Helen321 saying hello. Boy these new boards are horrible

Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
edited January 2023 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I am just checking in. Hard to tell who's on here with these new boards. Not at all user friendly when you actually care about the people and not just the disease. I see Kim, Due and Beaumont Dave. Hi all. I made year 10 this year. Finally getting the help I needed for all the pain I've been in. They're finally hearing that it's not "in my head' as my oncologist insisted it was. Funny how you have to convince some docs fo help you. Drove me to suicide. Scary huh. I survived cancer just to want to commit suicide from the incredible daily pain. My job required a lot of sitting and my APR was botched. The combo was scarily painful. They're finally admitting the stitches were sewn too tight and they hit a few nerves. I'm in pain management. Other than being pre-diabetic and skin cancer on the face, I'm just dealing with pain management and physical therapy for the pelvic floor, leg and hip. On grandbaby number 4, finally a granddaughter! She's beautiful and I'm glad to be here to see here. Sometimes I still secretly worry I won't see these kids grow up but those are fleeting moments. You can't worry until you have to worry. You'll destroy yourself.

These boards are terrible. So unfriendly. Indod figure out that arub has passed. I'm torn to shreds. Goodness she was on here the day I started. I'm so sad that she too succumbed. So many lost friends. This disease is so mean.


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member

    Hi Helen

    Congrats on the grand daughter!!

    I am glad you are getting pain management. (I had surgery this year on my spine for mets, so been having a lot of that due to surgery plus pain from either drug trial or radiation damage. The pain was insane. And I said I would not have bothered treating anything if the pain was not controlled.)

    Yes, the board rework is horrific and the interaction/posting here seems to have changed too. Not sure who (or who plural made the decision) to do this, but they have made it clear things will not change back. Though there a couple of features that were added that are nice, the trade-off with the old version - which was generally more user friendly in terms of navigation and A LOT more readable - is not worth it (to me.)

    I am starting my 9th year with this, and Arub was one of the first people I became friends with. We tried to meet up a couple of times in real life. At one point we missed each other by a few days when we were having surgery at MSK. We joked how funny it would be with the two of us running around the halls using the IV rollers as we did laps. Her attitude, humor and advice was priceless. I had emailed her the night before she passed away to see how she was doing. After all those years and how well she did with all of this, it all happened so fast. I was devastated.

    Anyway, all my best wishes for a happy, healthy and pain free 2023, plus many moments of spoiling your granddaughter.