In hospital patient support
Does anyone know if the ACS provides respite and patient support for hospitalized patients? Family stays overnight with incapacitated cancer patient family member, yet the family is extremely exhausted. Needs help. Thanks for any advice.
I am selfish?
Hi everyone. I'm new here and so grateful to know that this exists. My partner of more than 20 years was diagnosed with Glioblastoma during the height of COVID. I like to think that we are still very young people. He was diagnosed at age 36. We have had a pretty rough and toxic relationship over the years. I took care of…
Brain cancer - looking for caregivers
My husband has Oligodendroglioma grade III. just looking to connnect with other caregivers with this type of cancer
Head & Neck
I am a caregiver for a head and neck survivor Would love to meet others
Head and neck cancer
Hi, My husband has head and neck cancer with an unknown primary. He just had a feeding tube put in today. Tomorrow he goes for surgery to pull some teeth, because they are going to radiate his head and neck. Everything has taken so long to come about. In a couple of weeks he starts both radiation and chemotherapy. I am so…
Venting Caregiver
Hi first time poster. I’m THE support person for my husband. In 2018 he was diagnosed with HPV+ SSC of his right tonsil and 1 right lymph node in his neck. He had the TORS of his right tonsil along with right side neck dissection. Recovery time was about 7 weeks and no feeding tube. It was a success and doctors gave him…
Hospitalized with COVID stage 3 cancer pushing me away
shortness of breath, pain, fever..... he is at the hospital in isolation, no one can enter, I am devastated. my first question have anyone with cancer here survived covid? I am terrified. he is stage 3 colorectal cancer, just completed 1 stage of chemo and going through radiation . I just want to know if there is hope for…
No Chemo Side Effects
My husband has been on Nexavar for the past three months and has absolutely NO side effects. When he was on IL-2, a clinical trial, and Sutent the side effects were almost completely debilitating (fatigue, sores,etc). We are going to find out next week if the Nexavar has shrunk his tumors or at least stabilized them. I was…
You Might Be A Caregiver If.......
You feel like smacking the next person who says "Boy, you really look tired". You make life and death decisions with a snap of your fingers but you need 30 minutes to select an item from a dinner menu. You can rattle of the generic and brand names of medications and the family they belong to quicker than the nurse. Going…
Caregiver support-New Here
Good Afternoon Hope all is well! I am new here. My mom will be undergoing a surgical biopsy for ADH bordering DCIS and will need radiation afterwards. We received the news a week ago and we are trying to process it all. I am reading researching and feel overwhelmed. When the doctors ask “do you have any questions” I feel…
Socialising physically with someone with an astrocytoma
I am a Ghanaian who have had a brain tumour surgery in 2020. I would like to have a personal encounter with someone in similar condition where we can exchange ideas and see if we going through the same pains
Feeling Alone
I (43, female) am sole caregiver for my husband (70, male). We were married for 20 years and i moved out seven years ago because of many reasons but mostly the age difference and needing my own life. He has hd NHL for about 15 years but recently, tongue, neck and possible throat cancer. He never went to doctors. Just once…
Caregiver stress
I am a sister , aunt and nurse to my brother with recurrence of glioblastoma and his 28 year old daughter with neuro sarcoma with Mets. I tend to be pessimistic when they are so optimistic. I try so hard to remain positive for the future, but the nurse in me jumps to conclusions. Any help groups or suggestions are…
Do you feel forgotten as a caregiver?
