very scared!
I have recently found lumps in my breast, larger ones in my left breast as well as several lymph nodes under my left arm and thru out my left breast. I am a survior of Thyroid cancer. I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer in Jan of 2006. I am do for my body scan Sept 2006, they believe it has come back. I have gone…
My first day here!
Hello all, i'm 45, married and have 2 sons, 15 and 8. I found a lump in my breast the last week in July, I have no idea of the date, it's still a blur. On August 14th I had a lumpectomy, my tumor was 2.7 centimeters. i start chemo this coming Wednesday. My doctor warned me that I will lose my hair quickly. So today I went…
What is the recurrence rate for Stage IIIa?
I see lots of information on survival rates but...... what percent of survivors experience a recurrence of cancer? Can't seem to figure that number out. I am a 3 year survivor and struggle with "what is just age and abuse to your body" and what is a symptom that you should contact your doctor. Where is that balance?
Need help finding my sister who has breast cancer
My younger sister and i had a falling out a few years ago and have not spoken since. I have an email account that I hardly ever use and just a few days ago I checked that account and found an email from my sister telling me that she has stage 4 breast cancer. It was dated August 9th. I emailed her back and called the last…
Need help finding my sister who has breast cancer
My younger sister and i had a falling out a few years ago and have not spoken since. I have an email account that I hardly ever use and just a few days ago I checked that account and found an email from my sister telling me that she has stage 4 breast cancer. It was dated August 9th. I emailed her back and called the last…
Down to my last Herceptin treatment for cancer. Made it through chemo and radiation while continuing to teach, but I feel in worse pain now due to nerve, muscle, and joint pain. Anybody else with this experience and advice? It's really wearing me out.
Thx 4 all bday wishes!!!!
It was sooo sweet being 43! Looking forward to 44. did well all day, faultered after dinner with family. kept wondering if i'd make it to 44. i say YYEEESSSS!!!! it's rough though. my history is stage IIbc, negnode aggressive, diag in 04, did 4 mons AC(Taxotere). Now in reoccurrence, 2cm, negnode, non-mets, non-estro…
Reeling...Hello again all
I have had an eventful summer. Still dealing with all the job crap. New boss is a nightmare, I am out on medical leave and fighting for my company disability plan and have filed an EEOC claim. Went through a horrible bout of ischemic colitis with a two week hospital stay but, that is not what has me reeling. Girls, we got…
Hi, I'm a stage IIb BC survivor, but recently I've been dealing with a lot of back & hip pain. I have herniated a disk a couple of times in the past that sits on my siactic nerve and causes pain down my leg, but this recent bout of back pain is very different. It's a constant pain from the center of my back out to my hips,…
Thank you to everyone that has given me advice, encouragement, and their blessing. This is the first support group I have even discussed my situation with. I should be very grateful that I have beaten stage IV Inflammatory Breast Cancer because we all know that is the "Forbidden Beast". When I saw my oncologist last week…
I finished my treatment with FEC (3 chemo sessions) and I am starting taxotere September 7. Anyone has experience with that. I read a lot about Taxol but not about taxotere (I guess similar but from an European tree). If anyone had problems with the nails, when that started, just with the first session or after several.…
Well I was doing fine until they gave me neulasta. I have run a fever between 101 and 103, and severe chills. My blood work was really good. I am not going to take it again, adn they agree. Feel like someone beat me to death. My body reacts badly to some drugs, and high fever is one of the signs. I feel awful. Blood work…
MY 43RD BIRTHDAY!!!! 8/30
first diag. in 04. had reoccurrence & mastectomy 6/6/06. now doing chemo. so happy to reach another birthday. i know no day is promised to us but just wanted to say i give all the glory to god for reaching 43. i'm broke, no job, fighting for disability but happy, happy, happy!!! thank you lord!!!! yvette
Re-done Lumpectomy
I had 6 chemo treatments this summer to shrink my tumor before lumpectomy. I had my lumpectomy 2 weeks ago, Lymph nodes negative, but now have to go back because Dr. found PRE-CANCER cells near my chest wall. Has anyone ever had this done? I am getting alittle freaked out!!!! Thanks, Aimee
youngibc - how did they treat the chest tumor?
