Cancer may be wrecking my marriage
I love my wife more than ever, and I am afraid that though her cancer prognosis is fairly good (keeping our fingers crossed), I may now lose my marriage. In both my wife's and my opinion, we had an excellent marriage before the cancer. Now she tells me constantly that I "can't understand" what she is going through, that I…
Caregiver-Spouse with cancer is mad at me
In October I posted the same subject; but now that my wife is at the end of her chemo I now need some caregiver support and advise. After her last chemo, she has portrayed me as "not being there" for her, being basically selfish, and delegating duties to others. She said she just wanted me to be there for her. I did go on…
Support for Caregivers
My mom was diagnosed with colon cancer which has spread to her liver on February 1. She stayed with us until Father's Day so I could care for her while I was pregnant (baby girl born May 2) and caring for my 2 year old son! Talk about stress! I'm glad to say that she is doing ok on chemo and can take care of herself now…
Dont know what to do!
My mom was diagnosed with stage 4c colon cancer this time last year. It had metastasized to her liver. She did a years worth of chemo. 2 weeks ago we found out it wasn't working. She is now in hospice care at home and waiting to get into a nursing home. She is on some pain meds and has severe anxiety. I am trying…
Feeling pushed out
My spouse was recently diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. It has been an emotional rollercoaster, because the diagnosis was so unexpected. He went to the ER for breathing troubles, and we thought he might have pneumonia but it turned out to be much more serious. He had already been to several doctors who ignored his concerns…
Exhausted, Needs Support
My grandma has had stage 4 lung cancer since May of this year and it is steadily getting worse since a tumor is causing fluid to build up by one lung. In the beginning my mom promised I wouldn't go through it alone this time because I live with my grandma and was her full time caregiver at one point. Now I've grown older,…
I filed for divorce
Hi all, Like the headline says, I filed for divorce a few weeks ago. I am the main caregiver to my 29 year old husband. A week after we were married Mark had a seizure in Sept 08 and a MRI revealed a brain tumor. It turned out to be a grade 3 oligoastrocytoma. You all know the feeling and emotions that come with a cancer…
Husband has cancer; how do I handle my feelings?
I’m not sure where to start but my husband is 33 and was diagnosed with Stage IV appendix cancer in November 2018. It was a rough 7 months while he was healing from a big surgery then chose to go through intravenous chemo but he has not had recent growth and is taking the pill form as “maintenance” chemo now. I am super…
after treatment issues
My husband completed treatment in December 2018. He has memory and concentration issues. He gets angry about it and he takes it out on me - nothing physical. I don't know how to deal with this. I don't know how to calm him down. I need suggestions
A relatable tribute for you all
https://youtu.be/AwWDWd0VIf8 If you don't want to read all about my song and tribute to my mom who died of throat cancer then just copy and paste the youtube link and listen to the song. My name is Christy. I was the daughter of a wonderful loving person. My mom, Christine. My mom died on November 15th, 2018 from throat…
Should I Stay Or Should I Go
Hi its been awhile since Ive posted but alittle background my husband went through tongue cancer and hes coming up on 3 yrs cancer free. It was a rough couple of yrs for us both but more for him of course. We had recently moved 225 miles from family so I had no help from anyone and am hurt noone came to see him, now I see…
Personality Change
Good Afternoon, I was hoping someone could shed some light on personality changes. My wife finally had her last treatment, port was removed and her prognosis is very good. Her personality has changed though. She now contradicts the majority of things I say, she'll talk over me or others in conversations, she talks to me…
Sudden Anxiety
Hello, I'm new here. I have been looking for answers for how to deal with some things with my mom. She was diagnosed with Stage 4B Colon Cancer in February of this year. She had been severely ill a few months leading up to finding this diagnosis. She was a very independent person for many years. She has had 12 chemo…
New Here
Hi, I just joined. My husband was diagnosed with stage IV Melanoma in August 2018. He was taken off treatment (Opdivo) last month due to side effects. The meds caused a bout of colitis that seems to have resolved with steroids. The treatment also caused type 1 diabetes so now he is insulin dependent and dealing with that.…
Day by Day
i have been caring for my 85 year old mother for 10 years now. Two and a half years ago she developed cancer on one of her vocal chords which was treated by radiation. after treatment was complete she went for check up and they found cancer in one of her lungs which they also treated with radiation. After that treatment…
Not sure where to post this.
