Finished my eight rounds of chemo today...
Finished my eight rounds of chemo today and just wanted to say thank you for all of the encouragement and support that I have received here. I appreciate each and every one of you...your kindness and your patience in answering my constant questions. With your help, I have gone from "OMG, I can't do this!" to "I can be a…
Relaxation CD during chemo -- just wanted to pass this on
A friend of mine just sent me this audio CD that is designed for relaxation and guided imagery during chemotherapy. I'm not usually into "new agey" stuff like this, but I just listened to it and it did give me a sense of peace and relaxation. I will probably transfer it to my itouch and listen while undergoing treatments.…
Important News: ACS with SSA on disability!
From Dixchi on the colorectal board... I am a volunteer for the local ACS and just received this newsletter information; some may already know about this but for those who dont: The Social Security Administration recently launched the Compassionate Allowances Intiative, a pilot program that wiill enable people with certain…
Nutrition during chemo
I was wondering if anyone has any good resources for nutrition during chemotherapy? Any good cookbooks or eating plans? My husband and I are avid cooks and I would like to be as healthy as possible during this period. Any suggestions??
Lapatinib and Capecitabine
Received the reports from my tests, doctors, etc. and it is once again metastatic cells positive for Her2-neu with a score of +++. I have been doing herceptin since 2004 every 3 weeks, but they want to change to Lapatinib (biological agent similar to herceptin) and capecitabine (chemotherapy). I have been reading online…
i got my meds. thank you
yeah they approved the arimidex. how another problem ladies. i moved to ind with son and wife in april for treatment im raising a 15 yr old gdau. when i came home from ohio from the funeral (my daughter passed) son said your out of treament now time to go. this was my dau and the mother of my gdau. cant find an affordable…
Triple Negative on Femara
I was told by two Oncologists and Breast Cancer Surgeon that I was triple negative with only 5% ER+ and totally PR negative and that I would not benefit from hormone treatment. Now six months later after lumpectomy, chemo and radiatin (nearly finished), Oncologist and Pathologist changed the treatment plan to include…
update on husband's cheating
A few weeks ago I wrote a post about my husband's having cheated online while I was undergoing treatment, and received numerous responses. I want everyone to know that things are going better, and the counseling seems to be helping. You can never tell the future (don't we know that as breast cancer survivors) but I think…
I have been making fudge and divinity all day and I decided that some of you may want the recipe for divinity. For those of you who have it, maybe you can improve on my version. DIVINITY FUDGE 2 1/3 CUPS OF SUGAR 2/3 CUP OF WHITE CORN SYRUP 1/2 CUPS OF WATER 1/4 TSP OF SALT 2 EGG WHITES 1 CUP CHOPPED NUTS (IF DESIRED) 1/2…
Plastic splurgery?
Okey-doke. Here is the down and dirty on my recon. If any of you are reading this and considering having one, please know that I am a big drama queen (make adjustments if you are a calmer person). I will try to write the things that I wanted to know ahead of time. 1) The doctor has to take some naked before and after…
Good News
Well, my first visit after tx with the oncologist was last Tuesday, and today I had my first mammogram. All is clear! What a great way to celebrate the holidays. The doctor has changed me to Tamoxifen, so will begin that tonight. Hoping it won't be too bad, as I had a tough time with Femara. Just wanted to share the good…
Once again, I have a question...
I am having my last chemo this week...yay!! Then, I need to make arrangements for my 6 weeks of rads. However, I have had a virus since October (still coughing incessantly) and laryngitis for the past month. But we have pressed forward with the chemo, while keeping a close eye out for pneumonia. My question is whether it…
insurance wont cover my arimidex what now
hey everyone. first of all merry christmas. im on medicaid called today and drug store said my insurance was not covering the arimidex this month, they did last month. 349.00 dollars. i live in ind anyone got any info for me plz. deedee
Quietly Reflective
Dearest Sisters, I come into these amazing, insightful boards perhaps a dozen times a day. It is practically the first thing I do in the morning, and the last at night. I am always humbled to be counted in among you...you inspire me every day. I don't always respond to the posts, not even those which touch my heart in ways…
How to deal with wife's recently diagnosed breast cancer
My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer two days ago and she seems to be dealing with it better than me. I want to cry all the time but I don't want to upset her. I don't know if I should try to be upbeat or tell her how I feel. Can anyone tell me what I should do to help her?
