Hello from Holland!
We (I) installed our new high-speed internet today (Sunday afternoon...lol). I LOVE it that I am connected!!! As I have shared, I wasn't looking forward to this trip...so many memories from when my beau's mom was alive... Our trip was good...when I checked in the night before, I changed seats...to seats in Business…
plz help me
i got hives and a rash a few days ago dr said didnt know what caused it . 2 days ago i started getting white flat sores inside my on my cheeks. theyre sore. im kinda shaky too dont know if its stress or what. i hate to go to er and sit all day. i had a port flush 2 days before the hives and started diflucan the day before.…
Hello to All my Friends here on the board.....Well, I had my surgery last Tuesday at UPMC Mercy in Pittsburgh. That hospital is one of the best I have ever been in. Everyone takes the time to answer questions. And the views at night are awesome. I met many other cancer patients, heard many stories. I have an incision from…
Lately I have been very, very depressed. Maybe it's circumstantial: my mother died three months ago and I have had many other problems this year, but I started wondering if it could be the Femara? Has anyone had this side-effect from Femara, and if so, what did you do? I want to stay on the Femara because I believe it is…
Merry Christmas from a Survivor
Merry Christmas to all. I remember the first Christmas after I was dx'd. It was so hard for me (mentally), to get up that morning. But, for the sake of my husband and three small children (7, 4 and 3 month old), I put on a brave face and faced another uncertain day. I had just recently been dx'd, Stage IIb with 16 positive…
Wishing each of you a Very Merry Christmas and a Joyous and Healthy New Year. RE
woke up yesterday with hives
merry christmas. happy birthday jesus. dee again went to oncon yesterday cause i had haives. he say dont know whats wrong ill give you vistaril 25mg. i said i dont want another pill i want to know whats causing this dr says dont know. i told him i had a sore throat for about wk now he looks says i dont see anything. i dont…
I wish you a..........
Merry Christmas Happy Honnika (sp) Happy Holidays Bah Humbug ................And a Happy New Year! Jadie
I'm blushing....
Thank you all for the very flattering responses to my new pic. Keep in mind, this is 'all dolled up' so that I could go the medical staff Christmas party (Man! It's like Prom...never can wear the same dress twice, not even the same jewelry, or you get whispered about...). Two more days till Holland....does anyone know the…
Speaking of worry....
So, a big question: how do you go on with your life with all this worry about cancer, recurrence, death, etc.? How do you feel happy again? How do you not feel that you are suffocating? I have been having a lot of ups and downs since my diagnosis. Sometimes I feel just fine, that I will beat this thing and that I will go…
Christmas Gift...
My wife was just diagnosed with breast cancer two weeks ago. She just started her first cycle of chemo on Monday and its been pretty hard on her. I have no idea what I can get her for Christmas. I've always showered her with Victoria's Secret items, jewelry, etc... She is the love of my life and besides me being there for…
Grrrrrrrrrr! I am SOOOOO mad at my insurance!!!!!
I just called to get my Tamoxifen refilled, at bit early. It was called in as a 'vacation override'. About 2 hours after, my pharmacy said it was denied. I called Health Net...and was told that they only authorize one vacation override per year, and that I had had one in August. I said to the gal, quite calmly, "So, Health…
Anyone died of old age waiting for the chatroom forum to open?????
Whilst I was waiting for the chat room forum to load this afternoon (10 seconds, Hey I tried it every hour) I Did all my christmas grocery shopping, Fed the cat Tripped over the cat Tried the reload button Delivered cards to all my neighbours, Re-Painted the bathroom Tripped over the cat twice Tried that reload button…
Still here
Hi Everyone. Have been gone for a while, due to chemo complications, I would be the one to have them, ended up in ICU got home yesterday, total of 10 days in the hospital. Back in November I was in the hospital due to bronchitis and for some reason it was not getting better, put me in a dark place as I was frustated, angry…
Ridiculous worry
This is SUCH a little thing...but, since I am still sitting home with this dang drain in place after implant expander surgery and must be going off the deep end, it really bothers me. I got a notice in the mail today of an appointment scheduled for me by my onc. in February. She seemed to initiate this. I haven't had any…
A special Christmas party....
