Spinal Accessory nerve damage?? Post Modified Radical Neck surgery
Can anyone help point me in the right direction for some help with shoulder, trapazoid, and range of motion issues caused by damage to my spinal accessory nerve during a modified radical neck surgery? I was diagnosed with squamous cell (HPV 16) stage 4 cancer in November. In December my left tonsil amoung other things were…
Peg Tube
After 23 rads and 5 chemo they are putting in a PEG The phlegm is so bad cant keep anything down. Constant dry heaves. I have it all mouth sores, blisters on the neck, cramping. In about 1.5 weeks lost 15 lbs so it is time for plan B Last night throat pain turned it up another gear The radiation machine has broke down…
When could you eat solid food again?
Greetings all, I know this has been touched on in a few other threads, but I really wanted to hear some information focused on when solid food could be consumed again. Wife is almost three weeks from last treatment of 29 rads and 6 chemos. She's been consuming liquid only since early in the treatment. She's living off meal…
Got my results yesterday...
I don't know how to start this so I guess I will just jump in... My lung find needle biopsy came back and it showed cancer has spread to my lungs. My ENT also thought i may have a recurrence in my jaw also and am going for an MRI soon. I just wanted to keep you all posted and thank you for all your encouragement. It has…
Squamous tongue cancer
throat cancer after rediation and chemo
How inportant are floride treatments after 35 radition and 8 chemo treatments?
How to best support during the worst of it all?
I'd particularly like to hear from head/neck/throat patients and survivors. A very close male, single, friend of mine is just entering week 5 of radiation. He completed the 2nd round of chemo last week and has been horribly ill round the clock, only briefly poking his head out of the bedroom to see family members who are…
Coffee Shake
Struggling through this 2 weeks ago finished 30 rads, 6 X cisplatnum plus surgery. Actually I am physician and love to cook so let’s apply a little science. Taste is a complicated subject, food has aroma which is sense of smell and is intact, taste from taste buds...all gone, and feel in the mouth seriously altered. I have…
Question About After Treatment
Hi all, My wife finishes treatment Monday, May 7. That will be the end of 30 rads and 6 chemos. We keep hearing that the two weeks after treatment are the worse weeks of all. Is that true? We want to have realistic expectations. We are so looking forward to the last treatment and starting to heal. These threatments have…
Week four absolutely no taste
Hello everyone started week four yesterday three more to go!! No pain thank good but absolutely no taste and I’m starving, doing smoothies and shakes but so wish I could taste food. Down 7lbs and they weren’t too happy with that but I’m trying. Any suggestions what to eat or try or is this it??? As always thanks and hope…
Feeding Tube Help!
Hello everyone! I ended treatments for Nasopharyngeal cancer 10 years ago but pretty soon I will have to have a feeding tube. I am freaking out!! Please, I need advice from those of you that eat only 100% by tube. Would like to know: - What are the best tubes to have ( is a button tube better?). - How do you go about your…
Please write.
OK. Finally figured out how to start a new thread and hope there's still time to hear from you.Biopsy tomorrow morning. Have experienced horrid facial swelling and pain inside and out for awhile now. Dentist ruled out TMJ/D yesterday and clearly didn't know cause. Pain is disabling and I don't understand how radiology…
Getting close to the finish line
Greetings, I'm sitting here next to my wife as she gets fluids for hydration. She had radiation this morning and tomorrow is chemo. AFter tomorrow, Thursday, April 26, we will have five more rads and one more chemo and then we're done. Hopefully, forever. She has BOT HPV-positive with three lymph nodes involved and two of…
Feel like a ball is in my throat...normal???
