Radial Scar

PrettyLdy70 Member Posts: 9
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hey guys,

First off, thank you for being here for me. I need some advice, I have been diagnosed as having a 'Radial Scar' my doctor is going to discuss it further with me on my follow-up appointment from the core biopsy, but here is what she has told me so far.

She wants to remove the area so we know exactly what we are dealing with. The area is 7.5mm across and she said that usually indicates something to be concerned about. If it was 1-2.5mm in size she would say that there is nothing to worry about. But, ever since the core biopsy I have been having pain in my arm and lung, right in the area where the lump is.

What should I do, Braest Cancer does run in my family. Every woman on my dads side has either been diagnosed as having BC or has died from the disease. I saw my Aunt die from it and I do not want to go through that. I really need some advice.

Thanks, PrettyLdy70


  • zahalene
    zahalene Member Posts: 670
    We can't tell you....
    what to do. But before you do anything, get all the information you can and if there is still any doubt in your mind about what procedure you should follow, get a second opinion. Then make an educated decision and follow through with all recommended treatments.
    You will know you have done the best you could for yourself and who can do more than that?
  • PrettyLdy70
    PrettyLdy70 Member Posts: 9
    Thanks Guys
    I will keep you all posted. I have an appointment on the 18th and I will come on here and tell you guys what I find out. I am just so scared...
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723
    Radial Scar
    Radial scars are benign. With your family history and the fact that the scar is big increases you chances of bc. Please take every precaution and be viligant about it. It will give you a great peace of mind to have it removed so you will know exactly what if anything you are up against.

    Biopsys (sp?) can be painful as well as being sore. It takes time to heal from having one.

    Take care and please keep us posted as to what you find out.

  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482

    Thanks Guys
    I will keep you all posted. I have an appointment on the 18th and I will come on here and tell you guys what I find out. I am just so scared...

    I am sorry, I don't know
    I am sorry, I don't know anything about radial scars. But I do have experience with fear! So, please accept my support during this tough time of waiting, thinking. The truth is that even though my fears came true, my conception of what life would be like when that happened was way off. Sometimes we think if our fears come true our nightmares will too. But they are just that, nightmares. I wish you ease and good news! love, Joyce
  • PrettyLdy70
    PrettyLdy70 Member Posts: 9
    I went to my core biopsy follow-up appointment, my doctor informed me that a "Radial Scar" is actually Radial Sclerosis (sp?). It is a benign area of cells, but it usually forms over cancer cells, she also informed me that I have another solid lump next to this "radial scar" tissue. She has scheduled surgery for Jan 2nd, at 7am. Great way to bring in the new year, huh?
    What they are going to do is: I will go into the hospital, they are going to do a mammogram. Then when they see the 'clip' that she inserted at the core biopsy, they are going to insert a needle "pointing" to the area that she needs to remove. She is also going to do a needleopathy to remove the second lump. They are going to give me something to make me so loopy that I will not care about what is going on, it started with a V, I forget the name.
    Well, I guess my question is this, have any of you gone through this? What should I expect? Are they going to insert this needle, pointing to the spot while I am awake or will I already be out of it? The doctor tried answering these questions for me, but I still left confused.

    Thanks, Becca
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510

    I went to my core biopsy follow-up appointment, my doctor informed me that a "Radial Scar" is actually Radial Sclerosis (sp?). It is a benign area of cells, but it usually forms over cancer cells, she also informed me that I have another solid lump next to this "radial scar" tissue. She has scheduled surgery for Jan 2nd, at 7am. Great way to bring in the new year, huh?
    What they are going to do is: I will go into the hospital, they are going to do a mammogram. Then when they see the 'clip' that she inserted at the core biopsy, they are going to insert a needle "pointing" to the area that she needs to remove. She is also going to do a needleopathy to remove the second lump. They are going to give me something to make me so loopy that I will not care about what is going on, it started with a V, I forget the name.
    Well, I guess my question is this, have any of you gone through this? What should I expect? Are they going to insert this needle, pointing to the spot while I am awake or will I already be out of it? The doctor tried answering these questions for me, but I still left confused.

