Rectal Cancer, Stage 2, almost 41 yrs old...hating the chemo!
Just saying hello. Hating the Oxiplatin infusions...they are creating serious panic! Xeloda pills effects aren't as bad, but worry about long term damage. Am I a big baby or is chemo painful as hell to anyone else???
Anybody had this. My husband will be starting Irinotecan with Xeloda. Two surgies, radiation, Chemo and still my husband is on the CEA Rollercoaster
Is it true or not that we are drawing near to the end?
I'm new to this yet I want somebody to either console me that things could improve or now is the right time to plan for losing my better half. My significant other was analyzed on March 5, 2018 with stage 3 rectal disease and he did radiatin and chemo before medical procedure to eliminate rectal cancer and lymph hubs.…
cea jump
I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer with 15 metastases in my liver. The oncologist didn't give me much of a chance. During the course of my chemotherapy, my mets disappeared from mri scans and my cea continued to drop 24.0>21.6>11.1>10.1>8.5>5.7>2.7>1.8. It appeared my cancer was in remission though the oncologist…
Need some guidance
Hello I am new to this board. I have been looking for support groups in my city but due to covid they are limited or non operational at this time. A nurse referred me to ACS. My boyfriend was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. He told me they had caught it at early stages this was in January when he went in to the…
Just has colon cancer surgery. It was stage 2.
Hello. My first visit here. I had a colonoscopy where they found a tumor large enough they could not see around. Within the week the tumor and a section of the colon was removed. They called it a sigmoid type. It has been almost 3 weeks and i see a cancer specialist in 4 days. I was told by the surgeon and referring doctor…
Endoscopy nurse with colon cancer
Hello everyone, I'm Andrew. Ironically, I am an endoscopy nurse at a hospital and see, unfortunately, colon cancer quite a bit. I am 34, and wow was I shocked to receive this diagnosis. Last September, I had a few weeks of not feeling well. Eventually I developed RLQ pain, and after a few days had a CT (helps having a…
Heartburn with chemo?
I have finished 4 rounds of FOLFOX, mostly without too much trauma. After round 4 I have been experiencing severe heartburn. Never had it before and just wondering if that is normal. And if yes, why not until round 4? thanks jan
The last 14 weeks
Hello Since my last post about my fathers death a lot happened. I wanted to tell you what exactly happened in November. Until now I have problems to understand everything. 23rd November my dad had the CT but even before they had results Papa decided to stop the treatment and he only wanted pain killers. A lot anxiety left…
Colorectal cancer
Hi! I have rectal cancer that metastasized to my lungs after I had already gone through chemo and radiation. I am now on my 11th out of 12 cycles to treat that. I’ve had neurothapy in my hands and feet since July and now have a rectovaginal fistula! I guess I’m just looking for a place to Commiserate Hahahaha
My menstrual cycle is normal before I was diagnosed of Colon Cancer. When I had my first 4 Cycles of Chemo, still my menstrual cycle is normal. But when I had my 2nd Chemo with Radiation, the entire 1 month I have my mens. Slow and then heavy flowing. After a month it stopped and until now it has not return. Doctor says…
Gearing up for radiation...
More than halfway through my chemo treatments. Unfortunately I'm so sensitive to it, makes me very sick and weak for 10-12 days. But now met Radiation Oncologist and will be getting full pelvis radiation 5x a week for 5 weeks. She warned me it will induse menopause. Not sure how I feel about that. I'm done having kids and…
Read an article out of Israel about a mix of PSK and CBD for CRC. The company is cannobiotech I think. The article said it is showing remarkable results at killing up to 90% of cancer cells. Research it.
Exercise helps with everything. . .
Precipitated by chronic psychological stress, immune system dysregulation, and a hyperinflammatory state, the sequelae of postacute COVID-19 (long COVID) include depression and new-onset diabetes. . . exercise counters the neuropsychiatric and endocrine sequelae of long COVID by inducing the release of circulating factors…
ceruloplasmin and iron
This New Drug Turns Cancer’s Secret Addiction Against Itself (msn.com) We know ceruloplasmin (sp?) is a cancer food so now we know for kRAS, iron is too. My iron is low at the moment as is ceruloplasmin. Good thing.
