Caregiver support-New Here

QueensFaith Member Posts: 5 Member
edited March 2023 in Caregivers #1

Good Afternoon

Hope all is well! I am new here.

My mom will be undergoing a surgical biopsy

for ADH bordering DCIS and will need radiation afterwards.

We received the news a week ago and we are trying to process it all.

I am reading researching and feel overwhelmed.

When the doctors ask “do you have any questions” I feel lost. The obvious questions come to mind about the procedure and prep for it but what other questions should I have. Sometimes it’s the questions you should ask but don’t know to ask hinder you and feeling overwhelmed you may forget to ask.

Mom has those quite moments and it’s hard trying to figure out what to do in these moments.

Thanks for reading and the support.


  • CSNSupportTeam
    CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 236

    Hello QueensFaith,

    Thank you for joining the Cancer Survivors Network and welcome. I am a member of the CSN website support team. I wanted to suggest that you also post your questions to the breast cancer discussion board, as the members on that board may have some helpful information to share.

    Best regards,


    CSN Support Team

  • QueensFaith
    QueensFaith Member Posts: 5 Member

    Happy First Day of Spring Anne,

    Many thanks and will do!

    Have a great day!

  • CSNSupportTeam
    CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 236

    Thank you very much, QueensFaith, and I also wish you a wonderful First Day of Spring!


    CSN Support Team