7:00 am the next morning and I get tired very easy . I have been through cancer 5 yrs ago and I still get tired very easy . What kind of vitamins are good .And does any one get…
A small problem - Arimidex?
I've been on Arimidex for about 6 months. In the past week, I've begun to notice pain in all of those joints where I have had surgery or injury- i.e. shoulders, cervical spine, lumbar spine, wrists. The discomfort is worse at night and prevents me from falling asleep and staying asleep. I know I've read about bone and…
Cancer? Again?
I just received the call that my lymph node biopsy was positive...again. It has been 5 years-almost to the day-since I was diagnosed Stage IV breast cancer with bone mets. They told me I was looking at 11 months. My question is how do they know it is new cancer....couldn't it be "old" cancer cells? All my tests are like…
About Hair`
I have to share this story with you - it will bring a smile. My son, who is developmentally disabled, came down from Minnesota for the Thanksgiving holiday. I was very worried because my hair is very short still and did not know how he would feel about me going wigless while he was here. Well my wig was laying on the table…
Feeling Down And Out
I really don't know why I'm feeling so down. This is the season to be jolly,but I'm not. Maybe it's the medicine.
bio marker
I have finished chemo and almost radiation, I have stage 3a, my Dr. said he still considered it early stage. I am on Tamoxifen and herceptin. Is there any reason my Dr never told me about what my marker is. Too nervous to ask at this point.
i am scared
I am 45 years old and i just found tonight that i have breast cancer i don't what is going to happen to me and i am scared to death. I keep asking myself why me i am healthy i have been s,ender all my life i don't drink i am the first woman in my family that has breast cancer.
I may have already posted this but 125ca #'s up!!!
I went to see my ob-onco, I was nervious but after revewing my histor and curret CA125 numbers the only option she could offer was a complete Hestorectomy, with removeral of overies and falopion tubes. Iam very nervous not sure what to expect after surgery, I cant take hormones, I just finished AC-T with a bilateral…
New to the group seeing help with fatigue
I have just finished my first round of chemo. Next week I start taxol. The last two A/C chemos have thrown me through a loop, fatigue and nausea (what else is new!). Actully the fatigue is pretty bad. I feel best laying in bed. Yesterday I just didn't have the strength to move ... honestly. I'm wondering if depression is…
Mastectomy only--no chemo--no radiation--anyone else like me?
Hi, I'm 1 year from my double mastectomy--DCIS and invasive lobular carcinoma. Negative node. Had immediate reconstruction. I know I'm lucky not to need any other treatment--not even tamoxifen but I also feel very alone. Everything I read--books--websites--discussion boards--focuses on the recovery/support for folks having…
Tis the season....
This was posted on my 'other' cancer (colorectal) board....too funny!!! Three bar buddies, Jim, Joe and James die and go to heaven. All three meet St. Peter at the pearly gates and he says to them, "Well, being that this is the holiday season, before I let you in, you must show me something that reminds you of the holiday…
Hello all my bc buddies. Well Dec 15th is looming, some may not know it is the one year anniversary of my sister's passing to pancreatic cancer. When she knew she would be leaving us she started boxing stuff for goodwill and setting stuff aside for us. Over the weekend i put up Christmas decorations and pulled out a heart…
I have just finished 4 rounds of A/C and now my doctor wants me to do 4 more rounds with Taxol. I have read horrible side effects of this drug and am scared. I had a lumpectomy in August and am a triple negative. My lymph nodes were negative. The PET scan showed no other cancer in my body. She said the decision is mine,…
Any one give up 0n tamixifen?????????????
I am having to sleep on a bath towel, can't drive can't function.............HELP!
Side Effects Of Breast Cancer Treatment Reduced By Acupuncture
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/122612.php Supposedly better than Effexor for hot flashes. Claudia, I know you mentioned this before.....and you were right :)
Would appreciate your thoughts
I have some huge decisions to make and I'm hoping to hear your thoughts. As of Sept I had been on Tamoxifen for about 1 1/2 yrs. The side effects were growing and the worse one was a problem with my eyes. Very dry and sore with lots of fatigue. Drops were very limited in their usefulness and so I wouldn't use them half the…
what to say to my mom
hello everyone. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer on Nov 7. She had a lumpectomy on Nov 24, 2008. The Dr. took out the tumor and 2 lymph nodes. She was released and sent home the same day. We live about 135 miles away from the hospital and surgeon so when the dr's office called us the next day and wanted to see my…
can't seem to color hair
Okay, okay, I know I am obsessed about my hair! Two things upset me now: it is very thin and baby fine. But the worst is that it doesn't seem to take color well: I have just used Loving Care semi-permanent dye, but even when I use the darkest, black shade it still comes out gray! Has anyone else experienced this, or do you…
Sore and dry mouth
Hi, I am hoping someone can help me. during this first AC chemo, i developed very sore mouth, thrush, then burnt tongue feeling and really dry. I was reading up on it, and it looks as if I am going to have it for the duration. So if anyone can give me some suggestions on how to prevent,and how to soothe i would be most…
hello everyone, This is my first post. i was diagnosed with breast cancer in Jan. had a mastectomy in March, and started chemo in June which i am still undergoing. everyone always tells me how great i look and what a great attitude i have but i have to be honest somewhere. i am scared to death, scared of recurrence, scared…
For folks who have toe pain
While I was reading last week, I came across a number of articles on gout. One of the signs of gout is pain in just one toe pain. Not just a stiff sore toe, but an extremely painful toe, usually the big one. Just in case it is gout, you might want to get it checked out. They can do a blood test and tell you what to do. I…
I just wanted to wish all you beautiful ladies(and gentlemen) a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving! HUGS!!!! Cathy
too much folic acid
i called drs office today they said my folic acid count was 24, suppose to be around 3.5. i asked the nurse what it meant she didnt know. should i call my family dr. deedee
Radial Scar
Hey guys, First off, thank you for being here for me. I need some advice, I have been diagnosed as having a 'Radial Scar' my doctor is going to discuss it further with me on my follow-up appointment from the core biopsy, but here is what she has told me so far. She wants to remove the area so we know exactly what we are…
Results of MRI
Finally I call the oncologist today. He told me I was supposed to call, they cannot call everyone with all the tests they do. Nobody told me I had to call. The MRI says that there is something , but looks benign. That I can have an ultrasound to check again in three months, or I can be more agressive and have a biopsy. So…
am new to this and need help finding resources
i am currently staying with family, but the cost of everything has broken the bank. I am so supproised by how little help there is for cancer patients out there. How do people live while fighting for there lifes. if anyone knows of any organizations that can help just to meet the bills it would be very helpful thank you