Has anyone else had experience with taking Keytruda, immune therapy?
too many surgeries
I did not expect to be brought down by so many surgeries. I had the initial to remove a blockage; ended up with a colostomy bag; after chemo had a take down surgery reversing the colostomy; then stage 4 when it went into my lung; had a middle lobe of my lung removed. Then after all that I had a hernia the size of an orange…
large B-Cell lymphoma in neck and caecum
wondering if there is anyone here or knows of anyone that is dealing with or has dealt with lg B-Cell lymphoma in neck and caecum? If so, could you share experience as to treatment?
Question about Folfiri and diarrhea
Hi! My ex started with Folfiri and Avastin on Friday. Starting yesterday he’s been having diarrhea, which we knew might be a side effect. He is trying to control it with imodium. Does the diarrhea usually resolve between treatments, or is this going to go on for the next few months? I’d appreciate any experience you could…
Hi everyone, I am currently under treatment with oxaliplatin and 5-Fu, every 2 weeks. As soon as I recover from an injection I get another one, therefore I am constantly feeling more or less unwell and my mind keeps putting me anxious and nauseous. The treatment is tough and requires a lot of patience. Often I feel I won't…
CEA Levels
Hi everyone. I am new to these discussion boards, and was diagnosed with stage 1 colon cancer in September 2016. I had 23 lymph nodes removed and all of them were clear, and I also had a CT scan that was good. My concern is regarding my CEA levels. Although I feel fortunate that my cancer was caught early, I still have…
Vitamin C infusion
Has anyone considered this? or know anyone who has done this? My old boss did this and his cancer (kidney) is now NED. He also did macrobiotic diet and lots of supplements and alternative stuff. But the vitamin C really seemed to be the thing that really brought the cancer into remission or NED. Also, I have a friend that…
Just wondered how many are doing mistletoe injections?its one of the things my daughter is using , (could be one of the reasons she is doing so well)i just googled it and they are having amazing results with it for colon cancer.
Eight months after colon resection...
Hi - I'm new here. I was diagnosed with stage III colorectal cancer last July, had a colon resection in early August (6 inches of colon removed, no bag) and finished oral chemo at the beginning of February (and oxaliplatin infusions three months before that). My oncologist says that the xeloda side effects should be nearly…
Recent LAR and Temp Loop Ileostomy
Hi folks - just had LAR and ileostomy last week. Was to address T1N0M0 rectal tumor. Waiting on path which may result in perm colostomy and/or more chemo if in LN...fingers crossed! Things going well so far. Was robotic surgery so out in about 3 days. Looking for input, suggestions, tips for managing recover from LAR, but…
Naturopathic/conventional treatment
Stage 4 colon cancer that is running rampant in my body . . . I'm wondering if anyone else here is/has worked with a Naturopath in addition to standard treatment. I'm currently on Panitumimab and my onc thinks that "clinically" I am doing wonderful on it, (no jaundice/yellow eyes) even though my last CT indicates that the…
Post LAR
I'm 6 weeks out from my LAR ( had an end to end anasmatosis most all of rectum was removed ) and am having lots of poo issues. Clustering/going 10-20x a day, then constipation, rectal pain, urgency... I'm trying to keep track of want I eat in relation to the symptoms I'm having. Anyone have any thoughts on how long after…
Upcoming LAR & Syndrome Concerns
Hi all - I am a 51 year old male dx with rectal cancer last October (2016). I have a T2N0M0 clinically staged tumer 6 cm from the anal verge. Completed chemo/rad end of January (28 treatments with 24x7 5FU chemo). Tumor is gone with only scar tissue remaining. I have an LAR scheduled 4/25 and have been assessing many…
Here's a new twist: can't receive chemo while an inpatient
So my ex was admitted as an inpatient on Wednesday with a partial blockage of his colon due to his peritoneal tumors. He was supposed to start chemo today to (hopefully) shrink those tumors. However, he was told at the hospital yesterday that they would not discharge him until he could keep liquids down, and that he could…
Signet ring cell stage IV colon cancer
Hi...new to group. Recently diagnosed and started chemo pills and have had 2 infusion treatments. Had a severe reaction and doctors are unsure if it is Shingles or a reaction to the medications? Very painful, but is now starting to clear up. Stopped all medications but am due to start chemo pills again today (holding off…