    Thanks, Becca

    Hi Becca: I agree what a
    Hi Becca: I agree what a way to bring in the New Year, sorry you have to go through all of this. I didn't do any of this. After I felt the lump and they did both the mammo and ultrasound, I was scheduled for a needle core biopsy which confirmed that I had invasive ductal carcinoma. So, after the surgeon gave me this bit of great news, I opted to have a mastectomy because of the aggressiveness and the fact that we did not know how far it had spread since they found cancer cells in the blood vessels also. I was fortunate that it was stage 1 and my 8 lymph nodes were clean but still had to go through 8 rounds of chemo. I am sure that they will sedate you enough that you won't necessarily know what's going on around you. Have they said if they will give you a local as well? Best of luck to you and please keep us posted. Hugs, Lili
  • PrettyLdy70
    PrettyLdy70 Member Posts: 9

    Hi Becca: I agree what a
    Hi Becca: I agree what a way to bring in the New Year, sorry you have to go through all of this. I didn't do any of this. After I felt the lump and they did both the mammo and ultrasound, I was scheduled for a needle core biopsy which confirmed that I had invasive ductal carcinoma. So, after the surgeon gave me this bit of great news, I opted to have a mastectomy because of the aggressiveness and the fact that we did not know how far it had spread since they found cancer cells in the blood vessels also. I was fortunate that it was stage 1 and my 8 lymph nodes were clean but still had to go through 8 rounds of chemo. I am sure that they will sedate you enough that you won't necessarily know what's going on around you. Have they said if they will give you a local as well? Best of luck to you and please keep us posted. Hugs, Lili

    Well, they have just told me about the Verocet (i think that is the name of the medicine they are going to give me). They said it would make me not care about anything, in some people it even makes them completely forget. I am hoping that is what it does for me, because I definitely do not want to remember.

    Have you finished your chemo? How is it going? I wish you all of the best and Happy Thanksgiving.

    I was talking to my mom yesterday, she said something and I laughed. She said, "God Becca, it is good to hear you laugh." I didn't even realize I was laughing until she said that. I have been thinking that maybe I need to laugh more often. I have come up with a new saying, a laugh a day will keep the doctor away... :)
  • PrettyLdy70
    PrettyLdy70 Member Posts: 9

    Well, they have just told me about the Verocet (i think that is the name of the medicine they are going to give me). They said it would make me not care about anything, in some people it even makes them completely forget. I am hoping that is what it does for me, because I definitely do not want to remember.

    Have you finished your chemo? How is it going? I wish you all of the best and Happy Thanksgiving.

    I was talking to my mom yesterday, she said something and I laughed. She said, "God Becca, it is good to hear you laugh." I didn't even realize I was laughing until she said that. I have been thinking that maybe I need to laugh more often. I have come up with a new saying, a laugh a day will keep the doctor away... :)

    Oh I forgot...
    Also, the doctor that I have working on me is the best. She is head of the surgical team at one of the best hospitals in Raleigh.

    Also wanted to say, thank you for all of your support...Your words have come through and made me feel better. Just to know I have someone to talk to, that knows what I am going through. Thank you so much.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member

    Well, they have just told me about the Verocet (i think that is the name of the medicine they are going to give me). They said it would make me not care about anything, in some people it even makes them completely forget. I am hoping that is what it does for me, because I definitely do not want to remember.

    Have you finished your chemo? How is it going? I wish you all of the best and Happy Thanksgiving.

    I was talking to my mom yesterday, she said something and I laughed. She said, "God Becca, it is good to hear you laugh." I didn't even realize I was laughing until she said that. I have been thinking that maybe I need to laugh more often. I have come up with a new saying, a laugh a day will keep the doctor away... :)

    I was in Turkey, and missed this post...
    I agree with laughter! I found something to laugh about each and every day, even if it was at myself! MASH was a favorite. The comedy channel on T.V. ANYTHING Mel Brooks.

    Chronic pain is no fun. I'm sorry it's happening to you. I had it, too.

    As far as the first of the year, well, maybe say to yourself "OK, that's scheduled, I won't think about it until then, and enjoy my holidays to the hilt!"

