Frustrated with lack of information/communication from Emory doctors
My family member is receiving treatment at Emory Winship Cancer institute, chemo and radiation, for head and neck cancer. Everyone involved in his care feels like we have to beg and plead with his doctors to give us basic information. We are constantly guessing about things, having to call, text and email to try to get…
My father-in-law is caregiver to my mother-in-law
My step mother-in-law has previously been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Throughout this excruciating process my father-in-law is her caregiver and has been as attentive as any one person is capable of. My father-in-law is also a very poor communicator whom has zero experience aiding any serious illness let alone a most…
remove post please
Pancreatic cancer- stage 4
I'm interested in chatting with other caregivers of those with pancreatic cancer
Some solutions for caregivers
I work full time and am taking care of my 78 year old mother w/stage 4 cancer. I feel like a tornado has picked me up, spun me around and slammed me into building after building. It's very difficult and I'm trying to make the best of things. I just wanted to share a few short cuts that made my life easier thus far: Google…
My 73 year old brother called me last week to tell me, in a very matter of fact tone, that he has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. And that he's not able to get radiation and/or chemo. Since our parents passed away, it's just the two of us left. His doctor has told him that he'd be confident in making plans 6…
23 years old taking care of boyfriend. No support.
Hi, I’m feeling very frustrated and alone as I support my boyfriend through cancer. I got back from a trip and told him I didn’t want to continue the relationship for personal reasons, but then he told me he got diagnosed with cancer & has no one to help him out so I stayed in the relationship. His family has completely…
mom appears to have given up
my mom was recently diagnosed with lung, colon and liver cancer two weeks ago although we suspect she has had it longer. she won't eat or take her medicine. She was given appetite stimulants, but she won't take them now. She was cooperating with us and now all she wants to do is sleep and lie in the bed. she was put in the…
Relate to others
I have read some of the various post on this forum and am so grateful to know know that others are going through the ups and down of this caregiving process. I knew it in my head but so nice to actually read others posts that I can actually relate to. I was at my wit's end last week, the stress was almost unbearable I…
Please help,need guidance, advice, opinions, anything
Where to start, this is such a complicated and long story. My mother, my best friend, my absolute everything was given four months to live yesterday with radiation on treatments on brain. The last several years I've watched this women suffer and be put thru hell and she has fought and fought! My mom is 63 years old. In…
Update on posted on another board but want to post here
I recently found a few days ago out that bf was told in the beginnng of November that he had 6 months to live. He told a few close personal friends and family, but not me. They were told not to tell me. We broke up sometime in December and he reached out to me on Xmas, New Years and last week to which I didn't respond…
My wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in February of this year. I have been by her side the whole time. I have gone to every appointment with her and spent many nights sleeping in her hospital rooms. She has an appointment with her oncologist coming up in early October. In haste I mentioned that maybe her sister…
irritated at my sick hubby
I feel awful, my husband has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer, and we're still working out treatment will be. The first response was fear and love - he could do no wrong and I wanted to take care of everything. Already I'm burning out (typical for me to take on too much) and irritated that he's leaving empty gatorade…
I can't remember who my mom was before diagnosis...anyone else experience this?
Hi im new to this but to start of, my mom got diagnosed with Breast cancer when I was 12. My memories during and after this period arent very happy and are not what i want to remember my mom by. She went into remission for a year but her cancer metasisized to her liver my freshamn year of High School. I just feel like she…
New member asking for help
Hello everyone, I don't know where to start. My father was diagnosed with NSC stage 3A lung cancer in June. I moved back to Michigan to help my sister take care of him and spend time with both him and my sister. He has had chemo, radiation, and now a lung lobectomy. He is 3 weeks post op. His oncologist said he is "cured".…
Wits end
First of all this is my first time posting but I have been reading thru these for 9 months and found it incredibly helpful. Now my husband was diagnosed with sinonasal cancer in April. Surgery followed by 7 weeks of chemo and radiation and continuing infusions 3 times a week into October a hour and a half away. New spot…
New mysteries website
Hi anyone have any information on this mysterious new website where you download your thought process and personality onto a digital avatar that comes alive when you pass. Apparently the site is being tested using 100 volunteers from one of the big charities anyone knows anything about this please let me know also do you…
angry,sad,daily life vs big picture :(
I find myself working full time, then working full time at home to take care of everything he used to ..but has since stopped ..and then also handle all the medical info, visits, etc. I can't say that I do not find time for myself because I do. It's one thing I read early on that was a must to do for ones self. I have…
The dreaded waiting period
This may be the wrong forum to post, and if it is forgive me. My husband was diagnosed early this year with stage 3 kidney cancer. The kidney was removed and we were doing great until this last scan. The scan showed a lesion on his back. Additional testing is needed to determine what this is. If it is cancer then it has…
Caregiver to boyfriend with Lymphoma
Hi all, My boyfriend is 26 and was diagnosed in October with a rare T Cell Lymphoma. I am a single mom of two boys and have a full time job. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years. Before his diagnosis I was thinking I was ready to move in with him and saw a future with him. In what seems like an…
What to get someone going through chemo/radiation?
I just posted a question in the oral cancer section and I thought maybe I should check this forum as you may have done it for a loved one. My Father in Law just had cancer surgery and had his jaw bone removed. He is going through chemo and radiation tomorrow. I am going to visit him and wanted to know if I can purchase…
First time posting
Hello, I am sitting right now at the hospital, watching my wife, my Love, my Light fade into darkness. She was diagnosed over a year ago with a particularly nasty case of AML. In the end, a nasty case of GVHD did her in. I am surrounded by friends and family and yet, I feel alone. I wish I could lay down with her so she…
when is it time for inpaitent care
looking for advise on how to help care for father in law who lives alone we are dealing with state insurance and getting the fast answers that are no help
New to forum...daughter has breast cancer
being a caregiver for my mother is making me feel resentful and angry..
my mother has gbm grade 4...it has always just been me and her...i have 1 bro and 2 sisters all older...but they kind of put caring for her all on me probably because im the youngest and since she lives with me and im not married and dont have kids..they all are married with families...in the beginning it was hard finidng…
Dying spouse hates me now.
My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 lung and brain cancer with multiple brain tumors on July 14th, and is now in the end of life stages. He has daily gone downhill these last two weeks, and can no longer stand up, even with help, and either can’t, or won’t talk to me. He has quit eating a couple of days ago, and barely…
Caregiver and tired
Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in April just before her 72nd birthday. Dad had a stroke a year earlier. I'm worn out. I'm getting behind in the housework. I try to do the right thing-after all, they took care of me when I was actively bipolar. Yet I end up feeling like nothing more than a good girl. Brother is too…
The beginning and not sure what to expect.
My dad just got diagnosed with stage IV melanoma last month after breaking his femur due to a tumor that had weakedned it. It feels like we've been getting information piecemeal and we're at the point where they're trying to figure out what kind of treatment he is a candidate for. It's been my sister and I that have taken…
Advice on newly diagnosed bf
Hello everyone!! I wanted some advice for the situation with my bf. Doctors accidentally found tumors and they were removed. (I told him it was God’s will that they were found by mistake) He told me everything was fine. About a month after the surgery he started acting strange after just meeting my kids and I thought he…
Not sure what to do
This is my first post here, so my apologies if it is not in the right place. My mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer a few years ago. At the time of diagnosis she had stopped eating and it took a long time before she was accuarately diagnosed and agreed to start treatment. She lost a lot of weight and was on…