Feeling sad
Life has been tough the last few years. It just seems to go on and on. I have already talked about the breakup of my 26 year relationship, subsequent reconciliation and then during the difficult reconciliation he died. Three years later diagnosed with stage lllc ov/ca. Been through treatment and am now dancing with NED. On…
clear cell
Are you automatically a grade 3 if you have clear cell ovarian cancer? My pathology report doesn't say what grade I am.... Thanks!
No Go on Avastin Today
Hi All, Update on me.... I went to get my first treatment for Avastin today and it was a NO GO. My blood pressure was toooo high. And since they have to watch the blood pressure closely while you are taking Avastin, I couldn't start today. So now I get to take blood pressure medicine and they will try next week. Please say…
question and new to board
hello all, I usually post under breast cancer board as 2x survivor...my mom passed away from ovarian...daughter having problems now and surprise doctors are not really taking her seriously because she is 30...she finally got them to do an ultrasound...i know what things look like and mean with bc, but does anyone know what…
Answer to Froggy1 About "Demi Colors"
Hi there, I'm so sorry just getting back, but if you haven't found the answer by now. Demi is the "new" word for "semi-permanent". It is absolutely safe in that there is no chemical reaction taking place within the cortex of the hair. And I mean absolutely safe. It usually has a very low-volume activator/developer that…
what questions need to be asked?
My sister-in-law will be going to the doctor on 1/18 to get her staples out and receive her chemo scheudle. Can you please let me know what questions we should ask? I have no idea. Your replies will be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you in advance. God Bless you all, debbiejeanne
Does anyone know what and where pericardial lymph nodes are? I would still like to know since I have not talked to the dr yet, what calcified means because I have a few spots on the report that say that and I hope it is not bad news!! Hope your all doing ok. hugs
Peripheral Neuropathy - What Helps?
I have very minimal peripheral neuropathy. My feet are affected most, but only with some superficial numbness. The problem is that I am on my feet and have to wear very tight boots for work, and that makes it worse. I really need this to go away ASAP so I can work more. I've been taking magnesium and B6 daily, and vitamin…
Dear Colleen
Is your surgery a go for the 17th? I just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you/wishing you a speedy recovery and will be waiting to hear that you have this additional struggle behind you. (((HUGS))) Maria
silly questuon
How the heck do you put on false eyelashes??? I have tried several times and gave up. They glue to my eyeballs lol not really but they are crooked and i look like a drunken you know what. My hubby laughed and told me to take them off. I did. I felt down al nite. all the other woman had nice long lashes and i have none.…
Susan523 ???
Anyone heard from Susan lately? Is she doing ok? She is still posting on FaceBook, but very sporadically.
Swell question
Hello again I have another question (another complaint!) I would like to ask. Have any of you ladies suffered with bloating (not of the tummy area) generally all over the body especially fingers - my rings sometimes feel tight but not always and my arms and legs are slightly bigger than usual and it's not weight gain but…
Linda, thinking of you today!
Hope everything goes well with your onc visit. Hope the platelets are high enough for chemo tomorrow.
New here, saying hello!
This is the first time I've posted on a cancer forum. I'm 63 with two daughters in their 20's, married for over 30 years, and physically active and fit. I was diagnosed with stage 1C, high grade, ovarian cancer on May 3, 2010, which is when I had surgery. My good luck continued as I got through 6 rounds of carbo/taxol…
I am sad today, but not without hope....
