Starting treatment 7/30/18
Wish me luck, I am starting radiation 7/30/18 and have my first infusion of high dose Cisplatin on 7/31. Trying to enjoy my last day before treatment begins. I have been eating like crazy the last several weeks and have gained 18 pounds. That puts me at 245 pounds. Should weigh around 185 so hopefully I can make it thru…
So at my last onc visit..did a scope and was NED...yesterday I found 2 lumps ,growths, under my tongue..were not there last month...i dont want to be that patient who freaks out but i am...they have grown in 1 month.. looks like SCC cancer pic ...but on dr google...just afraid of callin dr
New member/treatment options/Proton
Sat, 07/14/2018 - 4:25pm — skidog Hello all. While I'm a new member to this forum, I've been an avid rsearcher/ learner and reader of many of the good folks who post their experience and stories here. I'm very grateful for you all. You have helped me tremendously from pre diagnosis all the way through my current status ( 1…
Feeding Tube Help
My husband was diagnosed a year plus ago with SCC P16+. After undergoing a full tonsilectomy & 38 biopsies down his throat and neck, they never found the sight of origin. He went thru 35 radiation and 5 chemo Treatments, finishing in Oct last year. the tumor didn’t shrink as much as they had hoped, so underwent radical…
BC Cancer Agency
Is anyone else out there being treated at the BCCA?
Perineural Spread?
Hi all, I am wondering if anyone has had experience with perineural spread? My fiance had two good scans January and April of this year following surgery, radiation, and chemo for SCC base of tongue. Post-surgery and in the radiation planning process there still appeared to be spread along V3 nerve. January MRI and PET/CT…
365 days out of treatment today
Thats the first year done no side effects remaining in any way I was mostly back to normal after 4 months.
Just Celebrated One Year
One year ago today, my 55 year old husband finished 35 radiation treatments and 3 doses of chemotherapy, Cisplatin, for stage 4a tonsilar cancer. He is now working full-time and is generally in good health. He had a rough time with treatment. He stopped eating completely even with the PEG tube. He ended up on TPN,…
Just like that...gone
Im sure my bf wouldnt say it quite like that since he was the one with the tumor..but almost 7 months to the day, he is cancer free. The emergency tracheostomy and feeding tube...gone. The large tumor in his throat...gone. There is still a small issue with swallowing but he's up to chicken, steamed veggies and…
Can't believe that it has already been 2 years since my operation (July 18, 2016). Still going strong. Now I have to get over the 5mm nodule that has developed in my upper right lung. CT scan with contrast scheduled for September 15, 2018. Hoping for NED. Take care everyone. Steve
One week post treatment
Hi all. I have just finished 7 weeks of chemoradiation. I am hpv + tonsil cancer with nodes involved. One week has paased. One week after i notice that nodes have shrunk in size signoficantly but they are still there and i can feel them on touching. I am worried if my rreatment is successful or not. Plz comment. What was…
Gardasil Injections
I received my 3rd and final gardasil injection yesterday; even though I am way , way, did I mention way, over the age range that they are normally given; my rad doc feels since I was never a smoker or much of a social drinker, that my cancer was something viral. I asked about HPV when he mentioned the injections last…
Posting Question-Line Spacing
Can't figure it out how do you eliminate the spacing between sentences. Sometimes when posting a fairly long answer or question if it was compacted without the space between lines, it would take less space and be more readable. I have tried a number of things including typing in an office program where the lines are…
ROLL CALL 2018 - Updated January 1, 2018 CLOSED!! DO NOT POST HERE!
ROLL CALL 2018 1st Update January 1, 2018 All H&N members are welcome! Roll Call is dedicated to the memory of HAWVET (JOHNNY) who’s curiosity to know and to share a little bit about members of the Head and Neck Form inspired him to start and run this thread (2008 thru 2014). Thank You. First off, please feel free to…
Hi my name is Tak, It was the summer of 2016 while sitting in my patio smoking and drinking beer that I noticed a small but persistent lump in my throat around my vocal cords. I said to myself, "Boy, this lump has been there for several months". I wondered if this could be cancer. No way, I have a great lineage. My dad is…
My answer to urgent help question
All H&N members: Thank you all for your response to my question about painful swallowing and throat excersizes. It really is the hardest thing we have to do. I think rad and chemo treatment easier to handle. I use to love eating but now have anxiety if I will choke just taking sips of soup. I'm alone mostly cause b/f works…
facial sweats
It's been two months since radiation ended. I have facial sweats while eating for the past few months. Is there medication to reduce sweating? Does it go away over time?
