Lymphedema and ear pain?
Hey all - does anyone have any experience with ear pain that may be caused by lymphedema, or by the lympedema massages? I've had pretty significant lymphedema on the right side/tumor side of my neck ever since the surgery to remove BOT cancer and neck dissection in December, just started getting the massages/therapy about…
Hi eeveryone. My father has base of tongue cancer since mid-end 2015. It was found only october 2016 as a base of tongue cancer or carcinoma.He got succesful surgery january 2017 removing the mass which was huge. after that he got 2 chemos and 35 radiology ending novemebr 2017 which shrank the the tumor andsome in lymph…
I'm part of a clinical trial
I feel I am a lucky person to have been approved to participate in a clinical trial for a less damaging radiation treatment. I had been seeking treatment with protons for that same "less damaging" reason, but due to various factors, getting insurance approval was simply taking too long. I start Tuesday. Involved Field…
23 Months Post NED
Hello all. Been some time since I posted to the site. I hope all are doing well and those in current treatment are receiving the advice they desparately need. I know this site helped me during my time in treatment. I had a 23 month post treatment ENT appointment today for Stage IVA Tonsil cancer (T2N2aM0). Cancer had…
Five Years and Still Going Strong
Friends It is has been a long long while since I have been here but turned the corner and it was my 5th year anniversary of ending treatment and being declared cancer free. In two weeks I return to the wonderful place of hope and healing at MD Anderson Houston for my fifth year checkup (you know what that means -- sniff…
How to overcome Radiation Mask fear? or unable to breath?
Hi everyone, its me again. I've just completed my first chemo today but was unable to get my first radiation because either I had gain and put on 3kgs or I just have this feeling and fear that I am unable to breath. Therefore would greatlly appreciate some advice on "how to lose 3kgs" fast at the head and neck within 3…
Hi All! I'm checking in
As some of you know, I've had a hard ride but I just finished (about 3-4weeks ago) my second course of radiation to the area where my cancer had spread. In March, I was in hospital, unable to see, walk, or dress myself. I was prepared for death but amazingly there were treatments that gave me quality and my life back, for…
ENT Visit Preop-
I had my ENT visit on Tuesday June 12, 2018. This was for preop consultation and any questions I had relating to the cancer under the left side of my tongue. I have been calling this a recurrence of cancer from my previous episode of throat cancer but the ENT says it is not a recurrence but another cancer a new episode of…
Peg Tube removal
After 10 long months, I have just received the word that I can have my PEG tube removed! Happy Day! The doctors office was pretty vague about the procedure. Does anyone have any words of wisdom or hints or tips that I should be aware of before hand? Thanks Deb
End of week five no pain but thick mucus....HELP!!
Hello everyone.... Today marked the ending of week five and I’m fairing pretty well my doctors tell me. Aside from being tired all the time and now build up of mucus is gagging me and making me throw up!! And secrets or suggestions to help with this??? I have two weeks left and I am anxious and waiting for the ball to drop…
Chemo radiation to lymph nodes vs neck dissection
Hello, it’s been a while since I last posted . The first time was for treatment advice for my husband back in December 2017 and many members offered very useful information at that time. My husbands 13 week post treatment PET scan is approaching and the scanxiety I see discussed on the boards here is setting in. His…
Interesting information for the new comers
I am a 3 1/2 year survior of HPV positive Tonsil cancer and finished 6 weeks of IMRT with no chemo 3 1/2 years ago. I got 70 GY on the left side of my neck and 35 GY on the right side. Other than some dry mouth which has imroved significantly since treatment, I am doing great. The following video talks about de-escaltion…
Hey Curlyn! Thinking of You
I know you are fighting with all your might right now. Just really wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and praying that you are doing well with your treaTrent. You likely have little energy to respond but are lurking. Know that your friends over at Head and Neck Cancer are here for you!
An easier fix for radiation scatter/burn off dental work?