Starting week three tomorrow and today and yesterday it feels as if a ball is in the left side of my throat. I can eat fine but feel it when I swallow, and jaw and neck feel stiff when I do the swallow and neck exercises. Not to mention the entire left side of my neck is tender to toucH. Is rhe lump in my throats normal or…
Helpful Cookbook
Just thought I would share - I came across this amazing cookbook today. Goes Down Easy - from the Princess Margaret Hospital Dietitians with Elise Mecklinger. It is thoughtfully laid out with chapters dealing with Loss of Appetite, Dealing with Nausea, Taste Changes, Sore Mouth and Swallowing Problems, Dealing with…
Swollen & inflamed larynx
Hi, All. My fi attempt on the discussion board. After completing 37 rounds of radiation I have had mostly uneventful 18 months. Some horseness, some sensitivity to coughing episodes but checkups by my ENT & Encologist that were clean & problem free. About 3-4 weeks ago I started having some soreness added to the coughing &…
voice is shot
Is it normal to lose your voice... I have none whatsoever sound like a frog. Can't really talk to anyone not sure if there is a remedy for this
Dry Mouth Tips?
Hi everyone, Wife is 10 days post radiation and chemo treatments for BOT tumor that spread to lymph nodes in the neck. Both sides of her neck were radiated. The skin is peeling, but getting a bit better. The dry mouth is worse now than during the treatment. Any ideas for that. She hates Magic Mouthwash with an unnatural…
Induction Chemo?
My partner had his first round of induction chemo last Monday (TPF with the 5 day 5FU pump that finished Saturday pm) He was sailing along Monday - Thursday last week but has been really sick ever since Friday. I can’t get him to consume enough calories and he just wants to sleep most of the time. We have gone in for…
Bad news...
Hi everyone...yesterday I got some bad news. I had my first ct scan done after finishing radiation and surgery for mandible SSC cancer and the king by showed a 1cm non calcified nodule in my lower left lung . Biopsy is scheduled but trying to move it up. Needless to say, I am depressed and feel like giving up. I fought so…
Tomorrow is ten days of treatment
Hello everyone tomorrow marks tens days of treatment...10 rounds of radiation and 2 rounds of chemo. Today I noticed a change in the my mouth, NO pain just an over all yucky taste!!! Slight scratchy throat but nothing too bad. Extremely tired and hate that most foods taste like crap, how does one survive the nasty taste of…
Foods and supplements that reduce fibrosis
Hi Everybody, Well, after radiation and chemo to my throat, and four surgeries, all in the last year, needless to say that I have developed a severe case of soft tissue fibrosis in my throat. I have great difficulty turning my head in any direction and cannot swallow at all even though the last two surgeries were supposed…
Almost 5 yr survival
hi, some of you know me and helped me when I first was diagnosed with BOT cancer. I had surgery for the removal of the tumour. I had 6 weeks of radiotherapy. i lost shoulder muscle and disfigurement one side of my mouth. After surgery I could swallow okay and after the Trachie came out I could speak fairly well. After six…
dry mouth help during night
HPV+ with possible met in liver
Hello - I am new here though have been reading a lot of past threads over the past few weeks. My Partner has been diagnosed with HPV+ tonsil squamous cell. His PET and an ultrasound showa possible met in liver, which he will have biopsied this week. We understand this would be very unusual and would change his treatment…
will the phlegm disappear after radiation?
Will the phlegm (mucus) disappear after the radiation is over? And will I be able to swallow again?''
everything tastes like paste
Hi All. I'm receiving radiation and chemo for tonsil cancer (hpv+). I had one round of Cisplatin but my reaction was so poor that we may switch to carboplatin. The nausea and vertigo was insane. Also, I have had 16 radiation treatments so far (total of 37 when it is all over). Now that the nausea is finally under control,…
IT’S FRIDAY and that means that those of us who are going thru treatment get to have 2 days off! WooHoo! Really I just wanted to wish you all a great weekend and hope that you all get some rest and feel good...wherever you may be! I’m in Southern CA and we are looking at sunny skies at 76* tomorrow. You?
Day one done 34 more to go!!
Good evening new friends sorry I didn’t post earlier but I came home changed and crashed and just woke a while ago. Treatments went well the staff at Smilow Cancer Center at Yale are absolutely amazing. My chemo nurse Chris is wonderful she explained every step hour of hydration, 45 mins of nausea meds, then hour of…