I'm sorry, i am not sure where to put this. But i'm looking for information. I've been dragging this with me for to long and the internet is chaos. My father was diagnosed with cancer (lymphoma NH and lungcancer) late 2012. He died quickly, in januari 2014, a day after his 73rd birthday, not being a shade of the man he…
I am SO angry at him!
Backstory: I have been married to my husband for 17 years now. We have 2 children together and each have one child from a previous marriage. The 2 oldest kids are both out of the house and the 2 youngest are 19 and 16 and still living with us. My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer in March of 2017 and underwent a…
It needs to be different this time.
This is my grandma's third time having cancer. Years ago she had a double mastectomy to get rid of breast cancer, then it turned into lung cancer so she had another surgery and chemotherapy. And now, five years since the last round of chemo, the lung cancer is back at stage four. She raised me and neither of us get along…
Remission Depression?
Maybe someone can help me withthis. My husband has been in remission from tongue cancer for 2 years now. His mouth hurts terribly and he says his whole body hurts terribly. All of his scans show he is cancer free and the doc said he only has a 20 percent chance of the cancer coming back at this point. The thing is.... he…
new caregiver.
Hi everyone. My best friend was told that she had a brain tumre. She hasn't told anyone, except me, yet. The time the doctor told her of it was 6 months ago. It was also her last visit to the doctor. She says she is "too busy" to go. I have only known for about 3 months. We are very close, but we hardly see each other…
Feel guilty for living far away
When I was 24, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. After surgery, chemo, and radiation, the cancer went into remission. But the cancer came back. We found out about two years ago that my mom has metastatic breast cancer, and her health has been up and down ever since. She was OK for a while, but the past 6 months have…
Counseling question
I have a question for those that have dealt with, or been dealing with, this and getting counseling for themselves. If the person you are caring for (in my case my husband) refuses to get any counseling for themselves, and you do, does it really help? I get that counseling for yourself is important and I am going to set…
Caregiver Survivor
To: American Cancer Society The following is an essay I wrote to the treatment center where my husband was treated for pancreatic cancer. I am of the belief there is a gap in our follow-up care for surviving caregivers. We are left scarred by the cancer process and unfortunately, have to re-build a life after our loved one…
How to support my husband through my treatment?
I hope its ok that i posted this here - Im not a caregiver but need advice from caregivers. My husband's first wife died young of breast cancer. Last week I was diagnosed with lymphoma. All I could say when we heard the news was "I am so sorry to do this to you". I am very positive that I will be just fine (maybe a bit of…
Husband will not accept diagnosis
I'll preface this by saying that I am new to cancer and have been fortunate not to have any experience with cancer. Until January 2019 when the opthamologist found an orange sized brain tumor in my husband. He had a crainiotomy almost immediately after finding the tumor. They were not able to remove the full tumor and left…
I am so tired
Most of the time I am good at handling everything that God has dealt out, but not today. I am so tired and am wearing down. My own health is failing me miserably and I feel myself slipping back into depression. I hate that place, I don't want to be there! I worked so hard to come off of all the meds and was doing great,…
Am I the right one for this job?
My husband had been diagnosed with cancer of the larynex last Thursday, still waiting for PET scan for full staging etc. He will be given radiation 5days per week and chemo once per week. Prior to this we were heading fast to a divorce because of his alcoholism. Now we are here, very hard to put away the bad feelings, we…
Do They Know?
This is something I amd my children have gone on and on about- Did my wife know just how bad things were? No not after diagnosis but before that. My Dad died from pancraetic cancer and my Mom and I always wondered if he knew anything-felt anything-perhaps feared anything before it became known? Is there something inside of…
Nobody cares how I’m doing
My wife was diagnosed almost 7 years ago with colorectal cancer. Since it has metastasized to lungs and liver and she is stage 4. Her condition hasn’t exactly been improving in recent weeks and months and my nerves are shot to say the least. This May sound awful but I’m not sure where else to turn. For the last 7 year’s…
Caregiver Guilt & Regret
My poor wife of 37 years was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that had mets to her brain in the form of 20 tumors. We got this devastating diagnosis 2 days before our 2nd daughters wedding which she missed and I trudged through broken hearted all night. My wife had immmediate surgery to have a shunt placed to alleviate…