Cytoreductive surgery
Hi! Anyone here had succesful cytoreductive surgery, with or without HIPEC (hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy) for peritoneal carcinomatosis? Stage 4... If in Canada, what hospital? Thanks!
20 Years Cancer Free
Hello CSN Family, Today is certainly a Huge Milestone! For anyone just starting this journey I just wanted to give hope and encouragement. For me I had my surgery March 20,2002. Diagnosed Stage 3C, 10 out of 14 positive lymph nodes. Followed up with Chemotherapy & Radiation. At the time I was 40 years old with a 10 year…
CEA Update
So my dad got diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer last year and after all his treatments he was declared all clear in January of this year. We recently all had a scare where his CEA went up to an 8.1, but after a few more higher levels his CEA was back down to a 4.8 at his appointment this past Friday. I’m so relieved!…
Mini update - Lonsurf, trials, etc.
Hi all, hope everyone doing as well as can be expected. I started Lonsurf with Avastin in September but the effects were not as hoped. I'm going to be in a trial, however, starting in a few weeks. TBH I don't expect much but the idea of helping others with the results appeals to me. That said, the docs are excited about…
Thin stools after colorectal surgery
Hello, It has been over 2 months since I had my reversal and over 7 months since my LAR (removing a portion of the rectum) surgery was done but I still continue to have thin pencil like or even flat ribbon like stools. I am really worried and was wondering if someone could offer their opinions on this. Jack
Has anyone heard from NewHere?
I am just wondering how NewHere is doing.
Sensation of fullness in stomach
Hello, my 81 year old mother has just recently been diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer (5mm tumor) mets to liver and lymph. We are waiting for the first oncology appointment (next Thursday, which feels like forever) and in the meantime I'm concerned about her getting enough calories. She has a good appetite, (meaning…
UTI after surgery
Hi, everyone. Sorry I keep coming back to the forum, but it seems to be the only place where I can find reliable information from people who have been in my husband’s shoes… My husband had an APR about 2 weeks ago, and at first his main inconvenience was some strange leg pain, and the drain (he was prescribed pregabaline,…
Hi there- I had a recurrence of my colon cancer after 5 years- I had 6 treatments with fulfox and then surgery/ I was told that the margins were clean and had three positive lymph nodes- I just had my port removed but am still having difficulty with believing that there is NED. I sometimes get paralyzed and don’t want to…
Stage 2 - chemo decision help!
Hi all, I found this forum as I’ve been trying to understand if I should be doing chemo or not for my recent diagnosis. I had surgery a few weeks ago after discovering a 7cm tumor in my colon. Presented with some abdominal cramping but big concern was low hemoglobin (8.7) indicating I was bleeding internally. Tumors…
Study with Interluken at MD Anderson
anyone getting into the new trial at MD Anderson where they use Interluken . I hear its the first time where all patients in a study were moved to remission. Its Drug Factory Implants.
i Haven’t seen Sue on here lately…..does anyone know what happened? I miss her.
Hair Thinning after Folfox
Hey all, I had 6 cycles of folfox, with all kinds of fun side effects including hair thinning. Particularly traumatic because my doc explicitly said I wouldn't lose my hair. I try and wash it every 10 days or so, keep it in a bun and try not to mess with it. Use baby shampoo, and be gentle, etc. Well, I've been done since…
father with possible recurrence
Hello, I’ve been looking through the forum at peoples experiences which have given me a little more hope than I has before. My dad was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2021. Had resection and then chemo for 6 months and was NED on Dec of that same year. He just had his recent follow-up with his oncologist and his…
Is my brother dying
Dear Friends, Its been a long time since I chatted to anyone because I have been so caught up trying to make my brother comfortable through his chemo sessions. The last time I wrote to let the cyber family know that god came through for us and we eventually got medical insurrance to approve treatment. Its been 4 months…
Urgh Typed Long Message - Good News
And it disappeared. Long story short (I had more details), been a tough year. Arub passing away hit me hard, as she was there for me from the beginning and we kept on making plans to meet up, but had fall them through. Then shortly after she passed away, it was confirmed my cancer bloomed. Tumors in spine were bad, psoas…
Just diagnosed - age 42
Hi everyone, my name is Fraser. I was diagnosed with colon cancer last week after going to emergency because of severe stomach cramps and vomiting. It turns out that my tumour was fully blocking my colon. I had a right hemicolectomy the next day which sounds like it went well. The surgeon said the lymph nodes (which were…
hemorrhoids or cancer?
