Good news today.
I went to my Lung doctor (for Interstitial Lung Disease) today and he told me that my lungs sound really good. He said, I didn't have to come back to see him unless I needed him for anything. He shook my hand and said good luck and he said, "Don't you wish your oncologist would tell you that?". I said, "Boy, I sure do." I…
Surgery update
Hi to all. I had surgery 1/12/11, and my docs were able to do a bowel resection and avoid the ostomy routes. Recovery has been slower than from my previous surgeries, and I still can't seem to get my bowels working much. Still have little to no appetite. Anyway, one day at a time, right? They sent tissue samples off for…
I made it another year
Today is my 60th birthday. A few y9ears ago I didn't think I would. So lets wish each other Happy birthday,if it was last month or this summer spring or fall. we made it. Happy birthday to all of my teal friends, I think I am going to party like it's 1999....val
Started the Avastin today - Hope all goes well
Well I went to the doctor and blood pressure was high. However, they started the Avastin anyway. I hope and pray that all goes well with this. They told me to double up on the blood pressure meds and to monitor my blood pressure every day. Linda
Scary politics
Having burned out on politics a few years ago I try to stay as apoliticial as possible but this was frigthening: "Eric Cantor said this morning, under hard questioning I should add, that yes indeed cancer research would also be on the table when you talk about cutting spending. Can you envision cuts in cancer research?"…
Starting Chemo and would like input
Hello, I am 34 and have stage III ovarian cancer. I am starting chemo on 1/12 and frankly terrified. I would really appreciate some advice and guidance from other ladies that have been through this experience. What is out there for support and assistance. Thank you so very much and God Bless. Warm Regards, Jaime
Hexalen Chemo & ovarian cancer
I recently went on a telephone support group and some of the ladies mentioned that they were on the pill, Hexalen for ovarian cancer. Has anyone been on this and if you have were there any side effects and did it stop the growth of the cancer. The ladies in the group said that while they were on Hexalen, they were NED for…
I am re-thinking the clinical trial in NYC and need advice
I have been searching for clinical trials closer to my home, because the mad dash to NYC this past week was horrendous and staying there from Feb 1st - 10th, as they would like is proving problematic. The hotel is $200 per night, which my husband insists is not an issue, but when you add in meals for 10 days, it's quite a…
4 of 6 down
I can't believe how fast, and yet slow, it has gone since my first post of "Help, what should I expect"...I just completed my 4th of 6th carbo/taxol infusions on Friday. If I stay on schedule I have one in February and the final on March 4. This last time I just barely made the "cut" with my WBC just at the bare minimum.…
Fragmin blood thinner
In Jan 2010, I had my 3rd surgery for ovarian cancer. I had developed a blood clot in my lung and I was put on Coumadin. When I started Gemzar my INR counts were constantly changing and the medication had to be adjusted. When I was put on Doxil, my INR was pretty stable. Now that I'm on Avastin, the dr. has put me on…
Mom has been accepted into a clinical trial
There are 75 clinics around the world accepting 350 patients into this clinical trial. Mom's oncologist's team has 38 patients and mom is one of them. I really hope this is the answer we have all been praying for. The trial has been going on for a while and apparently the results are encouraging. Has anyone else…
Dear Ellen
So nice to see your post and congrats on that new granddaughter! (((HUGS))) Maria
Ding! Round two
I saw my Dr. today to find out what my ct revealed, as we thought cancer is back. I have some lesion on my liver and bowel. I well be starting carbo/taxol every 3 weeks and taxol once a week for 18 weeks. It has just been 6 months since my last chemo treatment. Even though I have had chemo before it is still scary as I…
General Info on Clincial Trials...borrowed from another board
From National Cancer Institute (NCI): "Clinical trials are usually conducted in a series of steps, called phases. Treatment clinical trials listed in PDQ®, NCI's comprehensive cancer information database, are always assigned a phase. However, screening, prevention, diagnostic, and quality-of-life studies do not always have…
tongue and throat lit up on Petscan
Last November I had ct/pet scan and my gyno/onc told me my tongue and throat lit up and she thought I might have oral cancer as well as finding 2 more spots in my abdomin. She sent me to an ENT and he found no evedience of ca..thank god. I have never heard of mouth liting up. My ear nose and throat md said it could be side…
Is she depressed?