at my treatment center. I went, and was reminded as I walked thru the doors the first time I walked thru these doors, 4 years ago. I was hurting, and scared, and my head was spinning! THIS time, I found so many familiar faces, all covered with joy at seeing me 'looking so healthy'. I managed to find all of my special…
Pneumonia after chemo treatment
I joined this site on behalf of my sister. She was diagnosed to have a stage4 breast cancer and her chemo treatment was finished first week of October 2008. A week after that, she began to complain that her side where they took her breast is kind of sore whenever she cough or laugh a little. The Doctor told her that it's…
Finished Reconstruction
Well girls, I think that I am through with the reconstruction. Had my aerola tattooed on Wednesday and did some fat graphting to fill in the concave space above the breast on my right side. To say the least, they still don't match and I still have a somewhat hollow indentation above the breast. I am afraid that when the…
OK, you have 24 hours to laugh.....
UPDATE: This is my Christmas party pic...the hot pool pic is in my Expressions pages, along with some other ones from Turkey.... I found the picture of my beau and I in the hot pools in Turkey, covered in mud. You all have 24 hours to laugh, the squemish, turn away!!! LOL, ROFL... Hugs, Kathi (Sort of brings to mind those…
Still waiting, nervously....
I am still waiting for the chemo to hit. It is now day two post. I've some GI problems, brief and very slight fatigue and nausea, but that's about it. Also, cheese tastes very bitter and burns my throat. The symptoms seem to get worse at night, but I've woken up refreshed and energized both mornings. Of course I am happy…
Depression and Holiday Season
I'm sitting here not really knowing what to write. I finished my last radiation treatment a few weeks ago, and now I'm taking Arimidex...for 10 years, not 5. I have been treated for depression in the past but now it's beyond depression. I stopped seeing my therapist because I kept cancelling appts. (due to pain in my…
we need an alternative!
I am reaching out to those of you who have turned to naturopathic medicine. Has there been much success with stage four breast cancer patients? what alternatives to chemo and radiation would you recommend? and also, where can I find a directory for an oncologist who focuses on naturopathy? Thank you for your help!!!!
New Lumps.........weekend....scared
Hi, I had st4 bc spead to sentinal and other nodes, dx last October surgery 18th dec...lumpectomy, chemo and rads. Now I have amazing pain in my ribs just below the site. There are at least 3 lumps there ... I have only just dared to examine this area.........I know you are not doctors, But has anyone else had this?...It…
Research On Tamoxifen Leads To Recommendation For CYP2D6 Gene Test
New info coming out of San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Research On Tamoxifen Leads To Recommendation For CYP2D6 Gene Test Main Category: Breast Cancer Also Included In: Genetics; Menopause Article Date: 15 Dec 2008 - 4:00 PST Findings from a new study have prompted Mayo Clinic researchers to recommend CYP2D6 gene…
uti again?
i was wondering if any of you ladies got alot of uti's. i felt full for months i just got done taking meds for one last month. this is so totally embaracing but it feels like something is falling out down there. ive told my drs, did the last urine test 3wks ago and it was clear. no pain just urinating alot and that wierd…
I was wondering if there is someway of checking spelling on here. I am a terrible speller. I WANT MY SPELL CHECK ER(sing this to tune of I want my MTV). I can't spell anythink (see I told you). Anybody know how to spell check these messages?
Meet with the C doc!
So we meet with the oncologist today wasnt the news I was hoping for that is for sure. The break down is a course of Chemo for 18 wks going in once every 3 wks then during that we will have Herceptin for a full YEAR. After the 18 weeks I have to decide rather I would want Rads and or a double mastectmy if I were to choose…
New here, have question.
Hi! I came here because I am worried about my friend. She survived brest cancer 4 years ago but has recently been rediagonised with terminal cancer. Her husband is angry and not very supportive, I imagine it is just as hard on him. She has been going to chemo but it has been making her so sick and she just found out her…
feeling bad
merry christmas all. i just want to say i feel so bad for every person in these rooms everyone with this fight with cancer. i know i complain alot but my heart is broke for all of us. i go for lads on mon. then in jan im suppose to get another mam. to kournee i pray for you hon. i to have had losses during this time my dau…
I picked up my medicine from the pharmacy and to my surprise the Arimidex was in a bottle. No more pushing the pills out of the pack. One less problem with Arimidex.