Hello... Please don't judge me because I am terrified, I suffer from anxiety. I've been having pain in the anus area for a few weeks, which comes and goes.. better and worse days... and I notice that I've been going to the bathroom more than usual. I looked for a proctologist, and he did the touch exam, said that I have an…
I found this website, to get more knowledge about what is going on with my CT scan abdoment result. Asymmetrical polypoidal mural thickening of the sigmoid colon with surrounding fat stranding and small perirectal nodes noted – possibility is likely neoplastic bowel wall thickening (inflammatory or infective etiology is…
macular degeneration from chemo- any one else?
Hi, It has been awhile since I have posted about my Mom. Recap- she is 5 years post CRC re-section and chemo. CT scan this past month showed another year all clear which we are oh so thankful. It seems that she continues to have one thing after another showing up from the chemo. She has been having trouble with her vision…
Need help in understanding cancer language
This was on a biopsy report and of course makes no sense to me. Can anyone explain? Thank you Interpretation: No loss of nuclear expression of MMR proteins, low probability of MSI-H Antibody Clone Results MLH1 M1 Intact expression MSH2 G219-1129 Intact expression MSH6 SP93 Intact expression PMS2 A16-4 Intact expression
I'm back after a brief absence here so I'll probably repeat things: I was diagnosed with liver cancer a year ago (metastatic from the colon). After 12 chemo fusion sessions (24 weeks) my CEA dropped to 7 and a PET scan showed 6 of the 7 lesions originally in my liver were totally gone and the 7th was “inactive.” Because I…
High CEA number - excellent CT Scan
I recently had a CT scan and all doctors and nurses are really pleased with the "clear / clean" CT scan. . .however, two days later I had my blood test done, and the CEA number was high at 14.4. I've had two high CEA numbers out of 29 CEA tests done, however, these were during the beginning of Chemo and was 4.5 and 5.3 .…
Shaken Not Stirred...
Hello I know there are no easy answers but I am hoping to get some insight if possible about my path forward. About me -- I am 51 and live in Huntsville Alabama. I weigh about 160, never been sick much, and overall pretty healthy. I eat pretty well and use to run pretty regularly until this year when we moved to AL. Dont…
APR - Recovery and tips
Hi, everyone. My 41-year old husband is scheduled to have a robotic APR on Nov 9th after being diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer on Xmas of last year (he was later “downgraded” to Stage III after the liver mets were discovered to be hemangiomas). I’m looking for any info on what the surgery and recovery were like for…
CEA Level drops without treatment
I have pretty consistent CEA levels. When its high, cancer usually has grown quite a bit. It has never dropped without any treatment. And my doctor says it's not possible for it to drop without treatment. However last result it drop about 25%! (330 -250 w/o treament). Unfortunately, current CT scan vs 3 months ago shows…
Port problems-Can't get blood from it
Hello to everyone. Hope you all are doing well. I went to the doctor today for 1st blood work after my first round of chemo last Wednesday-Friday. The port worked fine last week, but today they couldn't get any blood from it. She flushed it first with saline but still couldn't get any blood. She added a blood thinner and…
Irinotecan and UGT 1A1 Genotyping
My Pam has had a harsh reaction to Folfiri since her first infusion with it. She has had 15 infusions with it so far. So a month ago a CNP ordered a blood test, UGT1AA Genotyping. A week or so later we got the results: variant(s) detected. We learned that what this means is that Pam cannot process Irinotecan (and some…
Head/Neck Cancer survivor & brother has colon polyp
I am 3 years out of Nasal cancer and I am active in that forum. Yesterday, I found out my brother had a colon scan, and has a polyp (tumor?), that is 50mm (2 inches ) in diameter. He tells me it is also close to his (kidney? liver?) He is waiting for the biopsy, and in the head & neck world, one is always reminded, “it’s…
Severe Allergic reaction to Oxaliplatin - I almost died!
Yep, I almost died last Monday! I had what was to be the second of four treatments, I started feeling mucus going down the back of my throat and started coughing. I called one of the kids to bring me some cough drops to the cancer center. I also had sudden low back pain. By the time my son got there, my chest began which…