Is this Real?....
Hello, I am a 30 year old women that partner was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroendocrine cancer in the lungs. My story is very complicated or should I say unique...? So, I will do the best I to explain my situation. I dated a man for about two years prior to his diagnoses. The relationship was not healthy for neither one of…
Help, please
My wife (my supposed caregiver) has been melting down far past my ability to deal with. She's screaming and ranting and terrifying the dogs (and me). She's ranting about things with a previous girlfriend from when Bill Clinton was president. She's just screaming and cursing for hours. I had to call 911 last week b/c I just…
Possibly losing our marriage
My wife was diagnosed with Stage IV ovarian cancer with mets to liver and lung 5 years ago. We’re in our 40s with two kids, 8 and 11. The prognosis wasn’t great, but she got into a trial that saved her life. During that time, we moved halfway across the country to be closer to her Dr and the trial. I just wanted to do…
So confused
Well, my best friend / roommate was just officially diagnosed with metastasized lung cancer. She was coughing up blood clots on the 5th of July. Went to the emergency room who told her she had cancer. Just like that. They found it in her lungs and liver. Non cancerous lump in her breast. She has been working from home as…
October Post
I went to visit my dad that night after he was moved to his own room. One of my uncles, my parents' close friend, drove me to see my dad along with my grandparents. It was decided that my mom would return home with us. Even though I knew everything had gone fine I was still very worried and wanted to see my dad in person.…
A mom with breast cancer for the second time.
My momma was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time after being rushed to hospital because she couldn’t breathe. She’s on a type of steroids that make her very emotional, and angry, and make her cry a lot and it’s really difficult to deal with sometimes because she gets so upset. The first time she had cancer was…
struggling with my dad's cancer
Back in June we found out that my dad had prostate cancer (Gleason score 7, localized, genealogy testing is pointing towards reoccurrence in the future but we'll worry about that when the time comes). I'm 24 years old and live alone with my dad, he and my mom split back in 2016 and she lives in Arizona. I've been working…
Cancer Story part 6
All of these events were happening at a very critical time for me. I was just going into my freshman year of high school and was not ready to adjust to a completely new environment seeing the situation at home. I had plenty of friends during middle school, some of which I am still friends with today, so I had a decent…
Scared and Confussed
My wife was diagnosed with Vulvar cancer about a month ago and im still trying to process everything, im angry, im scared, i dont know what to do,,, anyone have any advice?
Child Care for Patient
My SIL is a stay at home dad undergoing chemo. He needs help with childcare for infant. Sometimes at short notice. Suggestions on how to find help. $ is limited.
Bladder cancer
My 86 dad has bladder and lung cancer they is nothing else they can do.for him and he has been having blood clots in urine making it hard to urinate he is on hospice they irrigate his bladder its so hard to watch him be sick he was a true mountain man loved hiking finding waterfalls and loved nature he waljed three miles a…
angry husband
I can not imagine what anyone feels when the doctor says those three dreaded words "you have cancer". I only know what I as a spouse and caregiver felt... devistated. That was 4 years ago. My husband of 5 years (at the time) called me at work to tell me his dr had just explained to him he did not have pneumonia as…
Concerned about my dear father and doing this all alone
Hello everyone I'm new here and my name is Sean. My dad finished his treatment about 2 1/2 weeks ago(rad and chemo). He's throwing up non stop either in my care and at his rehab facility and now at the hospital he was transferred to(high temp and high hear rate plus he just got pneumonia). I'm at my wits end in what to do.…
Is Chemo Dangerous for Caregivers?
My partner's doctors have told us to be careful around her tears or sweat when she has been given chemotherapy in the last 48 hours becuase it could cause chemo burn or be harmful to other people. At the same time, they say it's fine for me to hug and touch her as long as she isn't sweating heavily. She doesn't trust her…
Anger/Stress/Overwhelmed/In-Over My Head
couldn't figure out how to delete my post, so I'm only overwriting.
I feel dead inside...
