Septoplasty and Dry Mouth
I am a 6 year survivor and need some input from the group. Without going into the gory details, while I was recovering from rads I suffered a broken nose when I face planted one night. I've lived with a diminished ability to breathe out of my nose and recently decided to do something about it. I'm going to have a…
blast from the past...
Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a great day, feeling well and happy! I haven't been on here for what seems like forever! I had major computer problmes at one point and it gave me all kinds of problems getting on to the site. Anyhow, I'd love to hear how you all are doing. I personally just got my 5 year scans about…
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
Hello, I am new to this site and decided today to join. I found out in 2009 I had Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma, a very rare cancer that usually begins in the salivary gland. After having had surgery at Ohio State, and completed 35 radiation treatments in my hometown, all was well. Until June of 2011 when I found out it has now…
Mask, phlegmy throat and panic attacks
Hi, I am starting radiation on Monday. When being fitted for the mask I had a claustraphobic panic attack. The nurses said this was comon and prescribed Lorazapam. Having followed manny conversations here over the last several weeks I noticed a common side effect of treatment is phlegmy throat. I am really concerned that…
Crying times
All this cancer stuff finally got to me. I cried a few times cause of trying to handle upcoming feeding tube rads and chemo. Will miss working badly as its good therapy to get ur mind off ur health issues. Ironically I help elderly people with thier heating bills so they don't get shut off which of couse is dangerous in…
chronic rash and sweating months after treatment
Hello all, I'm posting on behalf of my dad who underwent successful (we hope) radiotherapy treatment for a tumour in his sinuses last year. The radiotherapy that followed surgery was completed 6 months ago but he has been suffering from a severe rash and chronic sweating which has been slowly getting worse and worse over…
I just finished treatment
Hello, I'm Tim. I just finished 35 rounds of radiation and 5 rounds of chemo. Boy this took much more of a toll on my body than I thought. I still can't swallow (it's only been one month) nor drink much. I lost 40lbs through this and have no energy. I'm worried about my pet scan and overall prognosis. I'm 54 but have young…
Proton Beam therapy
Right side tonsil cancer SCC, HPV+, stage IVa N2, no evidence of distant metastasis, both tonsils have been removed, no neck dissection. The plan is for 7 weeks radiation and 3 cisplatin treatments and then possible neck dissection. It looks like I may have the opportunity of getting proton beam therapy. I will be having a…
Proton Therapy at Scripps
Hello all, I hope to start treatment on January 30th for tonsil and base of tongue HPV+ cancer. I had an enlarged left tonsil which turned out to be cancer and had a tonsillectomy in November. Since then it's been non-stop doctors and trying to decide on the best course of treatment. I'm 54 and in generally good health,…
Anyone with SCC HPV+ NOT have chemo or had alternative treatment
looking for anyone Stage 3 or 4 SCC HPV+ that did not do chemo, but either did radiation only or an alternative treatment? the more I read it seems the more chemo may not be needed in all treatments. I am just worried they are fighting my cancer with cancer causing agents
Carbo/ Taxol
This is the 3rd choice of chemo that was decided on. I didn't want to deal with the rash so I decided on this as did the chemotherapist. My radiologist said this wasn't proven for BOT SCC cancer. He said good for lung cancer and I also reminded him also is used for Cervix SCC My question is has anyone used this for BOT…
Surgery Scheduled...........anxious!!
My husband has 3 different kinds of cancer, colon cancer that is now in his lungs, prostate cancer, and was diagnosed with small cell neck cancer in his neck last November. Primary was never found but possibly "hiding" in tonsil. Only has one lymph node on left side of neck that grew extremely fast to 4.6cm. Had chemo and…
Dry Mouth
Starting week 4 and my saliva glands seem to be doing well... No dry mouth. When and if this side effect takes place does it occur. Right now I have the dreaded sore throat and phlegm.. Blood in throat not much and dried blood in nose. I assume all this is normal. I must gargle 30 times a day.. it helps with the sores..…
Hello- Does anyone have any experience with lymphedema in their neck/throat? Is this something that can go away? Or is it something that gets progressively worse? Some days, it feels like I'm being choked. Other days, it's not TOO noticeable. I finished treatment at the end of last October. The lymphedema took a couple of…
My dad has throat cancer. What to do?
