Robotic assisted Sigmoid Colon Resection about 6 inches

Green20171 Member Posts: 7 Member
edited February 2023 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I am new here. I was diagnosed at nov, 2022 in my first colonscopy. No symptoms, Dr. found a polyp has cancer cells in it. But the polyp's deep margin is not clear, so I need a surgery to stage me.

I was told it is "Robotic assisted Sigmoid Colon Resection about 6 inches" , I am curious to know how soon can I recover from this robotic assisted surgery, I mean to go back to my full-time work (work remotely at home).


  • rblakeward
    rblakeward Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi There Green

    I'm a stage 3b colon cancer survivor - I had a colon resection in August of 2020. I was in the hospital for 4 days - everything went smoothly - you need to restart your digestive track and they won't let you leave until that occurs.

    mine was robot assisted and the incisions are really minimal

    I was up and walking on day three - and was back at work a total of two weeks from surgery date - even checking emails and stuff well before then.

    it will be a breeze

  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member

    Everyone is different. I was on a pilot quick turnaround surgery and could have been out of the hospital after one day, but they screwed up the urinary catheter, and I stayed three days. I could only walk a few hundred yards the day I got home, but was up to a few miles in a week. My mental status was good, but there was definitely some pain involved, sitting up in bed unassisted was hard. Laughing and sneezing hurt. But the surgery was the easiest part of colon cancer for me. Chemo was the true hell. If you can avoid chemo, you will be a lucky person.

    In short, for me, I could have done some sedentary work the day I got home. I think I could have done a full load of sedentary work (I am retired) in one to two weeks. But give yourself time. Keeping healthy and having your body heal should be your first priority, from my perspective.

    Best of luck to you. Let us know how the surgery goes (and you might ask for some tips about the hospital visit, there are some things the doctors do not tell you).

  • Green20171
    Green20171 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thanks. I wish it is a early enough that can avoid chemo. I think I need take at least 10 days off to recover and see what the pathology report will be.

    Any hospital tip you can you share?

  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member

    The best tips I got were to bring a bathrobe and slippers. Those gowns are horrible, especially when you are up after surgery and walking laps of the halls (something I would recommend). As a male, I would shave both arms, as I hated having the tape rip off my arm hair when they applied it to IV's on both arms. Also, as a mature man (I have no idea of your gender) I would have the doctor give me a course of a prostate meds before the surgery to make sure the catheter is removed early and successfully. It also helps if you can have a family member stay with you in the hospital--24 hours a day if they will accommodate it (and they will, even if not "official"). Finally, get up as early after surgery as possible. I met my surgeon in the hall as she was coming to meet me after surgery. Also, from my perspective, avoid the pain meds. Some people develop a dependency on them. From my perspective, pain is a side effect of surgery. I would rather feel the pain than the dreamless sleep of meds. Also, exercise early and often.

    Prior to surgery, I ate the best I could and exercised as if preparing for a competition. It can't hurt, plus it keeps your mind occupied. Best of luck to you.

  • tooyoungco
    tooyoungco Member Posts: 1 *

    I was diagnosed in 2003. I had 12” of my sigmoid colon removed. I was in the hospital 6 days. The surgeon had a hard time getting my colon back together laparoscopically so she had to do a more invasive surgery. The hardest part was getting my colon to wake up again. You can’t rush that unfortunately. So my suggestion for you is to temper your expectations and just take things as they come. Also, the best thing you can do is walk. I wish you well!