My husbands cancer has been over (the docs told him there was only a 5 percent chance of it ever coming back) had and neck cancer. He sits all day long, his teeth are gone, yet he refuses to go and get any dentistry done. He has always been difficult to live with, emotionally abusive. He was so mean to mean during the…
New to caregiving
Hi, I am new to this site and new to being a caregiver for someone with cancer. My mom has had two types if cancer in the last year. First she had lung cancer, which they removed part of her lung for that one and it is totaly gone but it was surgery and done. Now she is battling esphogeal cancer and this time she has to…
How do you help a cancer patient who is losing their will to live?
My father was diagnosed with stage 4 rectal cancer in July 2020, with mets on his lungs. He was told he had 3-6months to live without treatment or 3-5 years with. He began having trouble relieving his bowels in December of 2019. In June he passed out outside our home, when taken to the er they discovered a large brain…
Stage 4 & not the woman I married anymore
Omg what is going on? Married 24 years,the last three have been tough. Midlife crisis? Fighting? Then she was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer only theee weeks ago. Inoperable, mets to liver, lungs, spine,adrenal glands and 9 inch tumor in her chest that's strangling her bronchial tubes were getting radiochemo but…
Living with an abusive cancer patient/survivor
My boyfriend has had cancer (skull-base chondrosarcoma) since he was 13 years old (he is turning 40 this year). Because of cancer he has had more than 18 surgeries and radiations. He has lost one eye, forehead bone, eye socket, lost the ability to blink, lost ability to produce tears, lived with severe pain, has to take…
Anyone else feel totally numb
Hi all, My husband was diagnosed with rectal cancer in Dec 2016. Metastized to liver and lungs June 2018. Has has surgery, chemo, radiation, chemo, more chemo and now on an immunotherapy trial. In 2018 he had a number of small bowel blockages that resulted in hospitalizations....after being taken to the hospital in the…
Patients rights -
requesting a move to another hospital . Is there a form in ontario to do this?
Caregiving to 2nd Spouse (1st died in2003)Caregiving and Upcoming Hospice Care
Hello, I stumbled across this site today...I am currently caring for my 2nd spouse who has leukemia. He will be entering hospice care soon. My first husband died in 2003 from lung cancer, leaving me to raise 2 children. The children are grown and on their own so this situation is different, but I'm finding I'm struggling…
New here, partner diagnosed with TC
Hello, I just created my account because my boyfriend of 2.5 years was diagnosed with testicular cancer yesterday and he's getting surgery to remove the testicle in 2 days. I know TC is one of the more easily treatable diagnoses so I'm trying to be as calm and positive as I can but I'm still terrified. Because of COVID, I…
Caregivers, can you give me some advice?
Dear Caregivers, whatever would we do without you? So, I am heading down the road for needing care, not right away, but by the middle or end of 2020. As I think about how to do this, let me say I am a cancer warrior since 1997. My children were in their 20's then, and I managed to not need any care except during and after…
Sister's cancer is back
Hi all. My sister's leukemia came back again. She was first diagnosed in 2015, went through chemo / maintenance chemo for the next 4 years, and was finally starting to live her life again when it came back last month. She's pretty young - only now in her early 30's - and it kills me that this is happening to her. I wish…
What can we do to make caregivers forum more active?
I am guilty of not participating very much. I know it bothers me when I respond to someone and they dont follow up with a comment, to tell us how they are doing. I wish that didn't bother me, but it does. I know we do need to be careful here because what we write is public. I want to feel a fellowship with other caregivers…
I have basically had a mental break down
Hello, I am a husband of a cancer patient who has been battling stage three cervical cancer. It has really been extremely difficult. Our marriage has been a little rocky for the ten years we have been together. There was an infidelity in the very early part of our relationship (we were not married at the time when my…
Sister’s behavior
My sister has stage IV cancer. The doctors have run out of options for her. She has a great deal of emotions which is expected. We as her family understand this and try to support her, however some of them are directed towards us. When she is angry, she becomes verbally abusive. When her behavior is called to her…
this was originally a topic on how rough it is and how you get treated but I had to delete most of the subject matter for privacy reasons. best of luck to all in this battle. it's brutal and they can be downright mean. she says absolutely horrible things to me like you will read below. it wasnt that bad initially but it…