So today my dad finally went to the doctor after nearly a year of my mom pestering him. He has been coughing when he eats food, and people who hadn't spoken to him in a while said that his voice sounds different. The doctor looked at him and said he has throat cancer. He wasn't even able to see his vocal chords (I believe…
HPV Tonsil cancer
Hi everybody. After discovering a lump on my neck I saw my doctor who took a biopsy. Long story short: Stage 4, HPV positive, squamous cell carcinoma. Primary site being the tonsil and base of tongue which spread to the upper jugular lymph node causing the lump on my neck. I just completed three cycles of chemo and 35…
just need to talk
I am 7 months out from my last rad (35) and chemo (2..couldn't do the third) I have been reading the posts and realize that I am luckier than some and worse off than others. I dont feel like a victim, but need to vent! I have a supporting husband and a circle of friends that try to be upbeat. When can I cry , be angry and…
Hard to shake the feeling
I have SCC BOT and Tonsil HPV+ cancer. I did post on here before and received many great responses which I am thankful for. My first rad treatment is scheduled this Monday at 11:30 am. Also seeing head chemo nurse before at 11:00 am. Problem is I can't seem to shake the anxiety and fear and sense of despair about going…
Thinking of Curlyn
I know she's is probably having a rough time right now, miss her already, and only hope she comes out of this somehow. Thinking of you out there somewhere girl and I'm sure the rest of you on this forum are too. :( tears ):
Tongue cancer - how to prepare for post-operation
Three months into what looked like a canker and one month into knowing that it is tongue cancer. I am totally blown away by its nature and force. My mom's tongue now has a white patch. It got larger after incisional biopsy. Can anyone comment on the recovery of the tongue and the tongue activity, speaking, eating and…
Joint pain?
Just a quick question here. My husband is nearly three months out from completing his treatment, which I can hardly believe. It has truly been a roller coaster of physcial symptoms and emotions, but we are thankful each day to get further and further in the healing process. He has developed a pesky hip joint pain the past…
First treatment - great!
Hi everyone. Just wanted to let you know I had my 1st rad treatment today. Took 1 Lorazepam which did'not do anything for me. They put warm blanket on me put mask on which had the cutouts and was playing the rolling stones. Had scan for about 5 min then was out of machine for another 5 while they set things up. Then actual…
Radical Neck Dissection
My husband will undergo a radical neck dissection in a couple days. He completeted 35 radiation treatments with 5 sessions of chemo (Cisplatin) in mid October, 2017. He was diagnosed with P16+ cancer with no site of origin found, stage III. He underwent removal of tonsils and 38 other biopsies from base of nasal cavity to…
Anyone here deal with infections/recurring infections as a result of treatment? I had surgery for base of tongue cancer/neck dissection in December, finished up radiation about three weeks ago. Several days before the radiation was completed I somehow managed to get a "nick," a small cut, just below my Adam's apple. Couple…
Radiation, Tongue flap fail, Lost on what to do
My father in law had his first surgery on January 25 for oral cancer of the mandible. He had over half of his lower jaw removed plus the lymph nodes. However, he has had a hard time healing from it. They were unable to use his shoulder or leg bone so they had to use the metal. Unfortunately this has not been able to heal.…
Worried !
Hi Everyone! Well, I am in 7 weeks past radiation and my jaw is starting to close more and more. I was doing the wooden sticks and had to quit because of the jaw pain . The jaw pain started as a result of a piece of bone that was sticking out from my radiated gum area. I had that taken care of by my ENT. I resumed the…
Swollen Lips and ear aches
Today was rad number 11. My mouth already a war zone. I thought rinsing with salt water and baking soda would help. I rinse about 20-30 times a day Inside my lips have swelled and can't drink anything hot..,. Canker sores under the tongue. Makes it difficult to eat and tongue exercise. Any other recommendations on battling…
Extreme Mouth/Throat pain 1 month post rads
Hello, First Time Post. My 42yo husband underwent 35 rads and 6 doses if Cisplation a month ago this week. He was treated for HPV/Tonsil cancer. His treatment was interupted for a week due to a hospital stay to treat slight pneumonia and neutropenic fever but he was able to get all rads and chemo as planned after he was…
NPC treatment oversea
Has anyone have oversea treatment for NPC? I'm just curious and exploring all options. Since we are Asians and this type of cancer is more commomn in China, maybe getting treatment in China might be best. Unfortunately, moving & getting treatment in China is not an option for my cousin as she is the breadwinner & also have…
Recently diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal cancer (Please advice)
Hello everyone. My mother (51 y) was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (early stage 2, according to the radiation oncologist) last month. We started her treatment 2 weeks ago. Her treatment plan consists of 35 rads, 3 chemo (cisplatin) every 3 weeks and then the oncologist said something about 96 hours chemo after…