Hi ladies, Hope you are all ok. I wanted to pick your brains, just to give you some background mum finished her treatment end of November :) and was diagnosed in may time. My sister received a phone call from mums friend in France , she said she had rung mum one night this week ,and that she had broken down and said she…
Prognosis: Poor
Wow, I was at my doctor appt. yesterday and saw this on my records. Prognosis: Poor. I cried all day yesterday and feel sick to my stomach today. The report went on to say I failed gemzar, and carbo/taxil and my tumor came back after only 2 months off chemo with taxotere/avastin, so that's why the prognosis. I am…
My sister may have ovca too!!
My older sister is now in the hosptital and may also have ovca. My God I hpoe not. I do not want her to go through this too. She never married or had children and has cardiac issues and a pacemake. I fear she couldn't handle chemo. My younger sis had bladder ca and currently is urologisy q3months. My other sister died of…
Jlo, You go tomorrow to meet with Dr. S too, right? Good luck and I hope they find a trial to meet your needs!!!
Are there any other husbands on these discussion boards? It seems that the only people who are related/caregivers are women, either mothers, daughters, sisters or friends. It would be nice to hear from other men whose wives have this horrible disease. Chad
My mom has lost a considerable amount of weight, we're very concerned
My mom has a colostomy bag and got back from the hospital last week. She weighed 112lbs when she got home, she has been eating like crazy. She weighed herself this morning, only a week later, and now weighs 109lbs. What could this mean? What could b done to help her gain some weight? Thanks!
red face
hello Ladies i need advise as you know i had my first carbo/taxol treatment today, and my face is red.... little itchy. i know it can be effect of steroids, but i would like to know how long it lasts and how i can help to get rid of it can i use my creams, just regular mosturizers? thanks so much in advance hugs Victoria
Update on Reid Pack baby
Ladies! I will try not to use this forum for personal issues. But I feel like we are family and I know many of you are not only teal warriors but prayer warriors. Our son called 2 1/2 hours ago with update: Off ventilator - has a canula (oxygen) but breathing somewhat on his own No sign of seizures this morning Head…
Prayer Request
Dear Praying Warriors, This does not have to do with me at this time. Yesterday our son's wife gave birth to Reid (they have a daughter 20 months but if you remember they lost twins in 2008). Reid is now at Childrens in Pittsburgh. During birth there was moderate expulsion of placenta from uterus. Don't know exactly how…
12 year survivor's husband beat Esophageal Cancer!
Hi Friends, If you remember me from a previous post, I shared how I am a twelve year survivor and my husband was diagnosed with esophageal stage III cancer. He went through chemo and radiation at the same time and ended up in the hospital for twelve days. He gradually built up and I got him out of Idaho and into a top…
starting chemo tomorrow
had my onco appt today - starting chemo tomorrow - 6 rounds of carbo-taxol glad to finally start but nervous of course. Doctor gave prescriptions for anti nausea meds, etc.. She said - absolutely no antioxidents during chemo. Did anyone else had same direction from the doctors? Seems like only vitamin D is ok. about pain…
My wife's fingernails are falling off...
Linda came into the room where my 20 year old daughter and I were looking at something on the computer together and told/showed us that her fingernails are coming completely off. They turned purple during treatments with Cisplatin and Taxotere. She was warned they might break. But this is much more dramatic. She's calmed…
Good Luck today Carlene!!! Wondering how your traveling into NYC went since we had a wintery day yesterday and icy roads this morning. It is supposed to be 39 degrees today. That should melt any ice. I do hope you like Dr. S and MSKCC. Will be looking for your update!!!
LeesaG Update
Hello Teal Warriors! Good news today from the GreenHouse! CA125 13 CTSCAN Still clean! No changes since the last one with the exception of a new small incisional hernia and the postoperative pocket of fluid in the lower right quadrant has disappeared! WHEW! Next appointment is in April! Love to you all, still praying daily…