Caregiver Guilt
I am a new cancer caregiver for my husband who was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. Many times throughout the day I find myself planning for his death and what I will do if he passes away. I feel so guilty for thinking these things. I feel so selfish. I am frightened, angry, distraught, and overwhelmed. I love him so…
It's been a year and I'm still falling apart
Apologies for the long backround here and thank you in advance if you read it all. My Mother was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer (spread throughout her liver) in November of 2017. Rather than a "normal" diagnosis after colonoscopy results, it was a week's worth of trauma. After a major bleed in September and her…
Reviews of cancer treatment
Reviews of cancer treatment: Advanced minimally invasive technologies, such as interventional therapy, cryotherapy, biological immunotherapy, etc., which bring hope for many cancer patients. Compared with traditional cancer treatments, it kills cancer cells precisely with few side effects, quick recovery and no harm to…
Feeling lost my furry caregiver passed away
I thought this might be too silly to post, but figured I should since this is why we are all here. I am a caregiver to my husband. Throughout the rocky road the past couple years, my one stable support was our little kitty Daisy. She had little tiny shoulders, but they held so much. She just passed away yesterday and I…
Day Trip or Me Time Ideas and Suggestions
In 2014 my wife and I moved to our new house we had just built. Before we had unpacked she suffered a major stroke that left her totally disabled. Now spring ahead to 2017 and she was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. We are just living a day at a time but Im burnt out. Between a full-time job and being the primary…
I’m new
In July my husband found out he had lung cancer. We were devastated. In August he had a small lung wedge resection because they needed a better biopsy. A pleural catheter was put in to keep the fluid from building up And also on oxygen 24/7 at home. It turns out he has a very rare cancer, arcinic cell carcinoma of the…
Am I wrong?
My husbands family is driving me to the brink of insanity! His brother I ended up blocking his number because I can not listen to him anymore. Everytime he visits or calls he is drunk beyond control and he starts babbling that he can't loose his brother, he would have to step up and raise the boys, that it's becomng real…
New Caregiver responsibility
I am scared for my husband everyday. I love him so much and trying to help him all i can. This is new and a nightmare. My husband apologizes to me and I tell him it is not his fault. I try to make sure he eats and be supportive for him. There are days that I want to cry all day. There are days I see him teary eyes and I…
Back again
My boyfriend (Who has cancer) and I broke up in after being together about a year and a half. We found out he had stage 4 cancer after being together for a year and things went haywire for us once he started chemo. We got back together after a month (He initiated contact and went above and beyond to prove to me that he…
I have read plenty of blogs to know, I am not alone when it comes to agressive/negative/angry behaviors that come from the cancer patient after treatment. I just didn't think it would be as many as I have read. Nor would I think a year and half through this, I would be blogging and crying over finding myself in a…
I need a vacation!
I just want to pack my bags and hop on the next plane out of here! I am just so over this. My husband won't talk, my mother is on my last possible nerve and my kids literally just had a fist fight right in front of me. When I pulled them apart one of my sons hit my arm! I am at my wits end ya'll, I really don't think I can…
Everything on this board is true
I haven't been on for a while. My husband lost his battle on 10/31/17 (yep - Halloween. He always had a weird sense of humor) after I dedicated four years to caring for him. I retired from a job I loved shortly after he got his diagnosis in October 2014. He had a rare sarcoma and we both knew that it would be a battle -…
To our fellow caregiver - Catholic
"Please tell me my future" Catholic - The question in your reply/post on July 3rd touched me so deeply I felt the need to share my vision of your future - It is only my vision so take what you may from this........... You will live a life of no regrets. Understanding that you did the very best you possibly could given the…
Jevity 1.5 to donate
I have unopened cases of Jevity 1.5 that I would like to donate to someone who is in need of this. I know how expensive it could be especially if the insurance companies do not cover it. Anyone that is in need of this, please reply. Long Island-NY area. Thanks.