I feel so alone and forgotten in all of this. This is my 4th time as a cancer caregiver. I lost my fiancee 6 years ago this New Years Eve, and 10months later my mom had breast cancer and survived. Two months ago my present partner of 4 years was diagnosed with throat cancer. I suffer from PTSD from the horrid journey with…
Caregiver Reprieve
Hello everyone, My father (74) had a brain tumor removed September 2022 and pathology determined he had Glioblastoma Multiforme Grade 4, started chemo and radiation treatment November thru December 2022. When he started the chemo/radiation, he was also fitted with an Optune device that he wears 90% of the time. He is now…
Seeking caregiving advice
I am at the moment taking care of my 85 y.o mother diagnosed with Metastatic stage 4 Cancer (primary being Uterine cancer). It has been 6 months since she has started her chemotherapy. The oncologist started her on 7th cycle yesterday. After she was diagnosed, I got a room built downstairs and also a shower was added to…
Ovarian Cancer Care Giver
I hate to complain. I don't have cancer. I will live way too long. My wife was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer six years ago this month. 2022 was entirely about treating her third recurrence, started with an ablation of tumor on her liver, other tumor grew while arranging that surgery, got qualified for a promising…
Workplace support
My wife is coming off of a year where she has had a number of surgeries, all but 1 of them related to her cancer, and is now having to deal with an employer that is concerned about her performance slipping and may be looking to terminate her. Does anyone know of any resources that we could contact that might be able to…
I feel so lost....
This is fight two for my mother. The first was when I was 16 and we had no support system but what we could figure out on our own. She had Chemo and Radiation then. She ended up in the hospital once, besides the treatments and surgery. This time I am 42, we have a great support system but it seems worse this time. She is…
Caregivers Chatroom
Meeting in chatroom2 at 7 p.m. Eastern standard time 6 p.m. Centeral Standard Time 5 p.m. Mountain Time & 4 p.m. Pacific Time. All caregivers and surviving caregivers welcome! See you there.
Live CHAT & Support - Saturdays
Hello my fellow caregivers, I regretfully joined this club in 2016 when my husband was as diagnosed with C. I did not find any local support groups for caregivers and I had so many days filled with unwelcome emotions (isolation, sadness, lonely, frustrated, angry, heartbroken and more) and I clawed my way out each and…
Newbie seeking support
First of all, Merry Christmas! I just joined this site and I am a complete neophyte on social media. My wife was recently diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Her prognosis is very positive - pending a few more test results - but I am struggling with how it has already impacted our relationship and our family. I'm scared…
Octriotide for a snowbird??
My dad gets octriotide injections every 2 months. When he is in Florida for the winter, he actually spends about $600 to travel back to Ohio to get the injections insisting that "my personal doctor needs to do them because they freeze and thaw and mix and...it's tricky". My girlfriend has been through breast cancer…
Looking for any kind of help
I am helping my mother, I'm her caregiver. We cohabit a home together, we have for years. Her journey started this time last year with non small cell carcinoma in her right lung. She underwent radiation for 6 weeks 5 times a week, she also has had chemo and immunotherapy. Then they found uretal cancer and had to remove it…
anger towards caregiver
Has anyone had the cancer patient take their anger and/or frustration out on the caregiver? My husband seems angry and frustrated with me when I ask a question ie What did you say? or when did you take your last meds?
November is National Family Caregivers Month
Caregiver… NOT Guilty! We the jury in the case of you giving the ultimate act of selflessness - being a caregiver… find you NOT GUILTY on all accounts! Being a caregiver is hard! There are days you are completely at your wits end, there are days you are physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. There are days you…
I think I'm making my dad's cancer worse got to handle my stress better
Hello So my dad was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer almost two years ago with a colonoscopy . The doc who did the colonoscopy told us there was no hope the tumor was to big treatment wouldn't work . I lost it I have struggled with ocd and anixety and depression and anger issues my whole life my dad was always the one…
Synovial Sarcoma Caretaker
All, forgive me if this is not the right way to post in this forum. I found the instructions vague at best, but please point me in the right direction if I'm lost. My wife was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma in her leg about 2 years ago. After the worst 24 months of our lives with aggressive chemotherapy, radiation, and…
Financial Assistance for Uterine Cancer
Hello, I am a breast cancer patient navigator. I have recently been assisting a sweet lady with uterine cancer. She has expressed that she is needing some financial assistance. However all my resources at my disposable are for breast cancer patients. Would any one of you be willing to point me in the right direction? I…
Anger Management
Anyone have good ideas how to manage anger with the patient (spouse) who does not comply with the dietary and exercise components of treatment? He feels so much better when he does, but then gets lazy and suffers setback that could have been easily avoided. It's wearing me out because I feel like I'm married to a stubborn…