Looking for other Stage 4 metastatic Breast cancer survivors
Hi, I am new to this site and looking to talk to other members who have had stage 4 metastatic breast cancer where it came back but in the lungs and are still surviving. I am interested in how long you have been CT scan clear of any evidence and what you are doing for prevention of reoccurence. I finished chemo tx one year…
Flat Chest
I once was a 48c and then nine years ago I had breast cancer and both breast were removed. It never once occurred to me to have any type of reconstructive surgery. I like my flat look, and I am so much more than a set of boobs. (I know many don't feel this way...but there are a few of us who just don't need 'em).
unclean lunpectomy margins, 2nd surgery?
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with stage one DCIS 3 weeks ago. I had a lumpectomy but now I have to have another surgery because two margins were "dirty." I am worried. Has anyone had this situation?
Whew! This day is OVER!!!!!
So, today was my daughter's birthday. Hard to believe it's been 2 years that she has been gone. What did I do? I went to DISNEYLAND (yesterday)!!!!!! My other daughter Kristy and I went and enjoyed the Christmas spirit. And the fireworks. And the snow. (Hey, for we in Southern California, even FAKE snow is a big deal!!!!).…
Snow ! In Louisiana WOW
I have been depressed until today. My phone started ringing at 6:30AM my brother was calling to tell me to look outside. There was snow every where. Later, all of the kids in the neighborhood was out throwing snowballs at any one that came out and each other. Yes, there were also some grown-ups too. I was front and center…
new member
Just joined, this site has made my day, all the positiveness, I was having a hard time with anxiety, have gone thru chemo, lumpectomy, and half way thru radiation. I am on Tamoxifen for 5 years.....it's overwhelming but doable! Everyday gets easier.
Prayers for my sister
Hi friends, I'm rather new to these boards and needed some prayers today. I'm finishing up my year of treatment. My last Herceptin will be right before Christmas!! That's the good news. The bad news is that one of my sisters has recently had a suspicious mammogram. She had a second mammogram and ultrasound this week.…
I started back to work on December 1st (topless... or should I say wigless) and it feels "pretty damn good." I work at DSS as a hearing rep and very stressful. My co-workers were so supportive I felt very welcomed and glad to be back. Just thought I'd share my delight in getting back to semi-normalcy......Wish I could…
Reconstruction reconsiderations
I have expander surgery set up for the 12th of Dec (one side mas.) But I am feeling sad about it. Instead of being happy to get it done, I dread the pain, the impact on my life. I also resent a little that I should need to do something so violent to my body. Yet I feel like if I don't go ahead with it (and great time to…
New here--questions
Hello Everyone, I am new to the breast cancer board, but not to the colon cancer board. However, my sister was recently diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer, nodes involved and tested positive for HER2neu. Her tumor went from 1.6 cm to 7 cm in one month. This is very aggressive and very scary. Another really scary thing is…
Starting Abraxane and Herceptin...
Hello all! I have finished with A/C and am starting Abraxane and Herceptin today. Abraxane for the next four infusions and Herceptin for the next year. Not sure what to expect. Can anyone give me any info? Thanks, CR
Some Good News and...
Hi Ladies.. Haven't posted in awhile because so much has been happening. I will recap for you... Had my breast cancer surgery..a lumpectomy and 37 radiation treatments this past year. Surgery was in January, radiation ended in April. Had my followup mammo and all looked well. Was on Evista for awhile, but leg cramps were a…
happy about colonoscopy
Hey, all. I had my colonoscopy today - I was absolutely terrified that they would find something (cancer again!) but I am happy to say there was nary a polyp. I am so relieved. And the procedure wasn't even that bad. Ohilly
pos nodes
Any survivors out there that tested positive for lymph nodes? I had 4 yet was told to be optimistic. I am optimistic yet very concerned about the nodes.