Hey kids, noob here. I'm about four weeks into chemo and radiation [for a tumor on a tonsil and a couple spots on some adjoining lymph nodes (all taken out, in addition to most of the rest of that side of my neck, haha)]. Anyhow, at the zap lab, I was getting radiation burn on my tongue due to scatter off my new dental…
Teeth problems
Hello to all, My dad is 5/12 years from chem and radiation treatment to his tonsil. One problem we are having is his teeth just break off, come out whole or have been grinded down as a result of a root canal. The only treatment I have been offered is to go in the hyperbaric chamber to try to promote bone growth. Has anyone…
Alcohol after treatment
My bf of 22 years never told me how bad his swallowing was getting. When his voice changed dramatically and I was able to drag him to the hospital we learned he had Stage IV HPV scc tonsil cancer. His tumor was between 5 to 10 cms. He had emergency tracheostomy and feeding tube. We've ended 40 rads and 3 Cisplatin. PET…
Scared to death
I was diagnosed with throat cancer 3 months ago.. treatment was supposed to be 33 radiation treatment and chemotherapy. I had the mask made but due to my aniexty and claustrophobia which I didn't even know I had an issue with I freaked out once they put me on the radiation table..they not only locked my head in place but…
Treatment done - Feel worse!
Hi everyone. Sorry it's been awhile since I posted. In and out of the hospital. Feeding tube fell out dehydration severe nausea. My treatment ended last Monday but my wonderful radiation team failed to tell me that the next 3 weeks post treatment are the worse. I have more mucuos nausea and dizziness than I did before!…
Stage 4 with mets - in remission!!
Hello, All! Husband has been within death due to his cancer in day, minutes, even seconds on multiple times since this past September. Not the kind of message you share a lot here. But I have come here for support often. This message I MUST share!! Today, we are in remission!! Treatment "paused" until CAT scan in 2 months.…
MEC of tongue, looking for hope and guidance
Hello all, My boyfriend of 3 years was recently diagnosed with a MEC of salivary gland, intermediate grade. I am looking for some advice, guidance, and hope at this time. I have been reading a lot of these discussion boards and have found them very helpful. My boyfriend had a 15.5 hour surgery on 08/1, in which the base of…
Bleeding/blood in nose after treatment? (Nasopharyngeal cancer)
Hello, Hope everyone is well. I guess my question is how long do you expect the post-treatment effects (including nasal bleeding/scarring) to go away, and if they do occur after say one year of radiation, are they indicative of reccurence? Details: My dad has nasophangeal cancer was treated with radiation and chemo…
P.E.T. Scan Results
I got a call from the ENT's office this morning about the pet scan I took yesterday and it shows NED no cancer in the rest of my body. Praise the Lord I had and have many people praying for me. This takes a bit of a load off my mind and my being at least now I only have the tongue to be concerned with. I am thankful we are…
The latest
I have a swelling, on the right side, so I was suitable freaking terrified.. so I tortured my ENT into a test, and got this... CT neck May 4, 2018 HISTORY: Base of tongue cancer, status post chemoradiation. New pain. TECHNIQUE: A spiral volume scan is made through the neck during administration of 100 cc of nonionic…
All good so far
First pet scan after 4 months post treatment and all looked good Visit to ent scoped me and saw no signs of it.Just one question.How long before the soreness in my body goes away I feel like ive been in a bar fight when I was 18 .is there anything to speed the heal? I’m back at work and my job is physical but I can’t hold…
Mouth sore 2.5 years later
Hello, 3 weeks ago today I saw my ENT for 6 month check up. Looked good. Then a few days later I get a small ulcer like sore on back of tongue. Painful. I write it off as a canker sore. It has been the same for 2+ weeks. Sore, same size, very small...did I mention painful and annoying. Everything I read says go see the dr.…
Stigma Around HPV Tonsil Cancer
Just wondering if anyone else feels a stigma surrounding HPV related tonsil cancer. I feel awkward when I tell people that I was diagnosed with this cancer. If cervical HPV cancer is caused by intercourse, how is HPV tonsil cancer caused. I always tell people not to jump to conclusions. I am a 60 year old female. Does…
High calorie foods to replace Jevity
We are so close. In March we completed 40 rads and 3 Cisplatin. We started this journey with emergency trach and feeding tube. PET is scheduled for 6/8 at which time we will be able to remove the trach and feeding tube (well, tube once he can eat food orally and maintain weight). We started with 8 Jevity/day and are now…
upload a picture
Does anyone here know how I can upload a picture from my computer's picture library? Civilmatt I know you have done so before.
What to expect squamous cell tongue cancer
My husband was diagnosed today with stage 4 squamous cell cancer of the tongue and it involves lymph nodes.Doctor suggest radiation 5 days a week for minumum of 7 weeks and chemo as well not sure how much or often on the chemo.The doctor told him he has a 50/50 chance of recovery, is this the norm? He suggested they could…