My mom just got diagnosed, but I'm going to college
My mom just got diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Well, she was diagnosed a month ago, but she just told me now. I already knew basically, since she's been getting tested a lot and going to appointments, but now it's official. The problem is, I'm going to college in the fall. I fell in love with Tulane in New Orleans,…
Feel as I am stopping hims
Good afternoon, this is my first time writing. I am my husbands caregiver,he has colon cancer which has metisized to his lungs and liver, doctor said he will be on chemo for the rest of his life. He retired last year at 64 yrs old, he has always been a busy person so this has taken a toll on him going to chemo every other…
Good evening folks. Thanks for tuning in. Well, my mom was diagnosed with triple negative neuro endocrine breast cancer in May of 2016. She had a lumpectomy done in January of 2017, followed up with 2 rounds of chemo and stronger chemo plus radation to that area. SO...here we are, two whole years later and she is diagnosed…
Posted on another forum but would like to post here :(
I posted here a in regards to my boyfriend with stage 4 kidney cancer (Thank you everyone for your response I have been having problems posting)… He had a doctor appointment after his first round of chemo to get a prognosis and that week he had me at arm’s length and two days after his doctor appointment (Which he claimed…
New Caregiver*Kotsansis Institute* boyfriend's throat chemo & radiation treatment
Hello, I'm reaching out in hopes that someone else may or may not be experiencing the same story but would like to share their experience with me. He, boyfriend is at Kotsansis Institute right now learning about things that can help him during the radiation and chemo treatment which will be starting on June 13th. We both…
what to do when you still love someone who has become aggressive and distant
in May of 2017 my partner John found out he had a brain tumour. Type 2 . before this last year he had been a totally different person, he has changed from the tumor and the operation. on the midst of his diagnosis I was pregnant with our son. His symptoms of irritability increased right at the same time I had told him I…
Melenoma and yervoy
My hudband just started taking yervoy. We've only had one treatment. He developed a severe rash after 1 week. Started taking steroids and they seem to be helping some. Curious what others are doing to help with the horrible itching? Also would like to hear others stories about their yervoy treatment and what side effects…
Am I being unreasonable?
My husband is undergoing chemo & targeted therapy for CRC, thus is essentially missing a day of work every week. I do not want to be mad at him, Lord only knows what our future holds, but right now I kind of want to ring his neck. (figurativly not litterally). I am having a lot of abdominal issues, so I went to my GI…
help navigating conversations about money & projects
in a nutshell... i'm the caregiver for my BFF, who is terminal and pretty far gone cognitively. we live on neighboring houses on the same property. that is, we share expenses related to the property. she has no family, so i'm "it" for her. if things were different, i'd have walked away by now because this whole carer thing…
Mom’s been actively dying for over week now... how to comfort/awful to watch!
Hi, i’m posting because I don’t know how to support my mom or ensure her last moments are joyous ones. She stopped verbal communication over a week ago. When she’s in extreme pain while she’s being bathed in bed she’ll say something but that’s about it. I’ve been by her bedside pretty much non-stop since mid-March (so in…
The "I don't want to know" parent
I posted more about this on "emotional support", maybe that was the wrong board. My mother is 89 years old. She was in the hospital for a gallstone and told me today that she has pancreatic cancer and doesn't think she wants to treat it. (which would give her a life expectancy of perhaps four months). I am her only…
Feeding Tips
Hello, does anyone have any tips for feeding someone who does not want the PEG? My husband has base of tongue cancer and it has become very challenging getting him to eat anything. He says everything tastes like soap, and the texture is like snot, so eating is like trying to chew and swallow soap-flavored snot. Thanks for…
Fed up
I’m becoming quite fed up but have never considered myself a quitter. My husband has non Hodgkin lymphoma complicated by his type 1 diabetes. He was diagnosed after one year of us being married ( both our second marriages) he has been going through weekly chemotherapy for over a year now. It’s gotten to the point its too…
Tired and frustrated
Well 9 months into cancer. cancer is Back in the locations they previously did surgery. Surgery isn’t a option or more radiation. 2 weeks ago we were told this. Pet scan today and appt with the oncologist. I leave feeling very frustrated. I am at the point I just want them to leave him alone. His has been thru a lot. We…
Anger & Extreme Negativity Towards Caregivers
Where to start! My brother was diagnosed with esophageal cancer last October and since then things have not gone well. The cancer did not respond to chemo and instead spread to his abdominal cavity and lungs, meaning it's inoperable. In January he was told he probably has two years with chemo to prolong his life, which was…
Did or do you have a social worker during cancer experience?
Dear Community, I am a cancer patient and law professor and I am now writing about the availability of social workers after diagnosis. I did not know that such resources were available, and am now wondering how many in our community accesses social work services. My questions are: 1) did you have a social worker; 2) if…