    My treatments started the week before Christmas, and a part of me was relieved (the pain reduced), but my other, bigger part was upset that the holidays, Thanksgiving (waiting for the diagnosis), Christmas and New Year were taken!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • dbs1673
    dbs1673 Member Posts: 203
    had procedure
    If I'm following your description correctly I did have that procedure done...several times. In my first situation I had needles inserted in both breasts so the surgeon could accurately get the biopsy. I had a mammo where they located the spot, then a wire is inserted in the breast into that area. A second mammo was done so they could be sure the wire was in the correct spot. The second round I had done was basically the same process but used the MRI instead of the mammo. I laid on my stomach with my breasts through an opening so they could place the wire. When the procedure is finished you will have small wires extending out of your breast (kind of like antennas!). Mine were taped down until they moved me to the OR for the biopsy. I had general anesthia for the biopsies. Other than a small local I didn't have anything for the wire placement. I will be honest, the wire placement I found painful. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give it an 8. Like all procedures, it varies for everyone. I am/was very small built and had both breast done. One breast had two spots to map. Just remember that the process is important so an accurate biopsy section is taken. Best of luck to you!

  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510

    Oh I forgot...
    Also, the doctor that I have working on me is the best. She is head of the surgical team at one of the best hospitals in Raleigh.

    Also wanted to say, thank you for all of your support...Your words have come through and made me feel better. Just to know I have someone to talk to, that knows what I am going through. Thank you so much.


    It is very important to
    It is very important to laugh and to keep positive Becca, as hard as this may be. I think as we are going through all this we feel overwhelmed, but I am glad you have a great surgeon doing this procedure for you. I finished my treatments on 11/16/2007. So, I am now finishing my reconstruction and will go in for the last procedure on 12/17/2008. Though it's close to the holidays, I am glad that I am doing it then because I hope to be done with everything this year. It's been a long year and other complications associated with all of this have occurred but I hope to be done and on the way to a new and improved me for 2009. Stay positive Becca, and know that we are here to support you in every way we can. Surround yourself with positive people and yes laugh because it does make all of us feel better. Hugs to you and Happy Thanksgiving. Love, Lili
  • PrettyLdy70
    PrettyLdy70 Member Posts: 9
    Yes, that is exactly what they said...
    that they were going to do. They said something about inserting a wire, but I thought that was going to be while I was asleep. Wow, sounds like I have a lot to look forward to. I am going to do what the other lady advised me to do. I am not going to worry about it until the day before or the day of. But, thank you, I feel better now, knowing what I am facing. But, can I ask, what was painful? Could you feel the wire being inserted? Because my lump is located directly on my chest wall, can they get a lump like that? I asked my doctor all of these questions and she did her best to answer all of them. But, I am just scared. I am trying to keep my mind off of it all. Thank you.

    I do want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Also, thank you so much for your support, you guys are making me feel better just to have someone to talk to.

    Thanks again,
  • Jadie
    Jadie Member Posts: 723

    Yes, that is exactly what they said...
    that they were going to do. They said something about inserting a wire, but I thought that was going to be while I was asleep. Wow, sounds like I have a lot to look forward to. I am going to do what the other lady advised me to do. I am not going to worry about it until the day before or the day of. But, thank you, I feel better now, knowing what I am facing. But, can I ask, what was painful? Could you feel the wire being inserted? Because my lump is located directly on my chest wall, can they get a lump like that? I asked my doctor all of these questions and she did her best to answer all of them. But, I am just scared. I am trying to keep my mind off of it all. Thank you.

    I do want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Also, thank you so much for your support, you guys are making me feel better just to have someone to talk to.

    Thanks again,

    Hi Becca
    I hate that you

    Hi Becca

    I hate that you have to go through all of this now. It sure puts a damper on the holidays. I started my chemo just before Thanksgiving. That was 5 years ago.

    I had the wires inserted just before surgery also. They numbed me first and that was quiet uncomfortable but I didn't feel the wires being inserted.

    It is so hard to comprehend what the doctors tell us because this cancer language is foreign to us. You might consider taking a close friend or sister to the doctor with you. They might remember more than you since you are trying to remember so much.

    Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving and don't forget to smile and have a good time. Remember to take one day at a time. Keep company with positive people. The best advice that I received when dx was "be careful who you talk to".

  • PrettyLdy70
    PrettyLdy70 Member Posts: 9
    Thank you...
    so much for that. I hope that will have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well.

    I will be taking someone with me, my husband, my daughter, both of my sisters, and hopefully my father-in-law will be there too. I know that may be an over kill but, I want my family around me right now.

    Thank you again for all of the advice. I am listening. You are right, I am trying so hard to figure all of this out. My husband and you guys on here are right though, I do not need to think about it until the day before or the day of. I have been trying so hard to just not think about it.

    Thanks again,