Carotid Stenosis from Intense Radiation
Has anyone been diagnosed with carotid stenosis due to the intense radiation for nasal pharyngeal cancer? My husband had the 33 radiation doses, 3 chemo doses of cisplatian and one adjuvant of cisplatain and 5FU. Durung last chemo he started displaying coordination issues walking- dizzy, strange feeling and not steady…
Intamacy- Sex after Treatment
Those who have gone throught the HPV+ treatments and now submitting to the annual PET scans. THose who are clean after 1,2,3,4 plus years. Are you still having sex? Are you taking any precautions?
7 weeks post radiation still mucus
I thought and doctors said the norm is 3-4 weeks. I am on my seventh week post rad and the mucus is still there. I want to start eating but the mucus makes it difficult. I have been getting some taste back and I want to get off this feeding tube and eat. Damn food commercials on TV are killing me. Its difficult to sleep…
Neck Dissection Recovery is Erratic
Hi, My name is David and I was diagnosed with squamous cell cancer in lymph node in base of my left side of neck. The drs determined it had originated from my skin ( I’ve had many skin cancers).I had a modified neck dissection 5 months ago. 30 lymph nodes were removed. In general the pain along the incision has improved as…
9 weeks post eating some solids
I am tryng various foods. I notice i have to chew pieces to very small size. Chicken hangs up in my throat. The other day had pork chop and no problem swallowing. I still have mucus fits so thats not helping. I tried russian pancakes the other day and it got hung up in my throat. I starting gagging and had to stop. Does…
Answers Can't Come Soon Enough
I had a tumor removed from the base of my tongue and partial neck disection in August of 2016. Followed by 30 radiation treatments. I am nearing my 2 year anniversary. I began experiencing tenderness in my throat and tongue about a month ago. My tongue feels bloated abd I have some difficulties swallowing. During a routine…
Urgent question - Help!
Hi all H&N members: I'm 6 weeks post treatment and I still have bad throat pain where I can barely get a trickle of water down and can't eat soft foods. The speech therapist said if I don't eat and drink Now I will have my feeding tube forever. Because my throat muscles need to be excersized. Is this true? When I try to…
Wet cough
there are times when I tend to get involved with my life and the fact that my husband had camcer a year ago. But then something happens and i remember. About a week ago i had a pretty nasty cold. It lasted a few days and then it was gone. Last Tuesday my husband said his throat hurt, kinda swollen. The next day he was…
Scar tissue
Hi I've recently had my 2 year mri following a tiny low to intermediate grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma on the tongue tip removed. My consultant said its a clear scan with the scar tissue having shrunk in size since my scan a year ago. However I read stupidly radiologist report which said area in tip lit up and can't rule…
Fried neck fried brain
Fried neck FRIED BRAIN.Im sorry that I put on here that I would have to go to the bank and borrow money if insurance wouldnt pay for Pet scan.My wife brought it to my atention that money wasnt a problem as I had sold my 2 buinesses as soon as I found out about the cancer.The bad part is I dont remember owning them.My Pet…
Radiation Damage to tongue surfacing 2.5 years later
Hello, I posted a few weeks ago when I had a biopsy on my tongue. It was negative, but I met with my Dr. yesterday and actually read the results. First, I am extremely thankful the result was that it was a benign ulceration. I essentially have a large fissure on my tongue. I recall it being there since my treatment, but…
Spell Check
Does anyone know if there is spell check as when you are composing new or leaving a comment. I have made some bad spelling mistakes and when I reread they really stick out but have seen no indication of a spell checker. I have been looking to try and turn it on but cant find it maybe there is none-anyone know-thanks