I asked in the original string but I don't think you saw it. Did they use chemo? If so, what kind? Or did they do surgery?
billswife... How are you Doing?
Haven't heard from you lately and I knew it should be time for you to start working with your Doctors on surgery. Just wanted to you know we are thinking about you. Take care... God Bless. Susan
Life after treatment
Could anyone please tell me how to get through the day without every thought revolving around breast cancer. I was diagnosed in July 05', I was pregnant, 6 weeks away from delivery and only 32 years old. I had stage 4 Inflammatory Breast Cancer. I had 6 months radiation, followed by surgery (mastectomy) and the removal of…
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Hi Ladies, During my recent oncology check up (now once yearly) my doc discovered that I'm anemic. Quite a surprise. My only symptoms had been fairly mild: 1. I'd taken up crunching ice, which I've never done before. 2. I'd get an occasional muscle cramp in my upper or lower leg upon physical exertion. 3. I noticed over…
New to the Forum
Hi All. Grandmother & Mother are both Breast Cancer Survivors. My wife & I just recently had our first daughter and I don't know much about the disease ... Is it hereditary? I actually just got out of the hospital from my second brain surgery to remove a brain tumor, so I am paranoid about my daughters health! These forums…
Celebration on the Hill in less than 3 weeks!
My journey to Washington, DC is less than 3 weeks from now....September 20 is the 'big relay' day. If there is someone you all would like to buy (sorry, it's $10 each) a luminaria for, you can go to http://celebrationonthehill.org/ and click on the luminaria button. These will be part of the walk of silence/hope around the…
I'm a STAR, revisited!
Check out September Reader's Digest, page 14...'You said it'....letters to the editor...."WHY ME". THIS is ME in Rancho Cucamonga...yea yea yea! (Autographs will be given during the hours of 1 and 3 am....rofl) Hugs to all my people, Kathi
Visable Tumors Multiplying Daily
I was wondering if anyone else had such aggressive cancer and lived to tell about it? I have had all kinds of surgeries, chemos, and radiation, but I still have little tumors popping up on my chest and side daily. I am waiting for my blood count to go up and then they are going to try two newer chemo drugs on me. But it is…
I start Radiation tomorrow..........
Markers last Wednesday, tattoos today and first treatment tomorrow. Thanks for the warnings on the marker appointments, yes it was difficult to lay there perfectly still for an hour! LoVonna
How to cope
Everybody says time. I do agree, but I too am faced with one more surgery in December. RECONSTRUCTION. I am very much looking forward to that. I try to joke and think "How many 33 yr olds get a tummy tuck and a boob job" However, it scares me that now that I am done with treatment we are nut running a series of tests just…
Too funny...had to pass it along...
A nurse was on duty in the Emergency Room, when a young woman with purple hair styled into a punk rocker Mohawk, sporting a variety of tattoos, and wearing strange clothing, entered. It was quickly determined that the patient had acute appendicitis, so she was scheduled for immediate surgery. When she was completely…
Hi everyone, Well first I want to say how much I have apprciated all the response and support you have given me on this site. You are all AWESOME. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life.I start Chemo at 11:00 A.M. Eastern Standard Time. Blessing to everyone. Toni
Arimidex? Evista? Tamoxifine?
I just saw the oncologist, she wants me to be on one of the above meds, I think her first choice is Arimidex. It's so expensive compared to the other 2! I was on Tamoxifine for about a year and 1/2, I ended up going off it cuz I kept getting ovarian cysts - last summer I had my ovaries out and never went back on anything.…
Problems removing port
Hi everyone... I'm happy to report that my 3 month checkup was perfect. I want to thank everyone on the board for all the encouragement and support. We are all sisters in this fight and we all have this common battle. My question is for my sister who tried to have her port removed. (Both she and I were diagnosed). She's a…
Xeloda - thanks for the info dbqueen!
Thank you dbqueen for your info about Xeloda. I had stage 2 breast cancer in 2000 and it popped up in my bones (spine and hip) in 2005. I've been on Herceptin and had some radiation on three spots but my Med Onc doesn't want me to Radiate anymore ...at least for a while. Since I work and I think I am still realatively…
BC survivor w/o chemo treatment
Anyone out there who didn't do chemo although it was recommended? And how are you doing?