I know that I have mentioned a number of times that a woman in my local support group - and a neighbor of my good friend Sue - was an 11+ year survivor of OC. Even though she was never in remission for long periods (the longest was 12 months), she was working full time, up until a few months ago, when tumors started…
itchy after tx
does anyone else get very itchy after carb/taxol tx. I am scratchin mysel on les back and torso. I put on some cocoa butter lotion and it helps for a while. I don't remember having this last year withmy first round ...val
I know you are supposed to see your oncologist/gyno for 5 years after your diagnosis but I would really like to switch to a regular gyno soon. I was diagnosed with cancer in November 09. My onco/gyno did my surgery. He doesn't take my insurance and would like to get a "regular" exam :-/. Does anybody see a regular gyno??…
Chemo treatments for second recurrency
I had my initial chemotreatment March-July 2007 - 6 cycles carboplatin/taxoter +(herceptin one year for HER2 pos. breast cancer). My first reccurency of ovarian cancer a year ago was treated with 8 cycles of carboplatin/gemzar. After 5 month (remission? or chemo brake?) my cancers back again. My gyn/onc recommend this time…
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
I am newly diagnosed with peritoneal carcinomatosis and since I don't see it as a listed choice, I'm putting myself under Ovarian Cancer as I've read that it is a similar cancer. Anyway, I'm looking for a good cancer center and have an appt at the Greenbaum Cancer Ctr in Baltimore (i live in VA). While researching, I came…
ovarian and BRCA2 troubles
Had surgery July 2010 and found out I had stage 1 clear cell cancer. I did the genetic testing and found I am positive for BRCA2. Have gone through the chemo, finished last dose on Dec 8th. CA125 now down to 20 from 385. Now going through the breast screening and of course they found a mass on the left. Have to have a…
Back on dense dose with a new port
Things are finally cranking back up in Japan, after the New Year's holiday. There are only 3 days of official holiday, but things are slow to start back up. I started back on the dense dose taxol/carboplatin today. They did a CA125 draw and after being off for 6 weeks, it will be interesting to see what the number did.…
Is it just me....
Is it just me or has anyone else experienced a drop in level of care due to insurance issues? When I was first dx in May '09 I was on COBRA/United healthcare thru the office job I had lost (closed due to economy). As of March '10 when the COBRA coverage ended & I couldn't afford to convert ($1100 a mo. !!!!)- I had to go…
I could really use some help, could this be ovarian cancer?
Hi Everyone! My name is Carol, I'm 27 years old with two beautiful kids and a wonderful husband. I'm new here and I've been experincing some pains that worry me. I'm hoping that maybe someone could shed some light as to what may be happening to me. My mother is a Breast Cancer survivor and just two years ago I lost my 16yr…
CT scan was good....
I'm off to NYC next Wednesday, providing the weather doesn't throw a monkey wrench into the works! Carlene
huge CA125 rise!!
I just got my ca125 results from 12/22, after completing the clincial trial. I rose from 192 to 662 in one month. WOW. my ca125 was 720 when I was initally diagnosed. Not sure what these means but it can't be good. The ct scan I had done at the same time didn't show much progression. Maybe I just have a higher…
Update CA-125
Good Morning, Well, it seems that my CA-125 is in keeping with my personality. 2 weeks ago it jumped to 10 and yesterday is was 7. Finally, after 20 months of 30 day blood draws, I have been moved to every 90 days. Geez, it is like taking an exam and finally passing it. I have started a part-time job. It really helps with…
Chemo brain...
We all know that chemotherapy targets and kills/cripples fast-growing cells..hair, nails, Cancer, and brain cells. But I get the feeling sometimes that people - my family members included - just don't quite get it. I really do not remember stuff. It's not a cop-out...honest. And maybe it's early (or not so early...LOL)…
Cranberry Extract
Have you read or know anything about taking cranberry extract in conjuction with Carboplatin. I've heard positive things about it from survivors and I took it toward the end of my treatment. Here is a link for anyone interested.…
Urinary infections
Linda is waiting on test results for a urinary infection. It always crops up when we try to return to "normal" if you catch my drift. But this same thing has had its advent with every bout of cancer and having just come off treatment where the tumor went away dramatically after four rounds of three treatments each, none of…
One test down....one more to go before I am confirmed for NYC
Had my labs run today. CA125 is 6.1 Yea me!!! Now I just need a clean CT scan (tomorrow). Everyone, keep praying! Carlene